Humans and the "Environment"
- Ability of natural systems and
human cultural systems and
political economies to survive
and adapt to the changing
environment indefinitely
- Humans are the only being capable of managing the E
Reliance on Solar Energy
- the sun feeds plants, why not us?
- solar energy really lies behind all of our being
- the plants allow human environments to exist
- There is a strong relationship between the
natural environment and our well-being
- The multiplex forms of organisms in biomes
- those organisms provide services
Chemical Cycling
- carbon cycle
- water cycle
- RE ... cycle
- There is no simple phrase to describe the fact that the human exists in an environment
- I-E language depicts the environment as the object,
rather than us as a subject living inside the object
meaning where does it exist?
Global Warming/Climate Change
- human caused
Greenhouse Effect
- The car in the summer time gets really hot!
Anthropogenic Causes
Carbon Dioxide
- Source
- Fossil Fuel Burning
- 50%
- CFCs
- 25%
- Source
- Burning Rain Forests
- Cow Farts and Shit
- Nitrous Oxide
Glbzation and "the Environment"
- The Danube River involves lots and lots of geopolitics
Video Notes
- Transport Lobby EU
- Euro-liberalism
- Economic dependency
- Environmentalists
- Danube is a major source of clean drinking water
- No clean drinking water means conflict
- conflict means world wars
- wetlands purify freshwater very efficiently
- European Union "Unity" is the ostensible motivation
- Bavarian Environmentalists argue against Danube deepening
- Dec. 19, 1984: Police Riot causes national park in wetlands (Austria)
- National Park means that the barges will have to ask
the nation to do their dirty work.
- Damming the natural wetlands of the Danube
Chemical Dumping
- Budapest
- Belgrade
- Many other places
- Waste
- Industrial Waste
- Cultural Waste
- Municipal Waste
Cultural Geography
- Sees the River as ecological unit
EU Transport Bureaucrats
- Sees the river as vital commercial waterway
EU Agricultural Subsidies
- huge phosphate and fertilizer problems
- "Bottlenecks"
- Important Wetlands
Organic Farmers
- makes the farmers sick
- not one single weed inside the non-organic way
Climactic Controls
- Solar Energy
- Latitude
- Global Wind Systems
- Global