1. credits
    1. source article
      1. Paul Koks | Online Metrics
      2. published Feb 24, 2015
    2. this map
      1. Eric Bouchet
      2. created Jan 2017
      3. icons
        1. iconfinder
          1. inside XMind 8
  2. Overview
    1. Pipe |
      1. or
    2. Dot .
      1. match any character
      2. equals one character
    3. Asterisk *
      1. zero or more of the previous item
    4. Dot-Asterisk .*
      1. zero or more random characters
    5. Backslash \
      1. turn special (RegEx) characters into normal characters
    6. Caret ^
      1. begins with…
    7. Dollar $
      1. ends with…
    8. Question mark ?
      1. last character optional
      2. useful for targeting misspellings
    9. Parentheses ()
      1. group
    10. Square Bracket []
      1. list
    11. Dashes -
      1. complex list
        1. [a-z] all lower-case letters [A-Z] all upper-case letters [0-9] all numbers [a-zA-Z0-9] all lower-case and upper-case letters and numbers
    12. Plus +
      1. one or more of the previous characters
    13. Curly Bracket {}
      1. repetition modifier
        1. {1,2} = at least 1, no more than 2
        2. {3} = 3 times
  3. 5 effective ways to use Google Analytics RegEx
    1. Applying report filters
    2. Setting up filters
    3. Setting up goals
    4. Defining funnel steps
    5. Setting up segments
  4. Test
    1. in Google Analytics
      1. Report filters
    2. Online tools
      1. RegEx tester
      2. Regex101
  5. Cheat Sheet
  6. with Google Analytics API
    1. =~
      1. contains a match for the regular expression
    2. !~
      1. does not match regular expression
  7. 2 rules to remember
    1. max 128 characters
    2. CasE sensitive