Subject: Cultural Studies / Social Studies. Grade Level: 7th Grade
- Task A
- Task B
- Task C
- Big Idea(s):Technology created during the Industrial Revolution had an immense impact on the people living during that same time period. This remains true today, the technology we use and interact with can also have a profound impact on us.
Graphic Organizers: This will be used to help students list and describe factors which led to the Industrial Revolution. Some of the factors will be the inventions or innovations which led to changes during the Industrial Revolution.
- Chinese Teacher
Very Important Person
- She likes tulip
- Golf
Key Factors about my Students: I have a number of students who are visual-learners, so the graphic organizers will go along way to help them have a place to put all of their thoughts about the inventions and innovations. Additionally, many of my students are at a higher level of readiness than others, who are at a lower level of readiness. By using think-pair-share, the lower level of readiness students can be scaffolded by the high level of readiness students benefiting both students.
- The Hunger Games
- The $100 Startups
Think-Pair-Share: I would assign each student an invention or innovation from the time period which we have been talking about and give them a moment to think about what kind of impact it may have had on the society of the time. Then I would pair the students up who had the same inventions/innovations and give them a moment to discuss with one another the ideas they came up with about the inventions/innovations impact. The pairs would then have an opportunity to share their discussion points with the group as a whole.
- Lose Weight
- Return headphones to Carrefour
- Take Aaron to Disneyland
- Related Objectives: Factors which led to the Industrial Revolution, Working conditions during the Industrial Revolution
- Standard: The Student Will report on important inventions and innovations from the Industrial Age.