Introduction to Eschatology
- The Status of Eschatology
- The Classification of Eschatologies
Modern Treatments of Eschatology
- The Liberal Approach: Modernized Eschatology
- Albert Schweitzer: Demondernized Eschatology
- C. H. Dodd: Realized Eschatology
- Rudolf Bultmann: Existentialized Eschatology
- Jurgen Moltmann: Politicized Eschatology
- Dispensationalism: Systematized Eschatology
- Conclusions Regarding Eschatology
Individual Eschatology
- The Reality of Death
- The Nature of Death
- Physical Death: Natural or Unnatural?
- The Effects of Death
The Intermediate State
- The Difficulty of the Doctrine
Current Views of the Intermediate State
- Soul Sleep
- Purgatory
- Instantaneous Resurrection
- A Suggested Resolution
- Implications of the Doctrines of Death and the Intermediate State
The Second Coming and Its Consequences
The Second Coming
- The Definiteness of the Event
- The Indefiniteness of the Time
The Character of the Coming
- Personal
- Physical
- Visible
- Unexpected
- Triumphant and Glorious
- The Unity of the Second Coming
- The imminence of the Second Coming
- The Biblical Teaching
- A Work of the Triune God
- Bodily in Nature
- Of Both the Righteous and the Unrighteous
The Final Judgment
- A Future Event
- Jesus Christ the Judge
- The Subjects of the Judgment
- The Basis of the Judgment
- The Finality of the Judgment
- Implications of the Second Coming and Its Consequents
Millennial and Tribulational Views
Millennial Views
- Postmillennialism
- Premillennialism
- Amillennialism
- Resolving the Issues
Tribulational Views
- Pretribulationism
- Posttribulationism
- Mediating Positions
- Resolving the Issues
Final States
Final State of the Righteous
- The Term "Heaven"
- The Nature of Heaven
- Our Life in Heaven: Rest, Worship, and Service
- Issues Regarding Heaven
Final State of the Wicked
- The Finality of the Future Judgment
- The Eternality of Future Punishment
- Degrees of Punishment
- Implications of the Doctrine of the Final States