1. A-B
      1. Assembly of the saints
        1. Psalm 89:07
      2. Assembly of the upright
        1. Psalm 111:01
      3. Beauty
        1. Zechariah 11:07
      4. Believers
        1. Acts 05:14
        2. 1 Timothy 04:12
      5. Beloved of God
        1. Romans 01:07
      6. Beloved, my
        1. Song Solomon 05:02
      7. Beloved brethren
        1. 1 Corinthians 15:58
        2. James 02:5
      8. Blessed of the Lord
        1. Genesis 24:31
        2. Genesis 26:29
      9. Blessed of the Father
        1. Matthew 25:34
      10. Brethren
        1. Matthew 23:08
        2. Acts 12:17
      11. Brethren of Christ
        1. Luke 08:21
        2. John 20:17
    2. C
      1. Called of Jesus Christ
        1. Romans 01:06
      2. Children of the Lord
        1. Deuteronomy 14:01
      3. Children of God
        1. John 11:52
        2. 1 John 03:10
      4. Children of the Living God
        1. Romans 90:26
      5. Children of the Father
        1. Matthew 05:45
      6. Children of the Highest
        1. Luke 06:35
      7. Children of Abraham
        1. Galatians 03:07
      8. Children of Jacob
        1. Psalm 105:06
      9. Children of promise
        1. Romans 09:08
        2. Galatians 03:28
      10. Children of the free-woman
        1. Galatians 03:31
      11. Children of the kingdom
        1. Matthew 13:38
      12. Children of Zion
        1. Psalm 149:02
        2. Joel 02:23
      13. Children of the bride-chamber
        1. Matthew 09:15
      14. Children of light
        1. Luke 16:08
        2. Ephesians 05:08
        3. 1 Thessalonians 05:05
      15. Children of the day
        1. 1 Thessalonians 05:05
      16. Children of the resurrection
        1. Luke 20:36
      17. Chosen generation
        1. 1 Peter 02:09
      18. chosen
      19. Chosen ones
        1. 1 Chronicles 16:13
      20. Chosen vessels
        1. Acts 09:15
      21. Christians
        1. Acts 11:26
        2. Acts 26:28
    3. D-G
      1. Daughter of my people
      2. Dear children
        1. Ephesians 05:01
      3. Disciples of Christ
        1. John 08:31
        2. John 15:08
      4. Dove
        1. Song Of Solomon 02:14
        2. Song Of Solomon 05:02
      5. Elect of God
        1. Colossians 03:12
        2. Titus 01:01
      6. Epistles of Christ
        1. 2 Corinthians 03:03
      7. Excellent, the
        1. Psalm 16:03
      8. Faithful brethren in Christ
        1. Colossians 01:02
      9. Faithful, the
        1. Psalm 12:01
      10. Faithful of the land
        1. Psalm 101:06
      11. Family in heaven and earth
        1. Ephesians 03:15
      12. Fellow-citizens with the saints
        1. Ephesians 02:19
      13. Fellow-heirs
        1. Ephesians 03:06
      14. Fellow-servants
        1. Revelation 06:11
      15. Friends of God
        1. 2 Chronicles 20:07
        2. James 02:23
      16. Friends of Christ
        1. John 15:15
      17. Godly, the
        1. Psalm 03:03
        2. 2 Peter 02:09
    4. H-I
      1. Heirs of God
        1. Romans 08:17
        2. Galatians 03:07
      2. Heirs of the grace of life
        1. 1 Peter 03:07
      3. Heirs of the kingdom
        1. James 02:05
      4. Heirs of promise
        1. Hebrews 06:17
        2. Galatians 03:29
      5. Heirs of salvation
        1. Hebrews 01:14
      6. Holy brethren
        1. 1 Thessalonians 05:27
        2. Hebrews 03:01
      7. Holy nation
        1. Exodus 19:06
        2. 1 Peter 02:09
      8. Holy people
        1. Deuteronomy 07:06
        2. Deuteronomy 14:02
        3. Deuteronomy 14:21
        4. Deuteronomy 26:19
        5. Deuteronomy 28:09
        6. Isaiah 62:12
        7. Daniel 08:24
        8. Daniel 12:07
      9. Holy priesthood
        1. 1 Peter 02:05
      10. Inheritance
        1. the Lot of his Inheritance
          1. Deuteronomy 32:09
        2. mine Inheritance
          1. Isaiah 19:25
        3. thine Inheritance
          1. Psalm 28:09
      11. Israel
        1. Israel of God, the
          1. Galatians 06:16
        2. Israel my people
          1. I Samuel 02:29
    5. J-O
      1. Joint-heirs with Christ
        1. Romans 08:17
      2. Just, The
        1. Habakkuk 02:04
      3. Kings and priests to God
        1. Revelation 01:06
      4. Kingdom of priests
        1. Exodus 19:06
      5. King's daughter
        1. Psalm 045:13
      6. Lambs
        1. Isaiah 40:11
        2. John 21:15
      7. Lamb's wife, the
        1. Revelation 21:09
      8. Lights of the world
        1. Matthew 05:14
      9. Little children
        1. John 13:33
        2. 1 John 02:01
      10. Lively stones
        1. 1 Peter 02:05
      11. Love, my
        1. Song Solomon 01:09
        2. Song Solomon 01:15
        3. Song Solomon 02:02
        4. Song Solomon 02:10
        5. Song Solomon 02:13
        6. Song Solomon 03:05
        7. Song Solomon 04:01
        8. Song Solomon 04:07
        9. Song Solomon 05:02
        10. Song Solomon 06:04
        11. Song Solomon 08:04
      12. Members of Christ
        1. 1 Corinthians 06:15
        2. Ephesians 05:30
      13. Men of God
        1. Deuteronomy 33:01
        2. 1 Timothy 06:11
        3. 2 Timothy 03:17
      14. Obedient children
        1. 1 Peter 01:14
    6. P-R
      1. Peculiar people
        1. Deuteronomy 14:02
        2. Titus 02:14
        3. 1 Peter 02:09
      2. Peculiar treasure
        1. Exodus 19:05
        2. Psalm 135:04
      3. People of God
        1. Hebrews 03:09
        2. 1 Peter 02:10
      4. People near to God
        1. Psalm 148:14
      5. People saved by the Lord
