1. Context
    1. We, as society, can change
      1. How about changing a language all toegether?
      2. New page is not just a dream
      3. Too used to the things were
      4. Higher education systems
      5. Cultural context
      6. Politics
    2. Challenges ahead
      1. Mitigate academic impact
        1. Minimize the student learning deficit
        2. Financial constraints
        3. Logistic issue of going home
      2. Balance
        1. Public provision
        2. Private provision
      3. Technology
        1. Leverage technology
        2. Increase of digital economy
      4. Inequality
        1. Technological divide
        2. Growing demand but shifting demographics
      5. Students
        1. Engaged
        2. Motivated
        3. Mental health
          1. Lack os socialization
        4. Serve students on the usual way
        5. Assessment practices
        6. Small group tuition
          1. Tutorials face to face
          2. Feasible replacement?
        7. Students are not getting what they paid for
      6. Integritiy
        1. Learning
        2. Assessment
      7. Remaining global in an age of nationalism
      8. International mobility
        1. Students are not going abroad
          1. New. Studetns will not go out
          2. Internationalisation is not only going abroud
        2. 70% of abroad students
          1. Were abroad
          2. Not planning to return
        3. Number of students not going abroad
      9. Classes designed for the masses while there are individual paths
      10. Unemployment skyroketting
      11. Short term
      12. Fail to nurture educational purpose
      13. Technological divide
    3. Higher education role on this crisis
      1. Colalboration with gobvernments
      2. Access opportunities
        1. Economic challenges
        2. Facing unemployment
      3. Free
        1. Learning
        2. Courses
      4. Reskill or upskill
      5. Be agents of change
    4. Building resilience
    5. What higher educaiton can do on a crisis like this
  2. Models
    1. Online model
      1. Flexible
      2. Scalable
      3. Cost-effective
    2. Cluster model
      1. Break down silos
    3. Experiential model
      1. Tangible experience
      2. Skills
      3. Employability
      4. Focus on applicaton
        1. Teaching transferrable tools and applying them in various contexts
        2. Cognitive tools
          1. Solve problems
    4. Liberal arts model
      1. Critical thinking
      2. Problem solving
    5. Partnership models
      1. Upskilled
      2. Satisfied
      3. Pathway to employment
  3. Online shift
    1. Transfer into the remote teaching
      1. Out of the blue
        1. Short period of time
        2. 200 M students with no in campus access
        3. Disruption
      2. Structural uniqueness
        1. By country
        2. By higher education system
      3. Access to decent interenet
    2. Technological divide
      1. Students who never before took an online course
      2. Globally
        1. 60% of students have been able to transfer to remote taching
        2. 40% out of the system
          1. How to address this people?
      3. Infrastructure
        1. No internet access
        2. No adequate internet access
      4. Equipement
        1. No laptops
        2. No adequate laptops
    3. Pedagogy
      1. Rethink our pedagogy
      2. Faculty
        1. Innovative
        2. Learning community
        3. To learn new methods
          1. Doing the things in the same way?
          2. Sifinificant traumatic event
        4. To be a good teacher
      3. Teachers transitioning to the online
        1. Most university professors don't know how to engage students in online learning enviornments
    4. Different approaches
      1. Online
        1. Robust model
        2. Services running
        3. Seminars with live videos online
          1. No change in the format of their education
          2. No degrade the quality
          3. No learning outcome impact
      2. Residential
      3. Mixed
    5. What the students need?
  4. Challenge our assumptions
    1. Rethinking priorities
      1. Educational institutions
      2. What is education about?
        1. Job
        2. Integral citizens
      3. Real responsibility to become part of the solution
        1. Corrects inequality
        2. Begins in early child education
    2. Can we abandon old marketing and competition model
      1. New way of thinking
      2. University networks
      3. The most people having the highest quality in education
    3. Setup new standards for the future
      1. Are rankings as important?
      2. Rethink the accreditation model
      3. Offline instruction does not work
    4. Is learning provision effective?
      1. How to apply particular cognitive tools to new
        1. scenarios
        2. Instances
      2. Wisdom
      3. You actually don't have to focus
        1. Task
        2. Memorization
      4. Efficiencies
        1. Lowering the cost of instruction
        2. Promoting accesibility
    5. Can we meassure learning differently?
      1. Counting sit hours
      2. Grades
    6. What is the role of knowledge dissemination?
      1. Other ways better
      2. No longer paramount
      3. Yo don't need college to acquire knowledge
    7. International experience is going abroad
    8. The only one who can define what the students should learn are the teachers
  5. Future of international education
    1. Travel
    2. zero semester abroad
    3. First year of education
      1. Online
      2. Third year: in other countries
    4. Comprehensive internationalisation
    5. Virtual mobility
    6. Microcampus at home
    7. Embed the international dimension into the preparation of all students
  6. Online model in STEAM teaching
    1. Open STEAM lab
    2. Array of equipement
      1. Campus
      2. Controlled remotely
    3. Online: Scalability
    4. Tutorial groups
      1. Collaborative learning models
      2. Softskills alongside the hardskills
      3. Mix
        1. Training for the workplace
        2. Liberal education
  7. Students
    1. Students take agency of their own education
      1. Make choices about their education
      2. Have the student voice in this conversation
    2. They are co-creators
      1. Co-design courses
      2. Diversity
        1. Resources
        2. Greate teaching and learning
    3. Developing personal networks
      1. Age of the students 17-24
      2. Incredible critical moment
      3. Nature of the relationships
      4. Quality of collaboration
    4. Ability to bring institutions to bankrupcy
      1. Shut down the institution
      2. Skip a college year
    5. Experience
      1. Networks
      2. Change their lives
        1. Families
        2. Communities
  8. Key factors
    1. Financial aids
    2. Scallable solutions
    3. The need to collaborate
      1. Consoritum model
      2. Initiatives together
    4. Communicate to students what will happen next year
  9. Take risks