1. College of Chemistry
    1. Academic departments
      1. Department of Chemistry
        1. Analytical and bioanalytical
        2. Theoretical
        3. Green chemistry
        4. Materials, Polymers and nanoscience
        5. Nuclear
        6. Inorganic and organometallic
        7. Physical
        8. Atmospheric
        9. Chemical Biology
        10. Organic
      2. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
        1. Bioengineering
        2. Polymers and soft materials
        3. Catalysis and reaction engineering
        4. Environmental engineering
        5. Microelectronics processing and MEMS
        6. Theory, multiscale modeling and computer simulation
        7. Electrochemical engineering
    2. Research facilities
      1. x_ray facility
      2. Molecular graphics and computation
      3. QB3/Mass Spectrometry
      4. The Micronalytical
      5. The NMR
    3. Centers and Institutes
      1. Berkeley Catalysis Center
      2. Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry
      3. Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute
      4. Berkeley Nanotechnology Club
      5. Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation
      6. Berkeley Stem Cell Center
      7. Center for Computational Biology
      8. Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
      9. California Institute of Quantitative Biosciences
      10. Energy biosciences institute
      11. Energy frontier research center on gas separations
      12. Joint Bioenergy Institute
      13. Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
      14. Pitzer Center for Theoretical Chemistry
      15. Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center
      16. Synthetic Biology Institute
  2. College of Engineering
    1. Academic Departments
      1. Bioengineering
        1. Cell and Tissue Engineering
        2. Bioinstrumentation
        3. Biomaterials and nanotechnology
        4. Computational Biology
        5. Systems and Synthetic Biology
      2. Civil and Environmental Engineering
        1. Topics
          1. Energy, Civil Infrastructure and Climate
          2. Environmental Engineering
          3. Engineering and Project Management
          4. GeoSystems
          5. Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
          6. Systems
          7. Transportation Engineering
        2. Research Laboratories
          1. Structures Laboratory
          2. Water Quality Laboratory
      3. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
        1. Divisions
          1. EE Division
          2. CS Division
        2. Topics
          1. Artificial Intelligence
          2. Computer Architecture and Engineering
          3. Biosystems and Computational Biology
          4. Control, Intelligent Systems and Robotics
          5. Communications and Networking
          6. Database Management Systems
          7. Design, Modeling and Analysis
          8. Education
          9. Energy
          10. Graphics
          11. Human-Computer Interaction
          12. Integrated Circuits
          13. Micro/Nano Electromechanical systems
          14. Operating Systems and Networking
          15. Physical Electronics
          16. Programming Systems
          17. Scientific Computing
          18. Security
          19. Signal Processing
          20. Theory
        3. Research Centers and Labs
          1. Algorithms and Specializers for Provably Optimal Implementations with Resilience and Efficie (ASPIRE)
          2. Algorithms, Machines, and People Laboratory (AMP)
          3. Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (BAIR)
          4. Berkeley Audio-visual Signal processing and Communication Systems (BASiCS)
          5. Berkeley Automation Sciences Lab
          6. Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM)
          7. Berkeley Computer Animation & Modeling Group (B-CAM)
          8. Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS)
          9. Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS)
          10. Berkeley Institute for Performance Studies (BIPS)
          11. Berkeley Institute of Design (BID)
          12. Berkeley Laboratory for Automation Science and Engineering
          13. Berkeley Laboratory for Information and System Sciences (BLISS)
          14. Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center (BQIC)
          15. Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC)
          16. Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC)
          17. Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC)
          18. Biomimetic Millisystems Lab
          19. California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)
          20. Center for Automation and Learning for Medical Robotics (Cal-MR)
          21. Center for Cell Control (CCC)
          22. Center for Computational Biology (CCB)
          23. Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S)
          24. Center for Evidence-based Security Research (CESR)
          25. Center for Functional Imaging
      4. Engineering Science
      5. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
        1. Areas
          1. Control Theory
          2. Optimization and Algorithms
          3. Energy systems
          4. Supply Chain Management
          5. Stochastic modeling and simulation
          6. Healthcare Systems Enginering
          7. Financial and Market Engineering
          8. Robotics and automation