        1. Deuteronomy 33:29
      6. Pillars in the temple of God
        1. Revelation 03:12
      7. Rams of Nebaioth
        1. Isaiah 60:07
      8. Ransomed of the Lord
        1. Isaiah 35:10
      9. Redeemed
        1. Redeemed of the Lord
          1. Psalm 107:02
          2. Isaiah 51:11
          3. Isaiah 62:12
        2. My Redeemed
          1. Isaiah 63:04
        3. the Redeemed
          1. Isaiah 35:09
      10. Remnant of Israel, the
        1. II Chronicles 34:09
        2. Isaiah 10:20
        3. Jeremiah 06:09
        4. Jeremiah 31:07
        5. Ezekiel 11:13
        6. Micah 02:12
        7. Zephaniah 03:13
      11. Royal priesthood
        1. 1 Peter 02:09
    7. S-Z
      1. Salt of the earth
        1. Matthew 05:13
      2. Servants of Christ
        1. 1 Corinthians 07:22
        2. Ephesians 06:06
      3. Servants of righteousness
      4. Romans 06:18
      5. Sheep, My
        1. Ezekiel 34:06
        2. Ezekiel 34:11-12
        3. John 10:01-16
        4. John 10:26-27
        5. John 21:16-17
      6. Sister, my
        1. Song Solomon 05:02
      7. Sojourners with God
        1. Leviticus 25:23
        2. Psalm 039:12
      8. Sons of God
        1. John 01:12
        2. Philippians 02:15
        3. 1 John 03:01-02
      9. Sought out
        1. Isaiah 62:12
      10. Temple of God
        1. I Corinthians 03:16-17
        2. II Corinthians 06:16
      11. Temple of the Living God
        1. II Corinthians 06:16
      12. The Lord’s freemen
        1. 1 Corinthians 07:22
      13. Trees of righteousness
        1. Isaiah 61:03
      14. Vessels to honour
        1. 2 Timothy 02:21
      15. Vessels of mercy
        1. Romans 09:23
      16. Witnesses for God
        1. Isaiah 44:08
      17. Undefiled, my
        1. Song Solomon 05:02
      18. Vineyard, my
        1. I Kings 21:06
        2. Song Solomon 08:12
        3. Isaiah 05:03-05
        4. Jeremiah 12:10
        5. Matthew 21:41
      19. Thy People
        1. part A
          1. Exodus 05:23
          2. Exodus 15:16
          3. Exodus 32:11-12
          4. Exodus 33:13
          5. Exodus 33:16
          6. Deuteronomy 09:26
          7. Deuteronomy 09:29
          8. Deuteronomy 21:08
          9. Deuteronomy 26:15
          10. II Samuel 07:23-24
          11. I Kings 03:08-09
          12. I Kings 08:44
          13. I Kings 08:51
          14. I Chronicles 29:17-18
          15. Nehemiah 01:10
          16. Nehemiah 09:32
        2. part B
          1. Psalm 03:08
          2. Psalm 28:09
          3. Psalm 44:12
          4. Psalm 60:03
          5. Psalm 68:07
          6. Psalm 77:15
          7. Psalm 77:20
          8. Psalm 79:13
          9. Psalm 80:04
          10. Psalm 83:03
          11. Psalm 85:02
          12. Psalm 85:06
          13. Psalm 94:05
          14. Psalm 106:04
          15. Psalm 110:03
        3. part C
          1. Isaiah 02:06
          2. Isaiah 60:21
          3. Isaiah 63:14
          4. Isaiah 64:09
          5. Jeremiah 31:07
          6. Daniel 09:15-16
          7. Daniel 09:19
          8. Hosea 04:04
          9. Joel 02:17
          10. Micah 07:14
          11. Nahum 03:13
          12. Habakkuk 03:13
          13. Micah 07:14
        4. Thy people Israel
          1. Deuteronomy 26:15
          2. I Kings 08:30
          3. I Kings 08:33-34
          4. I Kings 08:36
          5. I Kings 08:38
          6. I Kings 08:41
          7. I Kings 08:43
          8. I Kings 08:52
          9. I Chronicles 17:21-22
          10. Isaiah 10:22
          11. Jeremiah 32:21
          12. Luke 02:32
        5. Children of Thy people
          1. Ezekiel 03:11
          2. Ezekiel 33:02
          3. Ezekiel 33:12
          4. Ezekiel 33:17
          5. Ezekiel 33:30
          6. Ezekiel 37:18
  2. God's Ministers
    1. A-L
      1. Ambassadors for Christ
        1. 2 Corinthians 05:20
      2. Angels of the Church
        1. Revelation 01:20
        2. Revelation 02:01
      3. Apostles
        1. Luke 06:13
        2. Ephesians 04:11
        3. Revelation 18:20
      4. Apostles of Jesus Christ
        1. Titus 01:01
      5. Bishops
        1. Philippians 01:01
        2. 1 Timothy 03:01
        3. Titus 01:07
      6. Deacons
        1. Acts 06:01
        2. 1 Timothy 03:08
        3. Philippians 01:01
      7. Elders
        1. 1 Timothy 05:17
        2. 1 Peter 05:01
      8. Evangelists
        1. Ephesians 03:11
        2. 2 Timothy 03:05
      9. Fishers of men
        1. Matthew 03:19
        2. Mark 01:17
      10. Labourers
        1. Matthew 09:38
        2. Philemon 01:01
        3. 1 Thessalonians 02:02
      11. Labourers in the vineyard
        1. xxx
    2. M-O
      1. Man of God
        1. xxx
      2. Messengers
        1. xxx
      3. Messengers of the Lord of hosts
        1. Malachi 02:07
      4. Ministers of God
        1. 2 Corinthians 06:04
      5. Ministers of the Lord
        1. Joel 01:17
      6. Ministers of Christ
        1. Romans 15:16
        2. 1 Corinthians 03:01
      7. Ministers of the sanctuary
        1. Ezekiel 45:04
      8. Ministers of the gospel
        1. Ephesians 03:07
        2. Colossians 01:23
      9. Ministers of the word
        1. Luke 01:02
      10. Ministers of the New Testament
        1. 2 Corinthians 03:06
      11. Ministers of the Church
        1. Colossians 01:24-25
      12. Ministers of righteousness
        1. 2 Corinthians 11:15
      13. Overseers
        1. Acts 20:28
    3. P-Z
      1. Pastors
        1. Jeremiah 03:15
        2. Jeremiah 17:06
