1. Ancient
    1. Pre-Socratic cir. 585-450 BCE
      1. Milesian
        1. Thales
          1. System
          2. thales.doc
        2. Anaximander
          1. System
          2. Aperion
          3. Summary
          4. aperion.doc
        3. Anaximenes
          1. System
          2. anaximines.doc
      2. Pythagoreans
        1. Pythagoras
          1. System
        2. Philolaus
        3. Alcmaeon
        4. Archytas
      3. Heraclitus
        1. System
        2. heraclitus.doc
      4. Eleatic School
        1. Parmenides
          1. System
          2. parmenides.doc
        2. Zeno of Elea
        3. Melissus of Samos
        4. Xenophanes
          1. System
          2. xenophanes.doc
      5. Pluralists
        1. Empedocles
        2. Anaxagoras
      6. Atomists
        1. Leucippus
        2. Democritus
        3. Metrodorus
      7. Pherecydes
      8. Sophists
        1. Gorgias
        2. Protagoras
        3. Antiphon
        4. Prodicus
        5. Hippias
        6. Thrasymachus
        7. Callicles
        8. Critias
        9. Lycophron
      9. Diogenes
    2. Classical Greek
      1. Socrates
      2. Euclid of Megara
      3. Plato
      4. Aristotle
      5. Stilpo
    3. Hellenistic
      1. Metrodorus the Younger
      2. Arcesilaus
      3. Archimedes
      4. Clitomachus
      5. Peripateticism
        1. Theophrastus
        2. Strato
        3. Alexander of Aphrodisias
      6. Cyrenaicism
        1. Aristippus of Cyrene
      7. Epicureanism
        1. Epicurus
        2. Metrodorus of Stratonicea
        3. Zeno of Sidon
        4. Philodemus
        5. Lucretius
      8. Stoicism
        1. Zeno of Citium
        2. Cleanthes
        3. Chrysippus
        4. Posidonius
        5. Seneca
        6. Epictetus
        7. Summary
          1. Stoics.doc
      9. Neo-Pythagoreanism
        1. Apollonius of Tyana
        2. Numenius of Apamea
      10. Neo-Platonism
        1. Plotinus
        2. Porphyry
        3. Iamblichus of Chalcis
      11. Pyrrhonism
        1. Pyrrho
        2. Aenesidemus
        3. Timon
      12. Cynicism
        1. Antisthenes
        2. Diogenes of Sinope
        3. Menippus
        4. Crates of Thebes
        5. Demetrius
      13. Philo of Larissa
      14. Philo of Alexandria
      15. Agrippa
      16. Platonism
        1. Speusippus
        2. Carneades
        3. Antiochus of Ascalon
        4. Xenocrates
        5. Plutarch
  2. Medieval
    1. Augustine
    2. Boethius
      1. Boethius-foreknowledge.doc
    3. John Scottus Eriugena
    4. Maimonides
    5. Roger Bacon
    6. Anselm of Canterbury
    7. Peter Abelard
    8. Thomas Aquinas
    9. John Duns Scotus
    10. William of Ockham
  3. Renaissance
    1. Mirandola
    2. Erasmus
    3. Machiavelli
    4. Thomas More
    5. Paracelsus
    6. Copernicus
    7. Montaigne
  4. Early Modern
    1. Francis Bacon
    2. Rene Descartes
    3. Hobbes
    4. Henry More
    5. Arnauld
    6. Malebranche
    7. Benedict Spinoza
    8. Lady Anne Conway
    9. John Locke
    10. Gottfried Leibniz
    11. Berkekey
    12. Wolff
    13. Rousseau
    14. Immanual Kant
    15. Bentham
    16. Schiller
    17. Malthus
  5. 19th Century
    1. Johann Fichte
    2. Friedrich Schelling
    3. GWF Hegel
    4. Arthur Schopenhauer
    5. Kierkegaard
    6. Nietsche
    7. Peano
    8. Durkheim
    9. William James
    10. Pareto
    11. Veblen
  6. Contemporary
    1. Husserl
    2. Moore
    3. Otto
    4. Ferdinand Saussure
    5. Dewey
    6. Bertrand Russell
    7. Alfred North Whitehead
    8. Santayana
    9. Heidegger
    10. Godel
    11. Gramsci
    12. Popper
    13. Horney
    14. Gilbert Ryle
    15. Wittgenstein
    16. Ayn Rand
    17. Quine
    18. Chomsky
    19. Derrida
    20. John Searle
    21. John Rawls