1. Reasons Why They should Stay
  2. Reasons They Should Change
    1. Tell the Shirky Mouse Girl Story
  3. Gutenberg
    1. functional qualities
      1. Cheap
      2. Abundant
      3. Commercially Democratic
      4. Organized
        1. Dewey Decimal
      5. Print
  4. Post Gutenberg
    1. Disruptive Qualities
      1. Free
      2. Hyper-abundant
      3. Democratic
        1. Statistics showing traditionally published compared to Self-Published
      4. Searchable
      5. Bits
    2. Change will Continue
      1. Applications don't start getting interesting until the tools become technically boring -- Clay Shirky
  5. focal points
    1. Literacy -- Using Information to accomplish goals
      1. Gutenberg
        1. Printed
          1. accessing the information
          2. Reading
          3. working the information
          4. arithmetic
          5. Expressing the Information
          6. writing
          7. The Traditional Library
          8. A Place to go find & read information
          9. This is not to say that libraries are limited to these activities. However, it is the public's view of the library...
      2. Post-Gutenberg
        1. Bits
          1. Networked
          2. accessing the information
          3. Exposing What's True
          4. Digital
          5. working the information
          6. Employing the Information
          7. Hyper-Abundant
          8. Expressing the Information
          9. Expressing Ideas Compellingly
        2. Post-Gutenberg Library
          1. A Place for...
          2. Accessing Information
          3. Supervised Research
          4. Scanners
          5. Cameras
          6. Still
          7. Digital
          8. Working the Information
          9. Computer Workstations for...
          10. Programming
          11. Data Analysis
          12. Data Visualization
          13. Organization
          14. Digital Image Editing
          15. Digital Audio Editing
          16. Digital Music Production
          17. Work Stations for Working with Print-based Information
          18. Drafting
          19. Printing
          20. Painting
          21. Cut & Paste
          22. Space & Furniture for Meetings
          23. Face 2 Face
          24. Virtual
          25. Expressing the Information
          26. Stage
          27. Large Screens
          28. Plasma/LCD
          29. Projectors & Screen
          30. Basic Musical Instruments
          31. A Message That..
          32. Portrays The School Library Like a Corporation
          33. Should be part of the school but also distinct from the school (not limited to school)
          34. Corporate facade
          35. Digital Corporate Presence
          36. Catalog & Definition of Services
          37. Corporate Reports
          38. Portrays an Active, Inviting, Social, & Highly Productive Place
          39. Catalog of Services
          40. For Students
          41. Teachers
          42. Parents
          43. Community
          44. Schedules
          45. Check-outs
          46. Pictures & Videos of Work & Presentations
          47. Go Social
          48. Run a Library Blog
          49. Run a Library Twitter Feed
          50. Run a Flickr Feed
          51. Podcast Interviews with students & teachers
          52. Encourage Students to
          53. Blog
          54. Photo
          55. Podcast
          56. Consider a Webcam
          57. A Library that Shines A Library that Glows
  6. A Library Turning Back Into Itself
    1. Archiving & cataloging traditionally published content
      1. Books
      2. Maps
      3. Databases
      4. Periodicals
      5. Videos
      6. Audios
    2. But also archiving & cataloging locally published content
      1. Student & Class Produced
        1. Books
        2. Articles
        3. Videos
        4. Presentations
      2. Recordings of Student & Class
        1. Presentations
        2. Performances
    3. Should be Social, giving audiences the opportunities to comment on and tag locally produced or captured content
  7. Web 3.0 & the School Library
    1. Web 2.0 is not about the web, it's about how people are using it...
    2. The Web..
      1. Will understand itself
      2. Will organize iteself
      3. Will Grow from it's own use
      4. Will wrap around us
      5. Will listen to us
      6. Will disappear
    3. The Web will Ride with us
      1. Phones & other devices
      2. RFID Chips
      3. Profiles
    4. We will ride the web (Ubiquitous Computing)
      1. Cars
      2. Refrigerators
      3. Vacuum cleaners
      4. Plants that Twitter
    5. The Web will learn us
      1. Personal assistants
      2. Context - based
      3. Place-based Computing
      4. Our interaction with the web will enrich the web knowledge of itself
        1. Context-based Use
          1. Bing Demo
        2. Person-based Use
          1. Siri demo
        3. Place-based Use
          1. Foursquare
          2. Yelp
          3. Augmented Reality
          4. Yelp demo
    6. How will it change the Library? (Assuming that the library survives)
      1. The library looks the same
      2. The information Changes
        1. Books & other information includes RFID chips
        2. Digital networked information become semantic
        3. Patrons are identified by profile or RFID chips
      3. Our going preference for smaller mobile computing devices will actually be a good thing for libraries
        1. There will continue to be things we'll want to do that require larger tools
        2. We'll continue to want to be social
      4. Information becomes intelligent