        3. Ephesians 04:11
      2. Preachers
        1. Romans 10:14
        2. 1 Timothy 02:07
        3. 2 Timothy 01:11
        4. 2 Peter 02:15
      3. Servants of God
        1. Moses
          1. 1Chronicles 06:49
          2. 2 Chronicles 24:09
          3. Nehemiah 10:29
          4. Daniel 09:11
          5. Revelation 15:03
        2. Titus 01:01
        3. James 01:01
      4. Servants of the Lord
        1. Moses
          1. Deuteronomy 34:05
          2. Joshua
          3. Joshua 01:01
          4. Joshua 01:13
          5. Joshua 08:31
          6. Joshua 08:33
          7. Joshua 11:12
          8. Joshua 12:06
          9. Joshua 13:08
          10. Joshua 14:07
          11. Joshua 18:07
          12. Joshua 22:02
          13. Joshua 22:04
          14. Joshua 22:05
          15. 2Kings 18:12
          16. 2 Chronicles 01:03
          17. 2 Chronicles 24:06
        2. others
          1. Joshua 24:29
          2. 2 Timothy 02:24
          3. Judges 02:08
          4. 2Kings 09:07
          5. 2Kings 10:23
          6. Psalm 018:01
          7. Psalm 036:01
          8. Psalm 113:01
          9. Psalm 134:01
          10. Psalm 135:01
          11. Isaiah 54:17
          12. 2 Timothy 02:24
      5. Servants of Christ
        1. Galatians 01:10
        2. Colossians 04:12
      6. Servants of the Church
        1. 2 Corinthians 03:05
      7. Servants of Jesus Christ
        1. Romans 01:01
        2. Jude 01:01
      8. Shepherds
        1. Jeremiah 23:04
        2. Ezekiel 34:02
        3. Ezekiel 34:08
        4. Ezekiel 34:10
        5. Zechariah 10:03
        6. Zechariah 11:03
      9. Soldiers of Christ
        1. Philippians 02:25
        2. 2 Timothy 02:03
      10. Stars
        1. Revelation 01:20
        2. Revelation 02:01
      11. Stewards of God
        1. Titus 01:07
      12. Stewards of the grace of God
        1. 1 Peter 03:10
      13. Stewards of the mysteries of God
        1. 1 Corinthians 03:01
      14. Teachers
        1. Isaiah 30:20
        2. Ephesians 04:11
      15. Watchmen
        1. Isaiah 62:06
        2. Ezekiel 33:07
      16. Witnesses
        1. Acts 01:08
        2. Acts 05:32
        3. Acts 26:16
      17. Workers together with God
        1. 2 Corinthians 06:01
    1. Congregation:GENERAL
      1. congregation(s)
        1. Psalm 26:12
        2. Psalm 68:26
        3. Jeremiah 06:18
      2. congregation, assembly of the
        1. Numbers 14:05
      3. congregation, chief fathers of the
        1. Numbers 31:26
      4. congregation, evil
        1. Numbers 14:27
        2. Numbers 14:35
      5. congregation, princes of the
        1. Numbers 32:02
        2. Joshua 09:18
        3. Joshua 22:30
      6. congregation, the chief of the
        1. Numbers 04:34
      7. congregation, the elders of the
        1. Leviticus 04:15
        2. Judges 21:16
      8. congregation, the iniquity of the
        1. Leviticus 10:17
      9. congregation, the mount of
        1. Isaiah 14:13
      10. congregation, their
        1. Jeremiah 30:20
        2. Hosea 07:12
      11. congregation, this
        1. Numbers 16:21
        2. Numbers 16:45
        3. Numbers 20:12
      12. congregation, thy
        1. Psalm 74:02
        2. Lamentations 01:10
      13. congregation of God, the
        1. Nehemiah 13:01
      14. congregation of Jacob
        1. Deuteronomy 33:04
      15. congregation of the mighty, the
        1. Psalm 82:01
      16. congregation of the people, the
        1. Leviticus 16:33
        2. Psalm 07:07
        3. Psalm 107:32
      17. congregation of the righteous
        1. Psalm 01:05
      18. congregation, the rulers of the
        1. Exodus 16:22
        2. Exodus 34:31
        3. Ezra 10:14
      19. congregation, the tent of the
        1. Exodus 39:40
        2. Exodus 40:07
        3. Exodus 40:22
        4. Exodus 40:24
        5. Exodus 40:26
        6. Exodus 40:29-30
        7. Exodus 40:32
        8. Exodus 40:34-35
    2. the congregation
      1. Exodus & Leviticus
        1. Exodus 38:25
        2. Exodus 39:32
        3. Exodus 39:40
        4. Leviticus 04:14
        5. Leviticus 04:21
        6. Leviticus 08:03
        7. Leviticus 08:05
        8. Leviticus 09:05
        9. Leviticus 24:16
      2. Numbers
        1. Numbers 01:16
        2. Numbers 01:18
        3. Numbers 02:02
        4. Numbers 10:07
        5. Numbers 15:15
        6. Numbers 15:24-25
        7. Numbers 16:02
        8. Numbers 16:09
        9. Numbers 16:24
        10. Numbers 16:26
        11. Numbers 16:33
        12. Numbers 16:42-43
        13. Numbers 16:46-47
        14. Numbers 16:50
        15. Numbers 17:04
        16. Numbers 18:04
        17. Numbers 19:09
        18. Numbers 19:20
        19. Numbers 20:02
        20. Numbers 20:04
        21. Numbers 20:08
        22. Numbers 20:10-11
        23. Numbers 25:07
        24. Numbers 26:09
        25. Numbers 27:02
        26. Numbers 27:14
        27. Numbers 27:16-17
        28. Numbers 31:12-13
        29. Numbers 31:16
        30. Numbers 31:26
        31. Numbers 31:43
        32. Numbers 31:54
        33. Numbers 32:02
        34. Numbers 32:04
        35. Numbers 35:12
        36. Numbers 35:24-25
      3. Joshua & Judges
        1. Joshua 09:15
        2. Joshua 09:18-19
        3. Joshua 09:27
        4. Joshua 18:01
        5. Joshua 19:51
        6. Joshua 20:06
        7. Joshua 20:09
        8. Judges 20:01
        9. Judges 21:05
        10. Judges 21:10
      4. Kings & Chronicles
        1. I Kings 12:20
        2. I Chronicles 28:08
        3. II Chronicles 01:05
        4. II Chronicles 20:05
        5. II Chronicles 20:14
        6. II Chronicles 29:23
        7. II Chronicles 29:18
        8. II Chronicles 29:31-32
        9. II Chronicles 30:17
        10. II Chronicles 30:24
      5. Other Books
        1. Ezra 10:08
        2. Nehemiah 08:02
        3. Psalm 22:22
        4. Psalm 74:19
        5. Psalm 75:02
        6. Psalm 111:01
        7. Proverbs 05:14
        8. Joel 02:16
        9. Acts 13:43
    3. Congregation, all the
      1. Numbers 08:20
      2. Numbers 13:26
      3. Numbers 14:01
      4. Numbers 14:10
      5. Numbers 14:36
      6. Numbers 15:24
      7. Numbers 15:26
      8. Numbers 15:33
      9. Numbers 15:35-36
      10. Numbers 16:03
      11. Numbers 16:19
      12. Numbers 16:22
      13. Numbers 16:41
      14. Numbers 20:27
      15. Numbers 20:29
      16. Numbers 25:06
      17. Numbers 27:02
      18. Numbers 27:19-22
      19. Numbers 31:27
      20. Joshua 09:21
      21. I Kings 12:03
      22. I Chronicles 13:02
      23. I Chronicles 13:04
      24. I Chronicles 29:01
      25. I Chronicles 29:10-20
      26. II Chronicles 01:03
      27. II Chronicles 05:05
      28. II Chronicles 30:02
      29. II Chronicles 30:04
      30. II Chronicles 30:25
      31. II Chronicles 31:18
      32. Ezra 10:12
      33. Nehemiah 05:13
      34. Nehemiah 08:17
    4. congregation, the whole
      1. Numbers 03:07
      2. Numbers 14:02
      3. Numbers 20:01
      4. Numbers 20:22
      5. Joshua 18:01
      6. Joshua 22:12
      7. Judges 21:13
      8. II Chronicles 06:03
      9. Ezra 02:64
      10. Nehemiah 07:66
      11. Proverbs 26:26
    5. Congregation, Great
      1. I Kings 08:65
      2. II Chronicles 07:08
      3. II Chronicles 30:13
      4. Ezra 10:01
      5. Psalm 22:25
      6. Psalm 35:18
      7. Psalm 40:09-10
    6. Congregation of Israel
      1. congregation of Israel, all the
        1. Deuteronomy 31:30
        2. Joshua 22:20
        3. I Kings 08:05
        4. I Kings 08:14
        5. I Kings 08:22
        6. I Kings 08:55
        7. II Chronicles 05:06
        8. II Chronicles 06:03
        9. II Chronicles 06:12-13
      2. congregation of Israel, the
        1. Exodus 12:03
        2. Exodus 12:06
        3. Exodus 12:19
        4. Exodus 12:47
        5. Leviticus 16:17
        6. Numbers 16:09
        7. Joshua 08:35
      3. congregation of Israel, the whole
        1. Leviticus 04:13
        2. Joshua 22:18
        3. II Chronicles 06:03
      4. congregation of the children of Israel
        1. Exodus 16:01-02
        2. Exodus 16:09-10
        3. Exodus 17:01
        4. Exodus 35:01
        5. Exodus 35:04
        6. Exodus 35:20
        7. Leviticus 16:05
        8. Leviticus 19:02
        9. Numbers 01:02
        10. Numbers 01:53
        11. Numbers 26:02
        12. Joshua 22:12
    7. congregation of the LORD
      1. Numbers 16:03
      2. Deuteronomy 23:01-03
      3. Deuteronomy 23:08
      4. Joshua 22:16
      5. Joshua 22:17
      6. Micah 02:05
    8. congregation of saints
      1. Psalm 089:05
      2. Psalm 149:01
    9. congregation, the tabernacle of the
      1. Exodus
        1. Exodus 27:21
        2. Exodus 28:43
        3. Exodus 29:04
        4. Exodus 29:10-11
        5. Exodus 29:30
        6. Exodus 29:32
        7. Exodus 29:42
        8. Exodus 29:44
        9. Exodus 30:16
        10. Exodus 30:18
        11. Exodus 30:20
        12. Exodus 30:26
        13. Exodus 30:36
        14. Exodus 31:07
        15. Exodus 33:07
        16. Exodus 35:21
        17. Exodus 38:08
        18. Exodus 38:30
        19. Exodus 39:32
        20. Exodus 40:02
        21. Exodus 40:06
        22. Exodus 40:12
      2. Leviticus
        1. Leviticus 01:01
        2. Leviticus 01:03
        3. Leviticus 01:05
        4. Leviticus 03:02
        5. Leviticus 03:08
        6. Leviticus 03:13
        7. Leviticus 04:04-05
        8. Leviticus 04:07
        9. Leviticus 04:14
        10. Leviticus 04:16
        11. Leviticus 04:18
        12. Leviticus 06:16
        13. Leviticus 06:26
        14. Leviticus 06:30
        15. Leviticus 08:03-04
        16. Leviticus 08:31
        17. Leviticus 08:33
        18. Leviticus 08:35
        19. Leviticus 09:05
        20. Leviticus 09:23
        21. Leviticus 10:07
        22. Leviticus 10:09
        23. Leviticus 12:06
        24. Leviticus 14:11
        25. Leviticus 14:23
        26. Leviticus 15:14
        27. Leviticus 15:29
        28. Leviticus 16:07
        29. Leviticus 16:16-17
        30. Leviticus 16:20
        31. Leviticus 16:23
        32. Leviticus 16:33
        33. Leviticus 17:04-06
        34. Leviticus 17:09
        35. Leviticus 19:21
        36. Leviticus 24:14
      3. Numbers
        1. Numbers 01:01
        2. Numbers 02:17
        3. Numbers 03:07-08
        4. Numbers 03:25
        5. Numbers 03:38
        6. Numbers 04:03-04
        7. Numbers 04:15
        8. Numbers 04:23
        9. Numbers 04:25
        10. Numbers 04:28
        11. Numbers 04:30
        12. Numbers 04:33
        13. Numbers 04:35
        14. Numbers 04:37
        15. Numbers 04:39
        16. Numbers 04:41
        17. Numbers 04:43
        18. Numbers 04:47
        19. Numbers 06:10
        20. Numbers 06:13
        21. Numbers 06:18
        22. Numbers 07:05
        23. Numbers 07:89
        24. Numbers 08:09
        25. Numbers 08:15
        26. Numbers 08:19
        27. Numbers 08:22
        28. Numbers 08:24
        29. Numbers 08:26
        30. Numbers 10:03
        31. Numbers 11:16
