1. Human Resources
    1. Hiring Template
    2. Payment Options
      1. Paypal Mass Pay
      2. Ko-Kard
    3. Bonus Structure
    4. Complaint Process
    5. What are the Disciplinary Actions
    6. Work Templates
    7. Detailed Training Videos
    8. Training Resources
  2. Finance
    1. Book Keeper
    2. Accountant
    3. Tax Adviser
  3. Leagal
    1. Corporate Structures to Protect Employees
    2. Hiring Contract
    3. Joint Venture on Unique Web Shop Corporation
    4. Business Insurance
  4. Information Technology
  5. Marketing
    1. Blogs
    2. SEO
    3. Pay-Per-Click
    4. Ad Campaigns
    5. Social Media Marketing
    6. Radio Marketing
    7. Flyers
    8. Email Blast Campaigns
    9. Face Book Page
    10. Craiglists
    11. Backpage
    12. Telemarketing