          9. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Engineering Management
        2. Current projects
      6. Material Sciences and Engineering
        1. Topics
          1. Biomaterials
          2. Chemical and Electronical Materials
          3. Computational Materials
          4. Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Materials
          5. Structural Materials
        2. Facilities
      7. Mechanical Engineering
        1. Topics
          1. Major field areas
          2. Biomechanical Engineering
          3. Controls
          4. Design
          5. Dynamics
          6. Energy Science and Technology
          7. Fluids
          8. Manufacturing
          9. Materials
          10. Mechanics
          11. MEMS/Nano
          12. Ocean Engineering
          13. Research focus areas
          14. Biomechanical engineering and health
          15. Controls and dynamics of complex systems
          16. Energy science and technology
          17. Green and sustainable technologies
          18. Micro and nano engineering
          19. Laboratories
          20. Centers
      8. Nuclear Engineering
        1. Topics
          1. Applied Nuclear Physics
          2. Bionuclear and Radiological Physics
          3. Computational Methods
          4. Energy Systems and the Environment
          5. Ethics and the Impact of Technology on Society
          6. Fission Reactor Design
          7. Fuel Cycles and Radioactive Waste
          8. Laser, Particle Beam, and Plasma Technologies
          9. Nonproliferation
          10. Nuclear Materials and Chemistry
          11. Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
          12. Plasma & Fusion Science and Technology
          13. Risk, Safety, and Large-Scale Systems Analysis
        2. Research Facilities
    2. Centers and Institutes
      1. Information Technology and Sciences
        1. AMPLab: Algorithms, Machines and People
        2. Berkeley Institute for Data and Science
        3. Berkeley Wireless Research Center
        4. Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
        5. Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
        6. Wireless Foundations
      2. Smart and Secure Infrastructure
        1. Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems
        2. Institute of Transportation Studies
        3. Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology
        4. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
        5. SWARM Lab
        6. TerraSwarm Research Center
        7. Team for Research in Ubiquitious Secure Technology
      3. Health and bioscience
        1. Berkeley Stem Cell Center
        2. Center for Neural Engineering and Prostheses
        3. Center for Interdisciplinary Bio-Inspiration in Education and Research
        4. Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
        5. California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences
        6. Syntethic Biology Engineering Research Center
        7. Synthethic Biology Institute
      4. Energy and Environment
        1. Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative
        2. Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute
        3. Berkeley Water Center
        4. Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science
        5. Cool Climate Network
        6. Center for Research in Energy Systems Transformation
        7. Energy Biosciences Institute
        8. Joint BioEnergy Institute
        9. Nuclear Sciences and Security Consortium
        10. Renewable and Appropriate Energly Laboratory
      5. Development Engineering
        1. Blum Center for Developing Economies
        2. Technology and Infrastructure for Emerging Regions
      6. Design and manufacturing
        1. Berkeley Center for New Media
        2. Berkeley Institute of Design
        3. Consortium of Green Design and Manufacturing
        4. Jacobs Institute for Design and Innovation
      7. Microscale and nanoscale
        1. Berkeley nanosciences and nanoengineering insitute
        2. Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center
      8. Educating leaders
        1. Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership
        2. Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
    3. Affiliated research units
      1. Intel Reseach Berkeley
      2. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
      3. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    4. Facilities
      1. Berkeley Research Computing
      2. Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center
      3. CITRIS Invention Lab
      4. Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory
  3. College of Environmental Design
    1. Centers and Institutes
      1. Center for Environmental Design Research
      2. Institute of Urban and Regional Development
      3. Cal Design Lab
    2. Resources
      1. Environmental Design Library
      2. Environmental Design Archives
      3. Visual Resources Center
    3. Topics
      1. Architechture
      2. City + Regional planning
      3. Landscape architecture + environmentla planning
      4. Urban design
      5. Sustainable environmental design
    4. Academic Departments
      1. Architecture
      2. City + Regional Planning
      3. Landscape Architecture + Environmental Planning
  4. College of Letters and Science
    1. Division of Arts and Humanities
      1. Academic Departments
