1. Conquest
    1. Second Punic War
      1. Hannibal vs. Scipio
      2. Lebanonese Traders founded Carthage
        1. No written records of Carthage itself
        2. One thing about Carthage stands out
          1. Carthagians sacrificed their babies
          2. The priest would strangle the baby
          3. The priest would burn the baby's body
          4. Then bury it.
      3. Hannibal saw his nation get embarrased by the Romans.
      4. Hannibal's Army is decimated by the Alpine trip
        1. All but 1 elephant dies
        2. All the horses die
        3. 1/3 of the 40k troops are dead.
      5. Hannibal
        1. Motivate troops
        2. Use tools at his disposal
        3. He had the intangible
          1. Read the enemy
          2. find the maneuver to beat the enemy
        4. Hannibal no-showed
        5. Battle of Cannae
          1. Envelopment
    2. First Punic War
      1. The Carthagians had overwhelming sea power
      2. The Romans never had a navy.
      3. Holy shit, the Carthagians abandoned a ship during a storm and it washed up in Italy
        1. The Romans steal this boat timber for timber
      4. 23 Years of War
    3. How did the Romans become so dominant?
      1. Army
        1. Citizen army
        2. Well-trained
        3. They never stop training.
        4. Treat military as gestalt, holistic, deal
        5. Extreme Unflinching Discipline
        6. 1 in 10 men were beaten or flogged to Death.
        7. The Romans never panicked.
        8. Engineering to steal Military technology
          1. Greek Shields
          2. Hoplite Spears
          3. Gaullish Punis Javelin
      2. Roman Policy
        1. "Defensive Aggression"
          1. Attacking your enemies creates an empire
          2. Percieved threats
  2. Unity
    1. Result of the Punic Wars
      1. Marius had to rebuild the Roman Army
        1. Beginning: Citizen Army
        2. End: Professional, Standardized Army
        3. New Professional Soldiers would receive land after retirement
          1. I mean, Land Reform
          2. The Soldier looked to the General
          3. The Powerful Generals owned the Army rather than the State
    2. Awful Legacy of Juntaism
      1. Sulla
        1. Gave his troops big banquets
        2. Encouraged debauchery and drunkery
        3. Six Renegade Legions marched on Rome
        4. The Senate said he had to recuse himself from Generalship
          1. So he said, fuck that and burned his enemies to the ground
      2. Who else did that?
        1. 40 year old Caeser took to Gaul
          1. His ambition was incredible
  3. Caeser
    1. his Ambition pushed him into Gaul
    2. Gaulish Campaigns
      1. Caeser was proud of the fact that he killed 1 million Gauls
        1. that's genocide
      2. Battle of Alesia
        1. What kind of Soldier could fight two armies at once?
        2. Outnumbered
      3. Winning Gaul, he became the second most powerful man in the Roman Empire
        1. His Rival, Pompeii
    3. He pushed the troops to be fanatically loyal.
    4. Crossing the Rubicon
      1. The Rubicon was the southern boundary of the Caesarian provinces
      2. The Senate recalled him and so he responded by taking his armies across the Rubicon.
      3. Cross the Rubicon
        1. The Die is Cast!
        2. Civil War
    5. Civil War
      1. Caesar killed Pompeii
      2. Caesar assassinated
        1. 44 B.C.
      3. Until Augustus Octavian beat Mark Antony
  4. Pride
  5. The Gauls
    1. Excelled in psychological warfare
      1. caked hair
      2. body paint
      3. whooping
  6. The Emporer
    1. The soldiers took an oath to the Emporer
      1. Emperor controlled Land
      2. Money
      3. Supplies
    2. Augustus realizes the empire is too large.
    3. In the first century, the empire expanded, but slower.
    4. Rebellions became commonplace
      1. "Robbery, Butchery, and Rape, they call government"
      2. The Romans armies were turned into Armies of Occupation
    5. Trajan expanded the Roman empire to 2 million square miles
      1. Then the emporer Hadrian decided to settle down and wall up.
      2. Then after that, the Empire declined to steadied themselves.
  7. The Decline
    1. What did the Barbarians want?
      1. To be part of the Empire
      2. Extreme pressure to expand power.
    2. The Decline?
      1. The dam had sprung a thousand leaks
    3. Crises
      1. Emporers frequent Assassination
      2. Affects of the Individual Legions were more important
      3. Economic Inflation and Anarchy
        1. Military Anarchy
          1. Moral Collapse of the Roman Army
          2. If the Army becomes more important than the state, Military Anarchy will occur.
      4. 30 different Emperors were declared in 100 years
    4. 200s
      1. Valerian is losing the war in the 200s
      2. Roman Legions were no longer unstoppable military machines.
      3. Valerian kidnapped by Persian Kings
        1. Holy christ, he was executed and stuffed
        2. Stuffed.
        3. Taxodermied
        4. Filled with cream fucking filling
    5. "Our History now plunges into Rust"