1. What?
    1. Irish main language
    2. Parts of
      1. Kerry
      2. DĂșn Na Ngall
      3. Cork
      4. Meath
      5. Waterford
    3. Spoke Irish
      1. 20 YA
        1. 2 million
      2. Today
        1. 61,000
    4. Characteristics
      1. Villages
        1. Small
        2. Isolated
      2. Farms
      3. Lack Infrastructure
        1. Dingle
        2. Coisfharaige
  2. Decline
    1. Famine 1840
      1. Imagration
        1. Constant
      2. Learn English with Irish
    2. English
      1. Polotics
      2. Justice
      3. Commerce
    3. Media
      1. Radio
      2. TV
      3. Pop Music
    4. Influx of non-irish speakers
  3. Solutions
    1. Houses
      1. occupied by Irish speakers
    2. Media
      1. RnaG
      2. TG4
        1. 400 jobs
        2. Nationwide
    3. Industrial Development
      1. stem out Migration
      2. IT
      3. Film
      4. Television
      5. Radio
      6. Textiles
      7. Food processing