1. reasons for trouble
    1. personality clash
    2. cultural barriers
    3. language barriers
    4. time management
    5. learning styles
    6. professor
    7. subject matter
    8. team dynamics
    9. Subtopic 9
  2. role as a leader
    1. analyst
    2. coach
    3. become reliable trustworthy resource for every member
    4. speak for the team
    5. protect the team from mislead actions of fear and frustration
  3. 1 Analysis
    1. 1. pray
      1. for guidance
      2. for patience
      3. for gentleness
      4. for clear seeing
    2. 2. write down my analysis of the situation
      1. what do I observe in me
      2. what in others
      3. what are my fears?
      4. what is my hope?
      5. any blame or shame?
      6. describe team situation that worked well for me
      7. my favorite solution (fight or flight)
      8. Review the work done up until now
    3. 4. Put all that aside
    4. 3. reflect on my role as leader
      1. what do I expect from me
      2. what do I expect from others
      3. what do I think others expect of me?
      4. read something inspirational on effective leaders, sort of Gandhi, King, W. Hofmeister
      5. remember situations were I worked well as a leader
    5. Talk to professor
      1. what does he notice about our work
      2. what is he missing?
    6. Develop SWOT
      1. learning/communication styles
      2. areas of expertise
      3. good/bad working realtionships
  4. Action Plan
    1. projectmanagement
      1. Identify goal, break down in sub-projects, set time-line
      2. assign sub-projects to individuals or smaller teams
        1. create sense of competition
        2. form diverse subgroups of 2
      3. define deliverables and follow-up
    2. coaching
      1. Group dynamics
        1. team-building activities
        2. games
        3. invite people to do what they like doing and enrich group
      2. Work with individuals
        1. Conflict resolution
          1. identify issues
          2. coaching if willing, of not split team
          3. find out if willingness to bring conflict into open
        2. time management
        3. bring individual obstacles into the group, so that we can help each other
        4. challenge individuals (one-on-one)
    3. Force contact
      1. each team member has to call one member a day
      2. I call everyone everyday
      3. Subtopic 3
    4. buy lots of cookies
    5. ask them to talk to someone outside of the setting about the project
    6. Leadership
      1. to do
        1. communicate urgency
        2. identify the role that I intend to play
        3. communicate commitment
        4. invite others to come to me with requests on one-to-one
      2. to keep in mind
        1. balance control and invitation
        2. have rules and abide by them
        3. keep praying
    7. facilitation
      1. get tape recorder
  5. Developing a Vision of WHATand HOW
    1. one group session
    2. agree on goal
    3. agree on form of organization
      1. team or group
      2. sub-groups?
      3. tools online collaboration?
      4. meetings facilitation rotating
      5. Agenda - including warm-up, sharing, brainstorming
    4. find basis in now
    5. find basis forward
    6. forgive the past?
    7. Groundrules
      1. out of discussion with individuals
      2. suspend criticism
      3. group contract
        1. everyone says what their goal is
        2. everyone says what they are willing to do
        3. everyone says what they do not accept
      4. When commenting first express appreciation
    8. role playing
    9. camp fire
    10. physical activity
      1. car racing
      2. snooker
      3. softball
    11. paint portrait of each team member
    12. teambuilding
    13. Topic
  6. Time Line
    1. assumption: Fall semester
    2. time: Mid October
    3. Two Months time
      1. Month 1
        1. 1 Analysis
        2. 2 Vision/Contract
        3. Project 3
        4. De-Brief
        5. Plan B: Disband ask for support from external sources
      2. Month 2
  7. 2 support
    1. get mentor