1. VioletUML
    1. Pros
      1. Portable
      2. Simple UI
      3. Auto-resizing
      4. PNG export
      5. All common types of diagrams
    2. Contras
      1. No keyboard shortcuts = need to use mouse
      2. No PDF export
  2. yUML
    1. yuml.me
    2. Pros
      1. Everywhere
      2. No installation - in browser
      3. Easy to use text input syntax
      4. Online sharing
      5. Drag-n-drop export
      6. Export to PDF
      7. Fully controlled via URL
      8. Fancy diagrams
    3. Contras
      1. Unaccessible if no internet
      2. Lack of classic design
      3. Only two types of diagrams
        1. Class
        2. Use case
  3. UMLet
    1. Pros
    2. Contras
      1. Text input
        1. Complex syntax
        2. Need to select with mouse
      2. Manual resizing
      3. Too complicated relations drawing
  4. UMLGraph
    1. umlgraph.org
    2. Java syntax