        1. Art history
        2. Art practice
        3. Classics
        4. Comparative Literature
        5. East Asian Languages and Cultures
        6. English
        7. Film and Media
        8. French
        9. German
        10. Italian Studies
        11. Music
        12. Near Eastern Studies
        13. Philosophy
        14. Rhetoric
        15. Scandinavian
        16. Slavic Languages and Literatures
        17. South and Southeast Asian Studies
        18. Spanish and Portuguese
        19. Theater, Dance and Performance Studies
      2. Centers
        1. Arts Research Center
        2. Berkeley Language Center
        3. Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center
        4. Center for New Music and Audio Technologies
        5. Towsend Center for the Humanities
      3. Programs
        1. Ancient History and Mediterranean Archeology
        2. Budhist Studies
        3. Celtic Studies
        4. Dutch Studies
        5. Medieval Studies
        6. Romance Language and Literature
    2. Division of BIological Sciences
      1. Academic Departments
        1. Integrative Biology
          1. Affiliated Centers
          2. California biodiversity center
          3. Center for Interdisciplinary Bio-inspiration in Education and Research
          4. Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
          5. Human Evolution Research Center
          6. Center for Theoretical Evolutionary Genomics
          7. Individual faculty member labs
          8. Research facilities
          9. Bodega Marine Laboratory
          10. Cancer Research Laboratory
          11. The Center for Stable Isotope Biochemistry
          12. Electron Microscope Laboratory
          13. The Field Station for Behavioral Research
          14. Jane Gray Research Greenhouse
          15. Gump Biological Research Station
          16. Human Evolution Research Center
          17. The Richmond Field Station
          18. UC Natural Reserve System
        2. Molecular Cell and Biology
          1. Divisions
          2. Division of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
          3. Division of Cell and Developmental Biology
          4. Division of Neurobiology
          5. Division of Genetics, Genomics and Development
          6. Division of Inmunology and Pathogenesis
          7. Group on Development and regenerative biology
          8. Individual faculty member labs
        3. Physical Education Program
      2. Resources
        1. MCB: Barker/Koshland DNA Sequencing Facility
        2. MCB: Barker/Koshland Shop Facility
        3. MCB: Barker/Koshland Storeroom
        4. MCB: LSA Storeroom
        5. MCB: Stanley Stockroom
    3. Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
      1. Academic departments
        1. Astronomy
        2. Earth and Planetary Science
        3. Mathematics
        4. Physics
        5. Statistics
      2. Resources
        1. Astronomy Computing Facility
        2. Berkeley Atmospherics Science Center
        3. Center for Integrative Planetary Science
        4. Earth and Planetary Science Shops
        5. Graduate Group in Science and Mathematics Education
        6. Physics Shops
        7. Radio Astronomy Laboratory
        8. Seismological Laboratory
        9. Statistics Laboratory
        10. Theoretical Astrophysics Center
    4. Division of Social Sciences
      1. Academic Departments
        1. African American Studies
        2. Anthropology
        3. Demography
        4. Economics
        5. Ethnic Studies
        6. Gender and Women's Studies
        7. Geography
        8. History
        9. Linguistics
        10. Charles and Louis Travers Department of Political Science
        11. Psychology
        12. Sociology
      2. Related Research Units
        1. Archeologycal Research Facility
        2. Beatrice Bain M. Research Group
        3. Cartography and GIS education Lab
        4. Center for the Study of Sexual Culture
        5. Field Station for the Study of Behaviour, Ecology and Reproduction
        6. Graduate Group in Folklore
        7. Hearst Museum of Antropology
        8. Office of History of Science and Technology
        9. Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences
        10. Institute for Governmental Studies
        11. Institute of Human Development
        12. Institute of Personality and Social Research
        13. Psychology Clinic
        14. UC Berkeley Social Science Matriz
  5. College of Natural Resources
    1. Research Centers
      1. Berkeley food institute
      2. Berkeley Water Center
      3. Center for Fire Research and Outreach
      4. Center for Diversified Farming Systems
      5. Center for Effective Global Action
      6. Center for Forestry
      7. Center for Green Chemistry
      8. The energy biosciences institute
      9. Plant Gene Expression Center
    2. Research Facilities
      1. Biological imaging facility
      2. Energy Biosciences Institute
      3. Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy Facility
      4. Geospatial Innovation Facility
      5. Oxford Facilities Unit,
    3. Academic Departments
      1. Agriculture and Resource Economics
      2. Environmental Science, Policy and Management
        1. Topics
          1. Biosphere: The Critical Zone
          2. Biodiversity and the Dynamic Environment
          3. Stewardship & Environmental Change
          4. Humanity & Future Earth
        2. Research sites
