1. Treat others the way you want to be treated
  2. Listening with our eyes, our ears, and our hearts. Do not disrespect who is talking
  3. You can sometimes choose to pass when called upon
  4. Talk to everyone in a nice way
  5. Mutual Respect
    1. To affirm the value and uniqueness of each person
    2. To recognize and appreciate individual and cultural differences
    3. To offer feedback that encourages growth
  6. Attentive Listening
    1. Pay close attention to one another's expression of ideas, opinions and feelings
    2. To check for Understanding
    3. To let others know that they have been heard
  7. No Put Downs
    1. To treat others kindly
    2. To state appreciation for unique qualities, gifts, skills and contributions
    3. To avoid negative remarks, name-calling, hurtful gestures and behaviours
  8. Right to Pass
    1. Choose when and to what extent one will participate in a group activity
    2. Observe Quietly if not participating actively
    3. To choose whether to offer observations later to a group when invited to do so