        32. Numbers 12:04
        33. Numbers 16:18-19
        34. Numbers 18:06
        35. Numbers 18:21-23
        36. Numbers 18:31
        37. Numbers 19:04
        38. Numbers 20:06
        39. Numbers 25:06
      4. Other Books
        1. Deuteronomy 31:14
        2. I Samuel 02:22
        3. I Kings 08:04
        4. I Chronicles 06:32
        5. I Chronicles 09:21
        6. I Chronicles 23:32
        7. II Chronicles 01:03
        8. II Chronicles 01:06
        9. II Chronicles 01:13
        10. II Chronicles 05:05
    10. Congregation of thy poor
      1. Psalm 074:19
    1. assembly of
      1. assembly of the elders
        1. Psalm 107:32
      2. assembly of the people
        1. Jeremiah 26:17
      3. assembly of the people of God
        1. Judges 20:02
      4. assembly of the saints
        1. Psalm 89:07
      5. assembly of the upright
        1. Psalm 111:01
      6. assembly of young men
        1. Jeremiah 06:11
    2. assembly, an
      1. Lamentations 01:15
      2. Ezekiel 13:09
      3. Ezekiel 23:24
      4. assembly of treacherous men, an
        1. Jeremiah 09:02
    3. assembly, the
      1. Leviticus 04:13
      2. Leviticus 08:04
      3. Numbers 10:02-03
      4. Numbers 16:02
      5. Numbers 20:06
      6. Numbers 20:08
      7. Deuteronomy 10:04
      8. Deuteronomy 18:16
      9. Judges 21:08
      10. general assembly, the
        1. Hebrews 12:23
    4. assembly, the whole
      1. Exodus 16:03
      2. Numbers 08:09
      3. II Chronicles 30:23
    5. assembly, this
      1. I Samuel 17:47
    6. assembly, your
      1. Deuteronomy 05:22
    7. assembly of great nations, an
      1. Jeremiah 50:09
    8. assembly of children of Israel
      1. Exodus 12:06
      2. Numbers 14:05
    9. solemn assembly
      1. Leviticus 23:36
      2. Numbers 29:35
      3. Deuteronomy 16:08
      4. II Chronicles 07:09
      5. Nehemiah 08:18
      6. Joel 01:14
      7. Joel 02:15
      8. Zephaniah 03:18
    10. General assembly
      1. Hebrews 12:23
  5. GOD's-FLOCK
    1. flock of God
      1. I Peter 05:02
    2. Flock of his people, the
      1. Zechariah 09:16
    3. Flock of Jerusalem, the
      1. Ezekiel 36:38
    4. my flock
      1. Jeremiah 23:02
      2. Jeremiah 23:03
      3. Ezekiel 34:06
      4. Ezekiel 34:08
      5. Ezekiel 34:10
      6. Ezekiel 34:15
      7. Ezekiel 34:17
      8. Ezekiel 34:19
      9. Ezekiel 34:22
      10. Ezekiel 34:31
    5. Flock of my pasture
      1. Ezekiel 34:31
    6. Flock of slaughter, the
      1. Zechariah 11:07
    7. Flock of the slaughter, the
      1. Zechariah 11:04
    8. Flock, the
      1. Jeremiah 13:20
      2. Jeremiah 25:34
      3. Jeremiah 25:35
      4. Jeremiah 25:36
      5. Jeremiah 49:20
      6. Jeremiah 50:45
      7. Ezekiel 34:03
      8. Ezekiel 34:10
      9. Zechariah 11:17
    9. Flock of thine heritage, the
      1. Micah 07:14
    10. Flocks of Kader
      1. Isaiah 60:07
    11. Flocks of men
      1. Ezekiel 36:38
    12. Flocks of sheep
      1. Joel 01:18
      2. Micah 05:08
    13. Fold of Flocks
      1. Isaiah 65:10
    14. Holy Flock
      1. Ezekiel 36:38
    15. Poor of the Flock
      1. Zechariah 11:07
      2. Zechariah 11:11
    16. Tower of the Flock
      1. Micah 04:08
    17. thine Beautiful flock
      1. Jeremiah 13:20
    1. My People GENERAL
      1. Exodus
        1. Exodus 03:07
        2. Exodus 03:10
        3. Exodus 05:01
        4. Exodus 07:04
        5. Exodus 07:16
        6. Exodus 08:01
        7. Exodus 08:08
        8. Exodus 08:20-23
        9. Exodus 09:01
        10. Exodus 09:13
        11. Exodus 09:17
        12. Exodus 09:27
        13. Exodus 10:03-04
        14. Exodus 12:31
        15. Exodus 22:25
      2. Leviticus-Chronicles
        1. Leviticus 26:12
        2. I Samuel 09:16-17
        3. II Samuel 07:08
        4. II Samuel 22:44
        5. II Kings 20:05
        6. I Chronicles 17:06
        7. II Chronicles 01:11
        8. II Chronicles 06:05
        9. II Chronicles 07:13-14
      3. Psalms
        1. Psalm 014:04
        2. Psalm 050:07
        3. Psalm 053:04
        4. Psalm 068:22
        5. Psalm 081:11
        6. Psalm 081:13
      4. Isaiah
        1. Isaiah 01:03
        2. Isaiah 03:12
        3. Isaiah 03:15
        4. Isaiah 05:13
        5. Isaiah 10:02
        6. Isaiah 10:24
        7. Isaiah 19:25
        8. Isaiah 22:04
        9. Isaiah 26:20
        10. Isaiah 32:13
        11. Isaiah 32:18
        12. Isaiah 40:01
        13. Isaiah 43:20
        14. Isaiah 47:06
        15. Isaiah 51:04
        16. Isaiah 51:16
        17. Isaiah 52:04-6
        18. Isaiah 53:08
        19. Isaiah 57:14
        20. Isaiah 58:01
        21. Isaiah 63:08
        22. Isaiah 65:10
        23. Isaiah 65:19
        24. Isaiah 65:22
      5. Jeremiah
        1. Part 1
          1. Jeremiah 02:11
          2. Jeremiah 02:13
          3. Jeremiah 02:31-32
          4. Jeremiah 04:11
          5. Jeremiah 04:22
          6. Jeremiah 05:26
          7. Jeremiah 05:31
          8. Jeremiah 06:14
          9. Jeremiah 06:26-27
          10. Jeremiah 07:23
          11. Jeremiah 08:07
          12. Jeremiah 08:11
          13. Jeremiah 08:19
          14. Jeremiah 08:21-22
          15. Jeremiah 09:01-02
          16. Jeremiah 09:07
          17. Jeremiah 11:04
          18. Jeremiah 12:16
        2. Part 2
          1. Jeremiah 14:17
          2. Jeremiah 15:07
          3. Jeremiah 18:15
          4. Jeremiah 23:02
          5. Jeremiah 23:13
          6. Jeremiah 23:22
          7. Jeremiah 23:27
          8. Jeremiah 23:32