          1. ESPM Environmental Genomics Lab
          2. Berkeley Forests
          3. Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station
          4. UC Natural Reserve System
        3. Research Centers
          1. Berkeley Atmospheric Science Center
          2. Berkeley Institute for the Environment
          3. Berkeley Water Center
          4. Center for Ecosystem Measurement, Monitoring and Modeling
          5. Center for Biological Control
          6. Center for Fire Research and Outreach
          7. Center for Forestry
          8. Geographic Information Science Center
          9. Science, Technology and Society Center
        4. Research Facilities
          1. Biological Imaging Facility
          2. Geospatial Innovation Facility
          3. Oxford Trackt Greenhous Facility
          4. Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Facility
        5. Research Collections
          1. Berkeley National History Museums
      3. Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology
        1. Research Focus
          1. Metabolic Regulation
          2. Nutritional Genetics /Genomics
          3. Vitamins and Minerals
          4. Metabolism based diseases
          5. Phytochemicals / Carcinogenesis
          6. Endocrinology / Neuroscience
        2. Graduate groups
          1. Metabolic biology
          2. Molecular toxicology
      4. Plant and Microbial Biology
        1. Research Focus
          1. Evolutionary Biology
          2. Plant-Microbe Interactions
          3. Drought
          4. Epigenetics
          5. Circadian Clock
          6. Plant Signaling
          7. Phytoremediation
          8. Biomineralization
          9. Virology
          10. Big Data
          11. Photosynthesis
          12. Feed the World
          13. Biofuels
          14. Fungi
        2. Faculty Labs
  6. Schools
    1. School of Public Health
      1. Centers and programs
    2. School of Social Welfare
      1. Research areas
        1. Systems of Care for Children, Families, Elderly
        2. Behavioral Health and Prevention /Intervention
        3. Community, Organizational and Policy Development
        4. Violence and Victimization
        5. Health and Healthcare Disparities
        6. Race, Class and Gender
    3. School of Public Policy
      1. Featured research
      2. Centers
        1. Center on Civility and Democratic Engagement
        2. Center on Governing and Investing on the Future
        3. Center for Environmental Public Policy
    4. School of Optometry
      1. Berkeley Vision Science Group
      2. Research
      3. Vision Science Research Program
      4. Clinical Research Center
    5. Haas School of Business
      1. Academic groups
        1. Accounting
        2. Business and Public Policy
        3. Economic Analysis and Policy
        4. Finance
        5. Management of Organizations
        6. Marketing
        7. Operations and Information Technology Management
        8. Real Estate
      2. Other
        1. Berkeley MBA for Executives Program
        2. Center for Responsible Business
        3. Center for Social Sector Leadership
        4. Entrepreneurship
        5. Executive Fellows
        6. Graduate Program in Health Management
        7. Master of Financial Engineering
    6. Graduate School of Education
      1. Research Centers
        1. Berkeley Evealuation and Assessment Research Center
        2. Policy Analysis for California Education
      2. Research Projects
    7. School of Law
      1. Centers and Institutes
        1. Berkeley Center for Law Business and the Economy
        2. Berkeley Center for Law and Technology
        3. Center for Law, Energy and the Environment
        4. Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice
        5. The Center for the Study of Law and Society
        6. California Constitution Center
        7. Korea Law Center
        8. Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice
        9. Human Rights Center
        10. Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
        11. The Institute for Legal Research
        12. The Honorable G. William and Ariadna Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law
        13. Kadish Center for Morality, Law and Public Affairs
        14. The Election Administration Research Center
        15. Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance
      2. Feaured research
        1. Tracking Judicial Ideology
        2. Tax Law's Leading Scholar
        3. Notice and Takedown
        4. Napa's rise to Wine Glory
        5. The New Economic Freedom
        6. Race and Economic Jeopardy for All
        7. War Crimes
        8. The revolutionary war
        9. On War and Democracy
        10. The Dispute Tree
      3. Resources
        1. Statewide Database
    8. Graduate School of Journalism
    9. School of Information
      1. Research Areas
        1. Computer mediated communication
        2. Data Science
        3. Design
        4. Entrepreneurship
        5. Human-computer interaction
        6. Information Economics
        7. Information Organization
        8. Information Policy
        9. Information Retrieval and Search
        10. Information Visualization
        11. Law
        12. Management
        13. Privacy
        14. Security
        15. Social and Cultural Studies
        16. Technology for Developing Regions
        17. User Experience Research
      2. Publications
      3. Research projects