1. Context
    1. Instruments
      1. Erasmus+
        1. Key Action 2
      2. Horizon
        1. 2020
        2. Europe
      3. European Universities
        1. 12 initiatives
        2. 85 M€
        3. 17 European Universities
          1. 114 HEIs
          2. 24 countries
    2. Learning environment
      1. Interdisciplinary
      2. Multi-cultural
      3. Industry connected
      4. Socially sensitive
        1. Problem based
        2. Challenge based
      5. Student centric
  2. Values
    1. Open ecosystem
      1. Transdisciplinarity
      2. Resiliency
      3. Inclusive communities
        1. New generation of European citizen engineers
        2. Co-creation with different stakeholders
        3. Mobility
          1. Multi language
          2. Multi-campus
    2. Experiential
      1. Collaboration
      2. Facing challenges
      3. Having an impact
        1. Meassure
        2. Learning outcomes
        3. Impact outcomes
    3. New educational culture
      1. Combine
        1. Academic learning outcomes
        2. Exposure
        3. Commitment
      2. Flexibility
        1. Personalised learning
        2. Respond to the needs from society
        3. Flexible learning paths
      3. Focus areas
      4. Resilience
      5. Entrepreneurial
      6. Peace Engineering
      7. Address real world problems
    4. Innovative Research
      1. Societal impact
      2. Citizen science
      3. Engage society
      4. Innovative metrics
  3. Engagement
    1. Levels
      1. Institutional
        1. Get the whole university involved
        2. Wide spread activity
          1. All academics on board
          2. As many people as possible
          3. Administrative staff
      2. Individual
        1. Activate
          1. Advantages
        2. Motivate
          1. Academic
          2. Students
          3. Administrative staff
        3. Best practices
    2. Stakeholders
      1. Students
        1. Missmatch of student flow
        2. Experience
          1. Abroad
          2. At home
        3. Flexibility
          1. Joint study programs
          2. Collection of modules
          3. Micro-credentials
        4. Students associations
          1. Look at the potential
          2. Innovation
          3. Entrepreneurship
      2. Non-university partners
        1. Society
        2. Regional government
        3. Companies
        4. Municipalities
      3. Communities
        1. Common vision
        2. Shared experience
        3. Involve students
  4. Balance
    1. Benefits
      1. Problem solving
        1. Help of the alliance
        2. Value creation
          1. Identify
          2. Opportunities
          3. Key topics
          4. What to bring into the alliance
          5. Reshape the process
      2. Joint campus
        1. Increase students mobility
        2. Joint offer
          1. Professional
          2. Vocational
          3. HE Students
          4. Lifelong learning
      3. For
        1. Faculty
          1. Open space
          2. Collaboration
          3. Amplify faculty impact
          4. Deeper commitment
          5. Groundbreaking European initiatve
        2. Students
          1. Acquire complementary learning outcomes
          2. New innovative learning environment
          3. Mobility options
          4. Student credentials
          5. Engage in activities
          6. