1. SAYETH-ALL
        1. These things sayeth he that
          1. 1. holdeth the seven stars in his right hand
          2. Revelation 02:01
          3. 2. walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
          4. Revelation 02:01
          5. 3. is he first and the last
          6. Revelation 02:08
          7. Isaiah 41:04
          8. Isaiah 44:06
          9. Revelation 01:17
          10. 4. was dead
          11. Revelation 02:08
          12. 5. is alive
          13. Revelation 02:08
          14. 6. hath the sharp sword with two edges
          15. Revelation 02:12
          16. Revelation 01:16
          17. Revelation 02:16
          18. 7. is the Son of God
          19. Revelation 02:18
          20. 8. hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
          21. Revelation 02:18
          22. Revelation 01:14-15
          23. 9. hath feet are like fine brass
          24. Revelation 02:18
          25. Revelation 01:14-15
          26. 10. hath the seven Spirits of God
          27. Revelation 03:01
          28. Revelation 01:04
          29. 11. hath the seven stars
          30. Revelation 03:01
          31. Revelation 01:16
          32. 12. is holy
          33. Revelation 03:07
          34. 13. is true
          35. Revelation 03:07
          36. 14. hath the key of David
          37. Revelation 03:07
          38. Revelation 01:18
          39. 15. openeth, and no man shutteth
          40. Revelation 03:07
          41. Isaiah 22:22
          42. 16. shutteth, and no man openeth
          43. Revelation 03:07
          44. Job 12:14
          45. Isaiah 22:22
          46. 17. is the Amen
          47. Revelation 03:14
          48. 18. is the faithful witness
          49. Revelation 03:14
          50. Revelation 01:05
          51. Revelation 01:15
          52. 19. is the true witness
          53. Revelation 03:14
          54. Revelation 03:07
          55. 20. is the beginning of the creation of God
          56. Revelation 03:14
          57. Colossians 01:15
      2. SAYETH by CHURCH
        1. 1-Ephesus
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 1. holdeth the seven stars in his right hand
          3. Revelation 02:01
          4. 2. walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
          5. Revelation 02:01
        2. 2-Smyrna
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 3. is he first and the last
          3. Revelation 02:08
          4. Isaiah 41:04
          5. Isaiah 44:06
          6. Revelation 01:17
          7. 4. was dead
          8. Revelation 02:08
          9. 5. is alive
          10. Revelation 02:08
        3. 3-Pergamos
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 6. hath the sharp sword with two edges
          3. Revelation 02:12
          4. Revelation 01:16
          5. Revelation 02:16
        4. 4-Thyatira
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 7. is the Son of God
          3. Revelation 02:18
          4. 8. hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire
          5. Revelation 02:18
          6. Revelation 01:14-15
          7. 9. hath feet are like fine brass
          8. Revelation 02:18
          9. Revelation 01:14-15
        5. 5-Sardis
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 10. hath the seven Spirits of God
          3. Revelation 03:01
          4. Revelation 01:04
          5. 11. hath the seven stars
          6. Revelation 03:01
          7. Revelation 01:16
        6. 6-Philadelphia
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 12. is holy
          3. Revelation 03:07
          4. 13. is true
          5. Revelation 03:07
          6. 14. hath the key of David
          7. Revelation 03:07
          8. Revelation 01:18
          9. 15. openeth, and no man shutteth
          10. Revelation 03:07
          11. Isaiah 22:22
          12. 16. shutteth, and no man openeth
          13. Revelation 03:07
          14. Job 12:14
          15. Isaiah 22:22
        7. 7-Laodicea
          1. These things sayeth he that
          2. 17. is the Amen
          3. Revelation 03:14
          4. 18. is the faithful witness
          5. Revelation 03:14
          6. Revelation 01:05
          7. Revelation 01:15
          8. 19. is the true witness
          9. Revelation 03:14
          10. Revelation 03:07
          11. 20. is the beginning of the creation of God
          12. Revelation 03:14
          13. Colossians 01:15
      1. 1-Ephesus
        1. Revelation 02:01-07
      2. 2-Smyrna
        1. Revelation 02:08-11
      3. 3-Pergamos
        1. Revelation 02:12-17
      4. 4-Thyatira
        1. Revelation 02:18-29
      5. 5-Sardis
        1. Revelation 03:01-06
      6. 6-Philadelphia
        1. Revelation 03:07-13
      7. 7-Laodicea
        1. Revelation 03:14-22
    1. 1-Ephesus
      1. Revelation 02:02-03
      2. thy labour
        1. Revelation 02:02
      3. thy patience
        1. Revelation 02:02
      4. canst not bear them which are evil
        1. Revelation 02:02
      5. tried/tested self proclaimed apostles
        1. Revelation 02:02
      6. found self proclaimed apostles to be liars
        1. Revelation 02:02
      7. borne
        1. Revelation 02:03
      8. patience
        1. Revelation 02:03
      9. hate deeds of Nicolaitans
        1. Revelation 02:03
      10. laboured my name's sake
        1. Revelation 02:03
      11. not fainted
        1. Revelation 02:03
    2. 2-Smyrna
      1. Revelation 02:09
      2. tribulation
        1. Revelation 02:09
      3. poverty
        1. Revelation 02:09
      4. blasphemy of false Jews
        1. Revelation 02:09
      5. synagogue of Satan
        1. Revelation 02:09
    3. 3-Pergamos
      1. Revelation 02:13
      2. dwell where Satan's seat is
        1. Revelation 02:13
      3. hold fast Christ's name
        1. Revelation 02:13
      4. not denied Christ's faith
        1. Revelation 02:13
      5. not denied Christ's faith during time of Antipas
        1. Revelation 02:13
    4. 4-Thyatira
      1. Revelation 02:19
      2. charity
        1. Revelation 02:19
      3. service
        1. Revelation 02:19
      4. faith
        1. Revelation 02:19
      5. patience
        1. Revelation 02:19
      6. works
        1. Revelation 02:19
      7. last works more than the first
        1. Revelation 02:19
    5. 5-Sardis
      1. Revelation 03:01
      2. hast a name that thou livest
        1. Revelation 03:01
      3. art dead
        1. Revelation 03:01
    6. 6-Philadelphia
      1. Revelation 03:08 & 10
      2. thou hast a little strength
        1. Revelation 03:08
      3. kept the word of Christ
        1. Revelation 03:08
      4. not denied Christ's name
        1. Revelation 03:08
      5. kept the word of Christ's patience
        1. Revelation 03:10
    7. 7-Laodicea
      1. Revelation 03:15
      2. NO GOOD WORKS
        1. Revelation 03:15
    1. 1-Ephesus
      1. Revelation 02:04
      2. I have somewhat against thee
        1. Revelation 02:04
      3. thou hast left thy first love
        1. Revelation 02:04
    2. 2-Smyrna
      1. Revelation 02:08-11
      2. NO FAULTS
        1. Revelation 02:08-11
    3. 3-Pergamos
      1. Revelation 02:14-15
      2. I have a few things against thee
        1. Revelation 02:14
      3. hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam
        1. Revelation 02:14
      4. hast there them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans
        1. Revelation 02:15
    4. 4-Thyatira
      1. Revelation 02:20
      2. I have a few things against thee
        1. Revelation 02:20
      3. sufferest that woman Jezebel to teach
        1. Revelation 02:20
      4. sufferest that woman Jezebel to seduce my servants to commit fornication
        1. Revelation 02:20
    5. 5-Sardis
      1. Revelation 03:02
      2. works not perfect before God
        1. Revelation 03:02
    6. 6-Philadelphia
      1. Revelation 03:08-13
      2. NO FAULTS
        1. Revelation 03:08-13
    7. 7-Laodicea
      1. Revelation 03:15-17
      2. I know thy works
        1. Revelation 03:15
      3. neither cold nor hot
        1. Revelation 03:15
      4. lukewarm
        1. Revelation 03:16
      5. thou sayest I
        1. am rich
          1. Revelation 03:17
        2. am increased with goods
          1. Revelation 03:17
        3. have need of nothing
          1. Revelation 03:17
      6. knowest not that thou art
        1. wretched
          1. Revelation 03:17
        2. miserable
          1. Revelation 03:17
        3. poor
          1. Revelation 03:17
        4. blind
          1. Revelation 03:17
        5. naked
          1. Revelation 03:17
    1. 1-Ephesus
      1. Revelation 02:05
      2. Remember from whence fallen
        1. Revelation 02:05
      3. repent
        1. Revelation 02:05
      4. do the first works
        1. Revelation 02:05
    2. 2-Smyrna
      1. Revelation 02:10
      2. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer
        1. Revelation 02:10
      3. the devil shall cast some of you into prison
        1. Revelation 02:10
      4. you will be tried
        1. Revelation 02:10
      5. ye shall have tribulation ten days
        1. Revelation 02:10
      6. be thou faithful unto death
        1. Revelation 02:10
    3. 3-Pergamos
      1. Revelation 02:12-17
        1. Revelation 02:12-17
    4. 4-Thyatira
      1. Revelation 02:23-25
      2. all churches shall know that HE searcheth reins and hearts
        1. Revelation 02:23
      3. I will give unto every one of you according to your works
        1. Revelation 02:23
      4. none other burden put on Non-Jezebel / Satan Followers
        1. Revelation 02:24
      5. that which ye have already hold fast till I come
        1. Revelation 02:25
    5. 5-Sardis
      1. Revelation 03:02-03
      2. Be watchful
        1. Revelation 03:02
      3. strengthen things which remain
        1. Revelation 03:02
      4. strengthen things that are ready to die
        1. Revelation 03:02
      5. Remember how thou hast received
        1. Revelation 03:03
      6. Remember how thou hast heard
        1. Revelation 03:03
      7. hold fast
        1. Revelation 03:03
      8. repent
        1. Revelation 03:03
    6. 6-Philadelphia
      1. Revelation 03:08
      2. I have set before thee an open door
        1. Revelation 03:08
      3. no man can shut the open door
        1. Revelation 03:08
      4. I will
        1. make them of synagogue of Satan
          1. come and worship before thy feet
          2. Revelation 03:09
          3. to know that I have loved thee.