          9. Jeremiah 24:07
          10. Jeremiah 29:32
          11. Jeremiah 30:03
          12. Jeremiah 31:01
          13. Jeremiah 31:14
          14. Jeremiah 31:33
          15. Jeremiah 32:38
          16. Jeremiah 33:24
          17. Jeremiah 50:06
          18. Jeremiah 51:45
      6. Lamentations
        1. Lamentations 02:11
        2. Lamentations 03:14
        3. Lamentations 03:48
        4. Lamentations 04:03
        5. Lamentations 04:06
        6. Lamentations 04:10
      7. Ezekiel
        1. Part 1
          1. Ezekiel 11:20
          2. Ezekiel 13:09-10
          3. Ezekiel 13:18-19
          4. Ezekiel 13:21
          5. Ezekiel 13:23
          6. Ezekiel 14:08-09
          7. Ezekiel 14:11
          8. Ezekiel 21:12
          9. Ezekiel 25:14
          10. Ezekiel 33:31
          11. Ezekiel 34:30
        2. Part 2
          1. Ezekiel 36:08
          2. Ezekiel 36:12
          3. Ezekiel 36:14
          4. Ezekiel 36:16
          5. Ezekiel 36:18
          6. Ezekiel 37:12-13
          7. Ezekiel 37:23
          8. Ezekiel 37:27
          9. Ezekiel 38:14
          10. Ezekiel 38:16
          11. Ezekiel 39:07
          12. Ezekiel 44:23
          13. Ezekiel 45:08-09
          14. Ezekiel 46:18
      8. Daniel-Amos
        1. Daniel 09:20
        2. Hosea 01:09-10
        3. Hosea 02:23
        4. Hosea 04:06
        5. Hosea 04:08
        6. Hosea 04:12
        7. Hosea 06:11
        8. Hosea 11:07
        9. Joel 02:26-27
        10. Joel 03:02-03
        11. Amos 07:08
        12. Amos 07:15
        13. Amos 08:02
        14. Amos 09:10
        15. Amos 09:14
      9. Obadiah-Zechariah
        1. Obadiah 01:13
        2. Micah 01:09
        3. Micah 02:04
        4. Micah 02:08-09
        5. Micah 03:03
        6. Micah 03:05
        7. Micah 06:03
        8. Micah 06:05
        9. Micah 06:16
        10. Zephaniah 02:08
        11. Zephaniah 02:09
        12. Zechariah 02:11
        13. Zechariah 08:07-09
        14. Zechariah 13:09
      10. NEW Testament
        1. Matthew 02:06
        2. Acts 07:34
        3. Romans 09:25-26
        4. II Corinthians 06:16
        5. Revelation 18:04
    2. My people Israel
      1. Part 1
        1. Exodus 03:10
        2. Exodus 07:04
        3. I Samuel 09:16
        4. II Samuel 03:18
        5. II Samuel 05:02
        6. II Samuel 07:07
        7. II Samuel 07:10-11
        8. I Kings 06:13
        9. I Kings 06:13
        10. I Kings 08:16
        11. I Kings 14:07
        12. I Kings 16:02
        13. I Chronicles 11:02
        14. I Chronicles 17:02
        15. I Chronicles 17:07
        16. I Chronicles 17:09
        17. I Chronicles 17:10
        18. II Chronicles 06:05-06
      2. Part 2
        1. Jeremiah 07:12
        2. Jeremiah 12:14
        3. Jeremiah 23:13
        4. Jeremiah 30:03
        5. Ezekiel 14:09
        6. Ezekiel 25:14
        7. Ezekiel 36:08
        8. Ezekiel 36:12
        9. Ezekiel 36:14
        10. Ezekiel 36:16
        11. Ezekiel 39:07
        12. Daniel 09:10
        13. Amos 07:08
        14. Amos 07:15
        15. Amos 08:02
        16. Amos 09:14
        17. Matthew 02:06
    3. Poor of My people
      1. Isaiah 10:02
    4. Daughter of my people
      1. Isaiah 22:04
      2. Jeremiah 04:11
      3. Jeremiah 06:14
      4. Jeremiah 06:26
      5. Jeremiah 08:11
      6. Jeremiah 08:19
      7. Jeremiah 08:22
      8. Jeremiah 09:01
      9. Jeremiah 09:07
      10. Jeremiah 14:17
      11. Lamentations 02:11
      12. Lamentations 03:48
      13. Lamentations 04:03
      14. Lamentations 04:06
      15. Lamentations 04:10
      16. Ezekiel 13:17
  7. Children of Israel
    1. Genesis
      1. Genesis 32:32
      2. Genesis 36:31
      3. Genesis 45:21
      4. Genesis 46:08
      5. Genesis 36:31
      6. Genesis 45:21
      7. Genesis 46:08
      8. Genesis 50:25
    2. Exodus
      1. part A
        1. Exodus 01:01
        2. Exodus 01:07
        3. Exodus 01:09
        4. Exodus 01:12-13
        5. Exodus 02:23
        6. Exodus 02:25
        7. Exodus 03:09-11
        8. Exodus 03:13-15
        9. Exodus 04:29
        10. Exodus 04:31
        11. Exodus 05:14-15
        12. Exodus 04:19
        13. Exodus 05:14-15
        14. Exodus 05:19
        15. Exodus 06:05-06
        16. Exodus 06:09
        17. Exodus 06:11-13
        18. Exodus 06:26-27
        19. Exodus 07:02
        20. Exodus 07:04-06
      2. part B
        1. Exodus 09:06
        2. Exodus 09:26
        3. Exodus 09:35
        4. Exodus 10:20
        5. Exodus 10:23
        6. Exodus 11:07
        7. Exodus 11:10
        8. Exodus 12:27-28
        9. Exodus 12:31
        10. Exodus 12:35
        11. Exodus 12:37
        12. Exodus 12:40
        13. Exodus 12:42
        14. Exodus 12:50-51
        15. Exodus 13:02
        16. Exodus 13:18-19
      3. part C
        1. Exodus 14:02-03
        2. Exodus 14:08
        3. Exodus 14:10
        4. Exodus 14:15-16
        5. Exodus 14:22
        6. Exodus 14:29
        7. Exodus 15:01
        8. Exodus 15:19
        9. Exodus 16:03
        10. Exodus 16:06
        11. Exodus 16:09-10
        12. Exodus 16:12
        13. Exodus 16:15
        14. Exodus 16:17
        15. Exodus 16:35
        16. Exodus 17:01
        17. Exodus 17:07
        18. Exodus 19:01
        19. Exodus 19:03
        20. Exodus 19:06
        21. Exodus 20:22
      4. part D
        1. Exodus 24:05
        2. Exodus 24:11
        3. Exodus 24:17
        4. Exodus 25:02
        5. Exodus 25:22
        6. Exodus 27:20-21
        7. Exodus 28:01
        8. Exodus 28:09
        9. Exodus 28:11-12
