1. Getting Started
    1. System requirements
    2. Quick Start
      1. Step 1
      2. Step 2
      3. Step n
  2. Introduction
    1. Product overview
    2. Main scenarios of use
    3. Explaining the user interface
    4. What's new?
  3. Settings
    1. How to set the <Setting 1>
    2. How to set the <Setting 2>
    3. How to set the <Setting 3>
  4. APIs and Integrations
    1. API/integration 1
    2. API/integration 1
    3. API/integration n
  5. Problem Solving
    1. <Problem 1 - Cause 1 - Solution 1>
    2. <Problem 2 - Cause 2 - Solution 2>
    3. <Problem 3 - Cause 3 - Solution n>
  6. Appendices
    1. Appendix 1
    2. Appendix 2
    3. Appendix n
  7. Contact
  8. Glossary
    1. What means <Term 1>?
    2. What means <Term 2>?
    3. What means <Term n>?
  9. Security
    1. How to <security measure 1>
    2. How to <security measure 2>
    3. How to <security measure 3>
  10. Use Scenario n
    1. How to <Activity 1>
    2. How to <Activity 2>
    3. How to <Activity n>
  11. Use Scenario 2
    1. How to <Activity 1>
      1. Step 1
      2. Step 2
      3. Step n
    2. How to <Activity 2>
    3. How to <Activity n>
  12. Use Scenario 1
    1. How to <Activity 1>
      1. Step 1
      2. Step 2
      3. Step n
    2. How to <Activity 2>
    3. How to <Activity n>
  13. Installation
    1. Installing the application
    2. Launching the application
    3. Logging in
    4. Customizing the user interface
    5. Set preferences