1. 80,000 North Carolina Kids are in underperforming Schools
    1. Define achievement gap
    2. Why is achievement gap detrimental
  2. What are some current solutions
    1. Supplimental Educational Services/20,000 kids reached
    2. Better trained teachers
    3. Better Trained Schools
    4. Redefine and Refocus what education purpose is
    5. School improvement model aligned with OB theories
  3. What is difference via current school leadership vs Social Leadership
    1. current leadership entrenched
    2. time for progressive thinking among staff and students
    3. student failure is civil rights issue
    4. students must take control of educational destinies
  4. There are some successful schools why?
    1. Charters pull best students out
    2. Magnet schools are selective
    3. What about students left behind
  5. Focus must be on making all schools successful
    1. achievement gap must be closed classroom to classroom
    2. Pre-school and head start must be taken into account
    3. Multi-cultural teacher training is paramount
  6. Must be a more fair evaluation process of school success