1. Other's work
    1. (JPCB 112:13588 2008)The force that drives water molecules into the membrane interior seems to originate from localized field gradients that are dependent on the dynamic orientation of water dipoles at the interface and to an unknown extent on the correlated interactions of the phospholipids head groups with the interfacial water.
    2. (JPCB 112:13588 2008) The anodic pore initiation perference for octane slabs
    3. Subtopic 3
  2. My work
    1. The orietation of water molecules Curve?
    2. Force of water molecules in the interfacial area. The average value of many water molecules? The specific water molecule?
    3. The cathode pore initiation perferance. Why are they different?
    4. Another Question: Why water molecules always move into the membrane from the cathode side?
    5. With N and P atoms fixed, there is also electroporation.