- Floating Topic
About the NCAA
- membership-driven organisation
- Support student-athletes
- 1121 Colleges and Universities
- 99 voting athletics conferences
- 39 affiliated organisations
NCAA Division I
Must offer at least 14 sports
- at least 7 for men and 7 for women
- Or 6 for men and 8 for women
Institution must sponsor at least 2 team sports
- Such as, football,basketball or volleyball
335 members
- 66% are public institutions
- 34% are private institutions
NCAA Division II
Intermediate- level division of competition
- Both high competitive level of intercollegiate and non-scholarship level
- Provide an intersection
331 members
- 307 active members
- 24 active conferences
School size from less than 2500 to over 25000
- 87% of member school have fewer than 8,000 students
- 1:7 Championships participation ratio
443 average number of student-athletes at school with football
- 227 men
- 166 women
284 average number of student-athletes at school without football
- 144 men
- 140 women
- Division II schools are located in 44 states
- Offers a "a partial-scholarship" model for financial aid
Features a high championship-participant ratio
- Highest among all three NCAA divisions
NCAA Division III
450 Total members
- 439 Active members
- 10 Provisional and 1 Reclassifying
- 81% of active institution are private
- 19% of institution are public
- 43 Division III voting conferences
Largest division
- approximately 40% of total membership
- active academic engagement
- Greater in time management compare to non-athletes
- Greater involvement in volunterring
- Belonging of the community increased
- Higher percent of graduation rate
Approximately 38.9% of NCAA compete at Division III
- 58% men
- 42% women
- Total 190,315 members
Average Total operating expenses per institution
With Football
- $3,382,000
Without Football
- $1,698,00