1. Root
    1. Verb Tree
      1. Finite Verb
        1. Tense
        2. Voice
        3. Helping Verb
        4. Subject and Verb Agreement
        5. Direct and Indirect Speech
      2. Non-Finite Verb
        1. ส่วนขยาย ( V.ing V.3 V.inf to V.inf )
          1. Noun
          2. V.ing
          3. V.3
          4. to V.inf
          5. Verb
          6. V.inf
          7. V.ing
          8. to V.inf
          9. to do & Doing
          10. Adjective
          11. to V.inf
          12. Preposition
          13. V.ing
  2. Trunk
    1. Noun Tree
      1. Noun
        1. Types of Noun
          1. Countable
          2. Uncountable
        2. Number of Noun
          1. Singular
          2. Plural
        3. Determiner
          1. Article
          2. Demonstrative
          3. Numeral
          4. Possessive
          5. Genitive
          6. " other " Group
          7. Quantifier
      2. Pronoun
      3. Interjection
  3. Branch
    1. Connector Tree
      1. Meaning
        1. เชื่อมความขัดแย้ง
        2. เชื่อมความคล้อยตาม
        3. เชื่อมสาเหตุ
        4. เชื่อมเหตุผล
        5. เชื่อมตัวอย่าง
        6. อื่นๆ
      2. Usage
        1. Noun (prep.)
          1. verb + preposition
          2. noun + preposition
          3. adjective + preposition
        2. Clause (conj.)
      3. Coffeemate Structure
      4. Short Addition
      5. การลดรูปของ Clause with Connector (Adverb Clause)
  4. Leaf and Flower
    1. Adjective/Adverb Tree
      1. Differences between adjective & adverb
        1. Adjective
          1. ขยาย noun
        2. Adverb
          1. ขยาย verb, adjective ,adverb ,phrase
      2. Comparison
        1. Positive Degree
        2. Comparative Degree
        3. Superlative Degree
      3. Order
        1. Adjective order
        2. Adverb order
        3. Word order
  5. Fruit
    1. Phrase/Clause/Sentence Tree
      1. Phrase
        1. Part of Speech
          1. Noun Phrase
          2. Adjective Phrase
          3. Adverb Phrase
          4. Verb Phrase
        2. คำนำหน้า
          1. Prepositional Phrase
          2. Infinitive Phrase
          3. Gerundial Phrase
          4. Participial Phrase
          5. Absolute Phrase
      2. Clause
        1. Function
          1. Independent
          2. Dependent
        2. Part of Speech
          1. Noun Clause
          2. Adjective Clause
          3. Adverbial Clause
          4. If Clause
          5. Subjunctive
          6. Wish
      3. Sentence
  6. Bird
    1. Miscellaneous Tree
      1. Sentence Structure
      2. Phonetics
      3. Part of Speech (Word Formation/Building)
      4. Parallel Structure
      5. Word Choice
      6. Redundancy
      7. Punctuation
      8. Inversion