1. Damages
    1. Nominal
      1. Contemptuous
    2. Exemplary
    3. Compensatory
      1. General
        1. Non-pecuniary
          1. Pain and suffering
          2. "Consolatory"
        2. Estimated future needs
          1. Rehabilitation
          2. Medical
          3. Nursing
          4. Psychological
          5. Pharmaceutical
          6. Domestic services
          7. Attendant care
          8. Gratuitous Services
        3. Loss of future earning capacity
        4. Loss of capacity to provide care for others
      2. Aggravated
      3. Special
        1. Ambulance
        2. Hospital
        3. Medications
        4. Medical
        5. Psychiatric
        6. Surgical
        7. Physiotherapy
        8. Gratuitous services
      4. Statutory compensation schemes
        1. Workers'
        2. Motor accident
        3. Criminal injuries
    4. Legislation
      1. Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic)
      2. Civil Liability Act 1936 (SA)
      3. Limitation Act 1981 (NT)
      4. Limitation of Actions Act 1974 (QLD)
  2. Torts (Wrongs)
    1. Statutory Torts
      1. Breach of statutory duty
    2. Common Law Torts
      1. Trespass
        1. Trespass to the person
          1. Battery
          2. Intentional conduct
          3. Positive and affirmative action
          4. Contact with another person
          5. Voluntary act
          6. Assault
          7. Elements
          8. Apprehension of impending contact
          9. Reasonable apprehension
          10. Reasonable state of mind
          11. Direct physical threat
          12. Media
          13. Conditional threat
          14. Lawful force
          15. Unlawful force
          16. Alarming words
          17. Imminent harmful contact
          18. Imminent offensive contact
          19. False imprisonment
          20. Elements
          21. Total restraint of liberty
          22. Directly effected
          23. Intentionally effected
          24. Voluntarily effected
          25. Psychological coercion
          26. Negligent trespass
        2. Variants of statutory trespass
        3. Trespass to land
        4. Trespass to goods
        5. Cattle trespass
      2. Action on the Case
        1. Deceit
        2. Detinue
        3. Conversion
        4. Nuisance
        5. Ejectment
        6. Abuse of process
        7. Injurious falsehood
        8. Malicious prosecution
        9. Loss of service
        10. for intentional infliction of nervous shock
        11. Libel
        12. Slander
        13. Defamation
        14. Negligence
        15. Passing off
        16. Interference with contractual relations
        17. Misfeasance in public office
        18. for intentional infliction of physical harm
  3. Assessment
    1. Loss
      1. Economic loss
      2. Non-economic loss
        1. Disability and impairment
        2. Assessment
          1. Ipp Report
          2. Statutory
    2. Pecuniary
      1. Gratuitous services and attendant care
        1. 'Trade Practices' legislation
        2. "Griffiths" (1977) 139 CLR 161
        3. "Nguyen" (1990) 169 CLR 245
        4. "Van Gervan" (1992) 175 CLR 327
        5. "Kars" (1996) 187 CLR 354
        6. "Grincelis" (2000) 210 CLR 312
        7. "CSR Limited" [2005] HCA 64
        8. "Kriz" [2006] QCA 351
        9. "Electrolux" (2004) 221 CLR 309
        10. "Gifford" (2003) 213 CLR 269
        11. "Coco" (1994) 179 CLR 427
      2. Loss of capacity to provide care for others
      3. Past events Potential events
      4. Loss of earning capacity
        1. Wynn (1995) 184 CLR
    3. Non-pecuniary
      1. Ipp Report
      2. Statutory Thresholds
    4. Statory reforms
      1. Trade Practices Act (Cth)
      2. Civil Liability Act 1936 (SA), s 3
      3. Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic) s 28F(1)(a)
      4. Personal Injuries 2003 (NT), s 20
      5. Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW), s 26E
      6. Civil Liability Act 2003 (QLD), s 54
      7. Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA), s 11(1)
      8. Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (ACT), s 98
      9. Civil Liability Act 2002 (Tas), s26
    5. Awards
      1. Lump sum
      2. Structured settlements
      3. Compromise of a claim