          4. Revelation 03:09
        2. keep thee from the hour of temptation
          1. Revelation 03:10
      5. I come quickly
        1. Revelation 03:11
      6. hold that fast which thou hast
        1. Revelation 03:11
      7. let no man take thy crown
        1. Revelation 03:11
    7. 7-Laodicea
      1. Revelation 03:18-20
      2. buy of me
        1. gold tried in the fire
          1. that thou mayest be rich
          2. Revelation 03:18
        2. white raiment
          1. that thou mayest be clothed
          2. Revelation 03:18
          3. that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear
          4. Revelation 03:18
      3. anoint thine eyes with eyesalve
        1. that thou mayest see.
          1. Revelation 03:18
      4. As many as I love
        1. I rebuke
          1. Revelation 03:19
        2. I chasten
          1. Revelation 03:19
      5. be zealous
        1. Revelation 03:19
      6. repent
        1. Revelation 03:19
      7. I stand at the door and knock
        1. Revelation 03:20
      8. if any man hear my voice, and open the door
        1. I will come in to him
          1. Revelation 03:20
        2. I will sup with him
          1. Revelation 03:20
        3. he will sup with me
          1. Revelation 03:20
  5. WARNING Threat
    1. 1-Ephesus
      1. Revelation 02:05
      2. Repent or else I will
        1. come unto thee quickly
          1. Revelation 02:05
        2. remove thy candlestick out of his place
          1. Revelation 02:05
    2. 2-Smyrna
      1. Revelation 02:08-11
        1. Revelation 02:08-11
    3. 3-Pergamos
      1. Revelation 02:16
      2. Repent or else I will
        1. come unto thee quickly
          1. Revelation 02:16
        2. fight against Nicolaitans with sword of mouth
          1. Revelation 02:16
    4. 4-Thyatira
      1. Revelation 02:22-23
      2. Repent or else I will
        1. cast Jezebel into a bed,
          1. Revelation 02:22
        2. cast Jezebel's co-adulterers into great tribulation
          1. Revelation 02:22
        3. kill Jezebel children with death
          1. Revelation 02:23
    5. 5-Sardis
      1. Revelation 03:03
      2. If thou shalt not watch
        1. I will come on thee as a thief
          1. Revelation 03:03
        2. not know what hour I will come
          1. Revelation 03:03
        3. Cross References: WATCH
          1. WATCH
          2. Matthew 24:42-43
          3. Matthew 25:13
          4. Mark 13:33-37
          5. Luke 21:36
          6. Romans 16:11-12
          7. 1 Peter 04:07
          8. Revelation 16:15
          9. Watch Parables
          10. Time Noah/Lot
          11. Matthew 24:37-39
          12. Luke 17:26-32
          13. Master of House
          14. Mark 13:32-37
          15. Luke 12:35-40
          16. Thief In Night
          17. Matthew 24:42-44
          18. 2 Peter 03:10
          19. 1 Thessalonians 05:01-06
          20. Revelation 16:15
          21. 10 Virgins
          22. Matthew 25:01-13
    6. 6-Philadelphia
      1. Revelation 02:07-13
        1. Revelation 02:07-13
    7. 7-Laodicea
      1. Revelation 03:16
      2. I will spue thee out of my mouth
        1. Revelation 03:16
  6. OVERCOMERS Rewards
      1. 1. eat of the tree of life
        1. Revelation 02:07
      2. 2. shall not be hurt of the second death
        1. Revelation 02:11
      3. 3. eat of the hidden manna
        1. Revelation 02:17
      4. 4. a white stone
        1. Revelation 02:17
      5. 5. a new written name in the stone
        1. Revelation 02:17
      6. 6. power over the nations
        1. Revelation 02:26
      7. 7. shall rule nations with a rod of iron
        1. Revelation 02:27
      8. 8. the morning star
        1. Revelation 02:28
      9. 9. shall be clothed in white raiment
        1. Revelation 03:05
      10. 10. name not blotted out of the book of life
        1. Revelation 03:05
      11. 11. name confessed before the Father & angels
        1. Revelation 03:05
      12. 12. a pillar in the temple of my God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      13. 13. shall go no more out
        1. Revelation 03:12
