1. Motivations
    1. burning desires
    2. internal motivations
    3. Sujet flottant
  2. Power
    1. Sport exercises
    2. Respiration
    3. Nutrition
  3. Discipline
    1. Read these things every day and say before it"I can"
    2. Write 10 things that you want do butt you don't maintain it
    3. Respect always your appointments
  4. visualization
    1. Write 10 things that you want acheive
    2. Don't leave person steals your dreams
  5. Competence
    1. Presence to two tuition every year
    2. Invest the time by reading books
  6. Action
    1. Write 3 goals that you want acheive
    2. Make a plan for your goals
    3. Don't compare your self with person
  7. Commitment
    1. Go early to work and come back the last one
    2. Help your family in the homework
  8. Expectation
    1. Start your day with positif expactation
    2. Say always"i expect a good day "
  9. Patience
    1. Write an obstacle that face you
    2. Search 5 ways that you can use to win it
  10. Flexibility
    1. Write 3 plans that can help you to acheive your goal
    2. Expect advance the obstacles that can face you and try to solve it