1. Introduction to Eschatology
    1. The Status of Eschatology
    2. The Classification of Eschatologies
    3. Modern Treatments of Eschatology
      1. The Liberal Approach: Modernized Eschatology
      2. Albert Schweitzer: Demondernized Eschatology
      3. C. H. Dodd: Realized Eschatology
      4. Rudolf Bultmann: Existentialized Eschatology
      5. Jurgen Moltmann: Politicized Eschatology
      6. Dispensationalism: Systematized Eschatology
    4. Conclusions Regarding Eschatology
  2. Individual Eschatology
    1. Death
      1. The Reality of Death
      2. The Nature of Death
      3. Physical Death: Natural or Unnatural?
      4. The Effects of Death
    2. The Intermediate State
      1. The Difficulty of the Doctrine
      2. Current Views of the Intermediate State
        1. Soul Sleep
        2. Purgatory
        3. Instantaneous Resurrection
        4. A Suggested Resolution
    3. Implications of the Doctrines of Death and the Intermediate State
  3. The Second Coming and Its Consequences
    1. The Second Coming
      1. The Definiteness of the Event
      2. The Indefiniteness of the Time
      3. The Character of the Coming
        1. Personal
        2. Physical
        3. Visible
        4. Unexpected
        5. Triumphant and Glorious
      4. The Unity of the Second Coming
      5. The imminence of the Second Coming
    2. Resurrection
      1. The Biblical Teaching
      2. A Work of the Triune God
      3. Bodily in Nature
      4. Of Both the Righteous and the Unrighteous
    3. The Final Judgment
      1. A Future Event
      2. Jesus Christ the Judge
      3. The Subjects of the Judgment
      4. The Basis of the Judgment
      5. The Finality of the Judgment
    4. Implications of the Second Coming and Its Consequents
  4. Millennial and Tribulational Views
    1. Millennial Views
      1. Postmillennialism
      2. Premillennialism
      3. Amillennialism
      4. Resolving the Issues
    2. Tribulational Views
      1. Pretribulationism
      2. Posttribulationism
      3. Mediating Positions
      4. Resolving the Issues
  5. Final States
    1. Final State of the Righteous
      1. The Term "Heaven"
      2. The Nature of Heaven
      3. Our Life in Heaven: Rest, Worship, and Service
      4. Issues Regarding Heaven
    2. Final State of the Wicked
      1. The Finality of the Future Judgment
      2. The Eternality of Future Punishment
      3. Degrees of Punishment
    3. Implications of the Doctrine of the Final States