      14. 14. receive the name of my God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      15. 15. receive the name of the city of God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      16. 16. receive Christs new name
        1. Revelation 03:12
      17. 17. sit with Christ in His throne
        1. Revelation 03:21
      1. 1-Ephesus
        1. 1. eat of the tree of life
          1. Revelation 02:07
      2. 2-Smyrna
        1. 2. shall not be hurt of the second death
          1. Revelation 02:11
      3. 3-Pergamos
        1. 3. eat of the hidden manna
          1. Revelation 02:17
        2. 4. a white stone
          1. Revelation 02:17
        3. 5. a new written name in the stone
          1. Revelation 02:17
      4. 4-Thyatira
        1. 6. power over the nations
          1. Revelation 02:26
        2. 7. shall rule nations with a rod of iron
          1. Revelation 02:27
        3. 8. the morning star
          1. Revelation 02:28
      5. 5-Sardis
        1. 9. shall be clothed in white raiment
          1. Revelation 03:05
        2. 10. name not blotted out of the book of life
          1. Revelation 03:05
        3. 11. name confessed before the Father & angels
          1. Revelation 03:05
      6. 6-Philadelphia
        1. 12. a pillar in the temple of my God
          1. Revelation 03:12
        2. 13. shall go no more out
          1. Revelation 03:12
        3. 14. receive the name of my God
          1. Revelation 03:12
        4. 15. receive the name of the city of God
          1. Revelation 03:12
        5. 16. receive Christs new name
          1. Revelation 03:12
      7. 7-Laodicea
        1. 17. sit with Christ in His throne
          1. Revelation 03:21
      1. 1. eat of the tree of life
        1. Revelation 02:07
      2. 2. shall not be hurt of the second death
        1. Revelation 02:11
      3. 3. eat of the hidden manna
        1. Revelation 02:17
      4. 4. a white stone
        1. Revelation 02:17
      5. 5. a new written name in the stone
        1. Revelation 02:17
      6. 6. power over the nations
        1. Revelation 02:26
      7. 7. shall rule nations with a rod of iron
        1. Revelation 02:27
      8. 8. the morning star
        1. Revelation 02:28
      9. 9. shall be clothed in white raiment
        1. Revelation 03:05
      10. 10. name not blotted out of the book of life
        1. Revelation 03:05
      11. 11. name confessed before the Father & angels
        1. Revelation 03:05
      12. 12. a pillar in the temple of my God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      13. 13. shall go no more out
        1. Revelation 03:12
      14. 14. receive the name of my God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      15. 15. receive the name of the city of God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      16. 16. receive Christs new name
        1. Revelation 03:12
      17. 17. sit with Christ in His throne
        1. Revelation 03:21
      1. 1-Ephesus
        1. 1. eat of the tree of life
          1. Revelation 02:07
      2. 2-Smyrna
        1. 2. shall not be hurt of the second death
          1. Revelation 02:11
      3. 3-Pergamos
        1. 3. eat of the hidden manna
          1. Revelation 02:17
        2. 4. a white stone
          1. Revelation 02:17
        3. 5. a new written name in the stone
          1. Revelation 02:17
      4. 4-Thyatira
        1. 6. power over the nations
          1. Revelation 02:26
        2. 7. shall rule nations with a rod of iron
          1. Revelation 02:27
        3. 8. the morning star
          1. Revelation 02:28
      5. 5-Sardis
        1. 9. shall be clothed in white raiment
          1. Revelation 03:05
        2. 10. name not blotted out of the book of life
          1. Revelation 03:05
        3. 11. name confessed before the Father & angels
          1. Revelation 03:05
      6. 6-Philadelphia
        1. 12. a pillar in the temple of my God
          1. Revelation 03:12
        2. 13. shall go no more out
          1. Revelation 03:12
        3. 14. receive the name of my God
          1. Revelation 03:12
        4. 15. receive the name of the city of God
          1. Revelation 03:12
        5. 16. receive Christs new name
          1. Revelation 03:12
      7. 7-Laodicea
        1. 17. sit with Christ in His throne
          1. Revelation 03:21