Historical Context
Time Period
Named after Queen Victoria
- ruled for 60 years
- Either in 1832 with the First Reform Bill
- or 1837 with the coronation of Victoria
- 1901 with Victoria's death
- definitely by WWI
Other Names
Age of Evangelicals
- not concerned with doctrine of worship
- prescribing how people should live
- lots of charity work
- Work = cure for most ills
- Poor could not read tracts, Bibles, or sermons
- Evangelicals begin to be viewed as unrealistic.
- Woodcut
Age of Earnestness, Respectability
- Covered piano legs
- no chicken breasts
- length standards for dresses
- rules of modesty
- "other Victorians"
- STD's
- Secret Lives
- Burgeoning Prostitution rates
- Topic
- Age of Expansion
Great Change
- "[So completely transformed were] the mind and habits of the ordinary Englishman. . . that he would not, could he see him, recognize his own grandfather." - Walter Besant
Political Turmoil
- Napoleonic Wars were not over until 1815
- Years of Revolution and potantial revoltuion followed
- The Crimean War
The Woman Question
The Upper & Middle Class
- being refined meant a woman worked hard to do nothing
- focus on social visits, needlework, reading, charity work, or no work
- education: art and dance
The Lower Class
- part of the working force
The "New Woman"
- 1880's-1890's
- sought equal moral/sexual standards
- more sensible clothes
- Topic
- sought professions
- civil service
- nursing
- shops
- offices
- 1800 England still largely agrarian
- Enclosure Act
- Industrialism
- Expansion
- Transportation
- crowding
- pollution
- fog
- typhoid
- cholera
- indoor plumbing
- telegraph
- telephone
The industrial Revolution: Trouble or Pride?
1851 World's Fair
- Seen as a way of advertising London's own greatness
- Crystal Palace
- Topic
- Changes drastically
- 15mph beginning of 1800s
- 40-50mph by close
- effected sense of space and time
- It's a tree!
- Topic
Factory Conditions
- incredibly poor industrial class
- 7-8 in a bed
- Liverpool: 66,000 per sq mi
- Fredrick Engles
Benjamin Disreali
- "Two nations... The rich and the poor.
Utilitarianism & Benthamism
- "Moral Arithmetic"
- Socio-economic political theory
- Set of values of the Middle Class
- "all human conduct motivated by self-interest"
- Goal: achievements of pleasure and avoidance of pain
- Therefore policies should be adopted to promote "the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people"
- measured policies/actions mathematically
- idea of efficiency and economy
- wanted to create sober, docile, dutiful, respectful citizens
- no room for questioning people
- not mandatory until 1880s
- A world of power
Exports soared
- 1850: 90 million pounds
- 1872: 315 million pounds
Vast empire
- Australia
- India
- Canada
- Africa
- "In the Pink"
- Poet Laureate
- Said to embody the Victorian
- borrowing from Homer to describe the ideal Victorian gentleman
- Uses Greek and English tales to prescribe moral lessons for Victorians
Loved Arthurian Tales
- Before I could read I was in the habit on a stormy day
of spreading my arms to the wind and crying out,
'I hear a voice that's speaking in the wind,'
and the words 'far, far away' had always a strange charm for me.
"In Memorium"
- written on the death of best friend, Athur Hallum, who died in his 20s
Lady of Shallott
- "new Woman"
- Topic