        10. Exodus 28:21
        11. Exodus 28:29-30
        12. Exodus 28:38
        13. Exodus 29:28
        14. Exodus 29:43
        15. Exodus 29:45
        16. Exodus 30:12
        17. Exodus 30:16
        18. Exodus 30:31
      5. part E
        1. Exodus 31:13
        2. Exodus 31:16-17
        3. Exodus 32:20
        4. Exodus 33:05-06
        5. Exodus 34:30
        6. Exodus 34:32
        7. Exodus 34:34-35
        8. Exodus 35:01
        9. Exodus 35:04
        10. Exodus 35:20
        11. Exodus 35:29-30
        12. Exodus 36:03
        13. Exodus 39:07
        14. Exodus 39:14
        15. Exodus 39:32
        16. Exodus 39:42
        17. Exodus 40:36
    3. Leviticus
      1. part A
        1. Leviticus 01:01
        2. Leviticus 04:02
        3. Leviticus 07:23
        4. Leviticus 07:29
        5. Leviticus 07:34
        6. Leviticus 07:36
        7. Leviticus 07:38
        8. Leviticus 09:03
        9. Leviticus 10:11
        10. Leviticus 10:14
        11. Leviticus 11:02
        12. Leviticus 12:02
        13. Leviticus 15:02
        14. Leviticus 15:31
      2. part A
        1. Leviticus 16:05
        2. Leviticus 16:16
        3. Leviticus 16:19
        4. Leviticus 16:21
        5. Leviticus 16:34
        6. Leviticus 17:02
        7. Leviticus 17:05
        8. Leviticus 17:12-14
        9. Leviticus 18:02
        10. Leviticus 19:02
        11. Leviticus 20:02
        12. Leviticus 21:24
        13. Leviticus 22:02-03
        14. Leviticus 22:15
        15. Leviticus 22:18
        16. Leviticus 22:32
      3. part A
        1. Leviticus 23:02
        2. Leviticus 23:10
        3. Leviticus 23:24
        4. Leviticus 23:34
        5. Leviticus 23:43-44
        6. Leviticus 24:02
        7. Leviticus 24:08
        8. Leviticus 24:10
        9. Leviticus 24:15
        10. Leviticus 24:23
        11. Leviticus 25:02
        12. Leviticus 25:33
        13. Leviticus 25:46
        14. Leviticus 25:55
        15. Leviticus 26:46
        16. Leviticus 27:02
        17. Leviticus 25:34
    4. Number
      1. part A
        1. Numbers 01:02
        2. Numbers 01:45
        3. Numbers 01:49
        4. Numbers 01:52-54
        5. Numbers 02:02
        6. Numbers 02:32-34
        7. Numbers 03:08-09
        8. Numbers 03:12
        9. Numbers 03:38
        10. Numbers 03:40-42
        11. Numbers 03:45-46
        12. Numbers 03:50
        13. Numbers 05:02
        14. Numbers 05:04
        15. Numbers 05:06
        16. Numbers 05:09
        17. Numbers 05:12
      2. part B
        1. Numbers 06:02
        2. Numbers 06:23
        3. Numbers 06:27
        4. Numbers 08:06
        5. Numbers 08:09-11
        6. Numbers 08:14
        7. Numbers 08:16-20
        8. Numbers 09:02
        9. Numbers 09:04-05
        10. Numbers 09:07
        11. Numbers 09:10
        12. Numbers 09:17-19
        13. Numbers 09:22
        14. Numbers 10:12
        15. Numbers 10:28
        16. Numbers 11:04
        17. Numbers 13:02-03
        18. Numbers 13:24
        19. Numbers 13:26
        20. Numbers 13:32
      3. part C
        1. Numbers 14:02
        2. Numbers 14:05
        3. Numbers 14:07
        4. Numbers 14:10
        5. Numbers 14:27
        6. Numbers 14:39
        7. Numbers 15:02
        8. Numbers 15:18
        9. Numbers 15:25-26
        10. Numbers 15:29
        11. Numbers 15:32
        12. Numbers 15:38
        13. Numbers 16:02
        14. Numbers 16:38
        15. Numbers 16:40-41
        16. Numbers 17:02
        17. Numbers 17:05-06
        18. Numbers 17:09
        19. Numbers 17:12
      4. part D
        1. Numbers 18:05-06
        2. Numbers 18:08
        3. Numbers 18:11
        4. Numbers 18:19-20
        5. Numbers 18:22-24
        6. Numbers 18:26
        7. Numbers 18:28
        8. Numbers 18:32
        9. Numbers 19:02
        10. Numbers 19:09
        11. Numbers 19:10
        12. Numbers 20:01
        13. Numbers 20:12-13
        14. Numbers 20:19
        15. Numbers 20:22
        16. Numbers 20:24
        17. Numbers 21:10
        18. Numbers 22:01
        19. Numbers 22:03
      5. part E
        1. Numbers 25:06
        2. Numbers 25:08
        3. Numbers 25:11
        4. Numbers 25:13
        5. Numbers 26:04
        6. Numbers 26:51
        7. Numbers 26:62-64
        8. Numbers 27:08
        9. Numbers 27:11-12
        10. Numbers 27:20-21
        11. Numbers 28:02
        12. Numbers 29:40
        13. Numbers 30:01
        14. Numbers 31:01-02
        15. Numbers 31:09
        16. Numbers 31:12
        17. Numbers 31:16
        18. Numbers 31:30
        19. Numbers 31:42
        20. Numbers 31:47
        21. Numbers 31:54
      6. part F
        1. Numbers 32:07
        2. Numbers 32:09
        3. Numbers 32:17-18
        4. Numbers 32:28
        5. Numbers 33:01
        6. Numbers 33:03
        7. Numbers 33:05
        8. Numbers 33:38
        9. Numbers 33:40
        10. Numbers 33:51
        11. Numbers 34:02
        12. Numbers 34:13
        13. Numbers 34:29
        14. Numbers 35:02
        15. Numbers 35:08
        16. Numbers 35:10
        17. Numbers 35:15
        18. Numbers 35:34
        19. Numbers 36:01-05
        20. Numbers 36:07-09
        21. Numbers 36:13
    5. Deteronomy
      1. Deuteronomy 01:03
      2. Deuteronomy 03:18
      3. Deuteronomy 04:44-46
      4. Deuteronomy 10:06
      5. Deuteronomy 24:07
      6. Deuteronomy 29:01
      7. Deuteronomy 31:19
      8. Deuteronomy 31:22-23
      9. Deuteronomy 32:08
      10. Deuteronomy 32:49
      11. Deuteronomy 32:51-52
      12. Deuteronomy 33:01
      13. Deuteronomy 34:08-09
