1. Expert Systems and Neutral Networks (Knowledge-based Sytem)
    1. Feature
      1. Analyze data and produce recommendations, diagnosis, and decisions.
  2. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
    1. Feature
      1. Cover main business processes in best-practice ways
  3. Search Engines
  4. Geographic Information System (GIS)
  5. Transaction Processing Systems
    1. Features
      1. Provide a way to collect, process, store, display, modify, or cancel transactions.
      2. Allow multiple transactions to take place simultaneously.
    2. Examples
      1. Point of Sale Systems – records daily sales
      2. Payroll systems – processing employees salary, loans management, etc.
      3. Stock Control systems – keeping track of inventory levels
      4. Airline booking systems – flights booking management
    3. Data in the database
  6. Management Information Systems
    1. Features
      1. Create reports to help managers make routine business decisions in response to problems.
      2. Summary, exception, and ad hoc reports.
    2. Examples
      1. Sales management systems – they get input from the point of sale system
      2. Budgeting systems – gives an overview of how much money is spent within the organization for the short and long terms.
      3. Human resource management system – overall welfare of the employees, staff turnover, etc.
    3. Data from the transaction processing system
  7. Decision Support Systems
    1. Features
      1. Support decision making by analyzing data that can generate statistical projections and data models.
      2. Produce reports such as billing, wages, inventory summaries, manufacturing schedules, or check registers.
    2. Examples
      1. Financial planning systems – it enables managers to evaluate alternative ways of achieving goals. helps senior executives to ask what if questions.
      2. Bank loan management systems – it is used to verify the credit of the loan applicant and predict the likelihood of the loan being recovered.
    3. Data from the external
  8. Executive Information Systems
    1. Feature
      1. Analyze, compare, and highlight trends in important variables to monitor performance and identify opportunities and problems.
    2. Examples
      1. Business Intelligence
    3. Data Source
      1. External
      2. Tactical Managers
  9. Give support rather than replacing a managers judgement.
  10. Mimic human brains in processing information