1. The Psychology of Reading - Keith Rayner & Alexander Pollatsek 1989
  2. Highly complex skill
    1. For success in our society
  3. two views
    1. 1. Product of Reading
      1. learners remember what they read
    2. 2. Process of Reading
      1. Readers engages in during reading
  4. Cognitive Psychology
    1. Mind functions and structure
    2. How mind works during reading
    3. Processing information during Reading
    4. Examples
      1. The boxer hit John because he started yelling at him
      2. The boxer hit John and then he started yelling at him
      3. John hit the nail on the head with his answer
  5. Wundt Laboratory in Leipzig 1879
    1. Q: Memory and language processing
  6. Huey 1908
    1. "Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading"
  7. Amile Javal
    1. Eyes
      1. Jumps
      2. Fixation
  8. Behaviourism
    1. Verbal Behaviour
    2. Eye moments
      1. Seen
      2. Observed
      3. Measured
  9. Information processing system
    1. 1. Sensory store
      1. 1 Visual
        1. Iconic memory
      2. 2 Auditory
        1. Echoic memory
    2. 2. Short-term memory
      1. working memory
    3. 3. Long-term memory
      1. 1 Episodic memory
      2. 2 Semantic memory
  10. important process
    1. The retina and visual acuity
      1. vision
        1. Eyes
        2. brain
          1. outside of cortex
      2. 'Patterns of light falling on the sensory neurons in the retina result in the sensation of seeing'
      3. Acuity limitation
        1. Can not see all of the words on the page equally well
        2. 1. Foveal (2 degree)
        3. 2. Parafoveal (10 degree)
        4. 3. Peripheral (10 + degree)
        5. Text falling on retina
      4. Retina receptors
        1. 1. Rods
          1. Detecting movements
          2. Discrimination of Bright, Shadows
          3. Night vision
        2. 2. Cones
          1. for detail and acuity
    2. Pattern Recognition Precesses
      1. two Theories
        1. 1. Template-matching theory
          1. shape, size, orientation
          2. normalization process
          3. holistic
        2. 2. Feature-detection Theory
          1. horizontal, vertical, oblique, curved lines
          2. eg: C-G / O-Q
          3. Analytic process
          4. Less cumbersome
          5. rely on small number of features
        3. Nystagmus
          1. image fixed/stabilized on retina
        4. Two manners
          1. 1. Serial manner
          2. one at a time
          3. Subtopic 1
          4. 2. Parallel manner
          5. one letter