    6. Joshua
      1. part A
        1. Joshua 01:02
        2. Joshua 02:02
        3. Joshua 03:01
        4. Joshua 04:04-05
        5. Joshua 04:07-08
        6. Joshua 04:12
        7. Joshua 04:21
        8. Joshua 05:01-03
        9. Joshua 05:06
        10. Joshua 05:10
        11. Joshua 05:12
        12. Joshua 06:01
      2. part B
        1. Joshua 07:01
        2. Joshua 07:12
        3. Joshua 07:23
        4. Joshua 08:31-32
        5. Joshua 09:17-18
        6. Joshua 09:26
        7. Joshua 10:04
        8. Joshua 10:11-12
        9. Joshua 10:20-21
        10. Joshua 11:14
        11. Joshua 11:19
        12. Joshua 11:22
        13. Joshua 12:01
        14. Joshua 12:06-07
        15. Joshua 13:13
        16. Joshua 13:22
        17. Joshua 14:01
      3. part C
        1. Joshua 13:06
        2. Joshua 14:05
        3. Joshua 14:10
        4. Joshua 17:13
        5. Joshua 18:01-03
        6. Joshua 18:10
        7. Joshua 19:49
        8. Joshua 19:51
        9. Joshua 20:02
        10. Joshua 20:09
        11. Joshua 21:01
        12. Joshua 21:03
        13. Joshua 21:08
        14. Joshua 21:41
        15. Joshua 22:09
        16. Joshua 22:11-13
        17. Joshua 22:31-33
        18. Joshua 24:32
    7. Judges
      1. part A
        1. Judges 01:01
        2. Judges 02:04
        3. Judges 02:06
        4. Judges 02:11
        5. Judges 03:02
        6. Judges 03:05
        7. Judges 03:07-09
        8. Judges 03:12
        9. Judges 03:14-15
        10. Judges 03:27
        11. Judges 04:01
        12. Judges 04:03
        13. Judges 04:04
        14. Judges 04:23-24
        15. Judges 06:01-02
        16. Judges 06:06-08
        17. Judges 08:28
        18. Judges 08:33-34
      2. part B
        1. Judges 10:06
        2. Judges 10:08
        3. Judges 10:10-11
        4. Judges 10:15
        5. Judges 10:17
        6. Judges 11:27
        7. Judges 11:33
        8. Judges 13:01
        9. Judges 19:12
        10. Judges 19:30
        11. Judges 20:01
        12. Judges 20:03
        13. Judges 20:07
        14. Judges 20:13-14
        15. Judges 20:18-19
        16. Judges 20:23-27
        17. Judges 20:30
        18. Judges 20:32
        19. Judges 20:35
        20. Judges 21:05-06
        21. Judges 21:18
        22. Judges 21:24
    8. 1&2 Samuel
      1. I Samuel 02:28
      2. I Samuel 07:04
      3. I Samuel 07:06-08
      4. I Samuel 09:02
      5. I Samuel 11:08
      6. I Samuel 14:18
      7. I Samuel 15:06
      8. I Samuel 17:53
      9. II Samuel 07:06-07
      10. II Samuel 21:02
    9. 1 Kings
      1. I Kings 06:01
      2. I Kings 06:13
      3. I Kings 08:01
      4. I Kings 08:09
      5. I Kings 08:63
      6. I Kings 09:20-22
      7. I Kings 11:02
      8. I Kings 12:17
      9. I Kings 12:24
      10. I Kings 12:33
      11. I Kings 14:24
      12. I Kings 18:20
      13. I Kings 19:10
      14. I Kings 19:14
      15. I Kings 20:15
      16. I Kings 20:27
      17. I Kings 20:29
      18. I Kings 20:26
    10. 2 Kings
      1. II Kings 08:12
      2. II Kings 13:05
      3. II Kings 16:03
      4. II Kings 17:07-09
      5. II Kings 17:22
      6. II Kings 17:24
      7. II Kings 18:04
      8. II Kings 21:02
      9. II Kings 21:09
    11. 1 Chronicles
      1. I Chronicles 01:43
      2. I Chronicles 06:64
      3. I Chronicles 27:01
    12. 2Chronicles
      1. II Chronicles 05:02
      2. II Chronicles 05:10
      3. II Chronicles 06:11
      4. II Chronicles 07:03
      5. II Chronicles 08:02
      6. II Chronicles 08:08-09
      7. II Chronicles 10:17-18
      8. II Chronicles 13:12
      9. II Chronicles 13:16
      10. II Chronicles 13:18
      11. II Chronicles 28:03
      12. II Chronicles 28:08
      13. II Chronicles 30:06
      14. II Chronicles 30:21
      15. II Chronicles 31:01
      16. II Chronicles 31:05-06
      17. II Chronicles 33:02
      18. II Chronicles 33:09
      19. II Chronicles 34:33
      20. II Chronicles 35:17
    13. Ezra-Nehemiah
      1. Ezra 03:01
      2. Ezra 06:16
      3. Ezra 06:21
      4. Ezra 07:07
      5. Nehemiah 01:06
      6. Nehemiah 02:10
      7. Nehemiah 07:73
      8. Nehemiah 08:14
      9. Nehemiah 08:17
      10. Nehemiah 09:01
      11. Nehemiah 10:39
      12. Nehemiah 13:02
    14. Psalms
      1. Psalm 103:07
      2. Psalm 148:14
      3. Isaiah 17:03
      4. Psalm 17:09
      5. Psalm 27:12
      6. Psalm 31:06
      7. Psalm 66:20
    15. Jeremiah
      1. Jeremiah 03:21
      2. Jeremiah 16:14-15
      3. Jeremiah 23:07
      4. Jeremiah 32:30
      5. Jeremiah 32:32
      6. Jeremiah 50:04
      7. Jeremiah 50:33
    16. Ezekiel
      1. Ezekiel 03:03
      2. Ezekiel 02:03
      3. Ezekiel 04:13
      4. Ezekiel 06:05
      5. Ezekiel 35:05
      6. Ezekiel 37:16
      7. Ezekiel 37:21
      8. Ezekiel 43:07
      9. Ezekiel 44:09
      10. Ezekiel 44:15
      11. Ezekiel 47:22
      12. Ezekiel 48:11
    17. Daniel-Malachi
      1. Daniel 01:03
      2. Hosea 01:10-11
      3. Hosea 03:01
      4. Hosea 03:04-05
      5. Hosea 04:01
      6. Joel 03:16
      7. Amos 02:11
      8. Amos 03:01
      9. Amos 03:12
      10. Amos 04:05
      11. Amos 09:07
      12. Obadiah 01:20
      13. Micah 05:03
    18. NEW Testament
      1. Matthew 27:09
      2. Luke 01:16
      3. Acts 05:21
      4. Acts 07:23
      5. Acts 07:37
      6. Acts 09:15
      7. Acts 10:36
      8. Romans 09:27
      9. II Corinthians 03:07
      10. II Corinthians 03:13
      11. Hebrews 11:22
      12. Revelation 02:14
      13. Revelation 07:04
      14. Revelation 21:12