1. The Big Picture
    1. Unterpunkt 2
      1. The horizontal dimension is for sharing knowledge, tools, and code.
      2. the vertical dimension in the matrix: people are grouped into stable co-located squads, where people with different skill sets collaborate and self­organize to deliver a great product
  2. Squad
    1. feature orientated
      1. kind of a feature team
      2. picture
    2. co-located
      1. sit together and have all the skills and tools needed to design, develop, test, and release to production
    3. self-organizing
      1. self-organizing team that decide their own way of working
    4. one long term mission
      1. each squad sticks with one mission and one part of the product for a long time to become experts in that area
    5. hack days / weeks
      1. to promote learning and innovation, each squad is encouraged to spend roughly 10% of their time on “hack days”
    6. one product owner
      1. The product owner is responsible for prioritizing the work to be done by the team, but is not involved with how they do their work
      2. doesn’t have a formally appointed squad leader
    7. supported by agile coaches
      1. a squad also has access to an agile coach, who helps them evolve and improve their way of working
  3. Tribes
    1. “incubator” for the squad
    2. collection of squads
      1. A tribe is a collection of squads that work in related areas
    3. autonome
      1. have a fair degree of freedom and autonomy
    4. one Tribe lead
    5. regular tribe gatherings
      1. Tribes hold gatherings on a regular basis, an informal get­together
  4. Chapter
    1. within a tribe
      1. Chapters are always local to a Tribe
    2. "group with similar skills"
      1. The chapter is your small family of people having similar skills and working within the same general competency area, within the same tribe.
    3. one chapter lead
  5. Guild
    1. cross-over tribes
    2. "community of interest"
      1. A Guild is a more organic and wide-­reaching “community of interest”, a group of people that want to share knowledge, tools, code, and practices.
    3. one guild coordinator
  6. System Owner
    1. focus on the integrity of the system as a whole
      1. coordinator and guides people who code in that system to ensure that they don’t stumble over each other
      2. focuses on things like quality, documentation, technical debt, stability, scalability, and release process.
  7. Chief Architect
    1. provides an architectural vision
      1. coordinates work on high-­level architectural issues that cut across multiple systems
  8. Tools
    1. Lean Startup principles & tools
      1. MVP (minimum viable product)
        1. releasing early and often
      2. validated learning
        1. using metrics and A/B testing to find out what really works and what doesn’t
      3. Dunbar number
        1. says that most people cannot maintain a social relationship with more than 100 people or so
      4. simple graph for dependencies
        1. to track how the various types of dependencies increase or decrease over time
        2. Example
      5. “healthy” tension
        1. PO is the “entrepreneur” or “product champion”, focusing on delivering a great product, while the chapter lead is the “professor” or “competency leader”, focusing on technical excellence.
        2. healthy tension between these roles, as the entrepreneur tends to want to speed up and cut corners, while the professor tends to want to slow down and build things properly
    2. Metrics
      1. Metrics
  9. Source
    1. http://blog.crisp.se/2012/11/14/henrikkniberg/scaling-agile-at-spotify
    2. Whitepaper
      1. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1018963/Articles/SpotifyScaling.pdf