1. Author
    1. Matt Cutts
    2. Technologist
    3. Google
      1. Engineer
      2. SEO
    4. Blog
  2. Idea
    1. Think
      1. What you always wanted?
    2. Try IT!
      1. 30 days
  3. Examples
    1. Add
      1. Bike to work
      2. Picture every day
      3. Write a novel
      4. Draw a picture
      5. Learn a new word
      6. Read for an hour
      7. Morning exercises
      8. Make a mindmap
    2. Substract
      1. No facebook
      2. No Colla
      3. No alcohol
      4. No sugar
  4. Topic
    1. Time more memorable
    2. Grow self confedence
    3. Fun
    4. Become somebody else
    5. small changes = sustainable
  5. Topic
    1. 30 days will pass anyway
    2. No time to wait!
  6. Topic
    1. Steve Pavlina
      1. 30 days to Success
    2. Morgan Spurlock
      1. Super size Me
      2. 30 days
        1. TV series
        2. "Try someone else's life on for size"
  7. ........................
    1. +
      1. This is great!
      2. Fantastic
      3. It's fun
      4. Awesome! :D
      5. Very inspirational!
    2. -
      1. None!