1. Fulfillment
    1. Warehouse
    2. AtLastFulfillment.com
  2. Marketing
    1. Celebrities
      1. Billy Zane
      2. My sister Lily is hooked up with MAJOR celebrity rehab
      3. Kardashians
      4. Housewives of Beverly Hills
      5. Hiltons? Maybe, but very doubtful
    2. Private label
      1. Celebrities
      2. Sports teams!
    3. Affiliate marketing
    4. Targeted media buys
      1. Online
      2. Television
      3. Magazine
      4. Radio
    5. PR
      1. Perhaps P3R
    6. Social Media (user driven online marketing)
      1. Facebook/Youtube contests
        1. Endorse/Nominate the most interesting person in your life
          1. Why is this person amazing
        2. Why are you amazing
        3. Send in videos and vote
        4. Pay it forward- create a group of givers
          1. Create a movement that is related to the Amazing Patch, and being Amazing, but is not the Amazing Patch itself
    7. Email lists
      1. Self-help guru's
  3. Brand
    1. Model: Airborne
      1. The Amazing Patch: Created by a New York firefighter
        1. John Cocca
          1. awared winning fire fighter
          2. Dove into icy river and saved life
          3. has saved 3 lives off-duty
          4. Olympic ski coach
          5. amature champion kick boxer
  4. Resources Necessary
    1. Legal
      1. perhaps with some equity
    2. Graphic design
    3. 1-2 people to do media buys, under Ryan's control
    4. Customer support
      1. 1-800-number
    5. video content production
    6. web programming
    7. Capital
  5. Business Structure
    1. Ownership
      1. Ken Rutkowski 2.5% with a 30k cap
      2. What to do with Rafael
      3. Mark Simmons currently has an MOU for 1%
      4. MOU with MADE
  6. Production
    1. Supply Chain
      1. ingredients
      2. Patch
      3. Packaging
    2. Manufacturers
  7. Product
    1. Formulation
      1. Original
        1. Topic
        2. Topic
      2. Energy
        1. Topic
      3. Possible Developers/Formulators
    2. Design
      1. Mantras/Slogans on outward facing side
      2. Patches can be white, clear, or tan. let's go with white
      3. Ryan has designers to design packaging and patch
      4. Should be cartooney looking
      5. Packaging
        1. Pouch ($0.05)
        2. Box ($0.35...)
    3. Pricing
      1. $39.99 for one months supply
      2. $29.99 if you are a member of The Amazing Club
    4. Uses for product
  8. Retail Channels
    1. Website
    2. GNC
      1. They owe me a favor
    3. Whole Foods
    4. Television
    5. Magazines
  9. Website
    1. Join Amazing Club
    2. Testimonials
      1. Video
      2. Written
    3. Merchant processing software
      1. Must allow recurring monthly billing
    4. The Amazing Club
      1. discounts on everything
      2. $39.99 retail, but $29.99 for members
      3. Continuity program
        1. autobilling
    5. Video content
  10. Research
    1. Target customer profile/market
    2. Competition
      1. Theramood.com
  11. Budget