1. Product
    1. Market-Driven
    2. Know your product's Life Cycle
    3. Product Differentiation: USP
    4. Design, Name, Product Range
  2. Price
    1. Supply and Demand
      1. Market-Led Pricing
        1. Skimming
        2. Penetration Pricing
        3. Destroyer Pricing
        4. Price Discrimination
        5. Competition Pricing
      2. Cost Plus vs. Profit Margin Pricing
      3. Sell
      4. Equilibrium
      5. Buy
  3. Place
    1. Distribution Channels: Direct or Indirect
    2. M - W - C
    3. M - W - R - C
    4. M - R - C
    5. M - C: Direct
      1. Point of Sale: Location is Important
  4. promotion
    1. Point-of-Sale Advertising
    2. Competitions
    3. Free Gifts
    4. Discounts, 2 X 1, Loss Leaders
    5. BOGOF
    6. Informative
      1. media
        1. Video
          1. E-Mail/Mail Slots
          2. Internet Web pages/Pay-per-Click
          3. TV and Radio
        2. Newspapers and Magazines
          1. Flyers
    7. Advertising
    8. Persuasive
      1. Advantages and Disadvantages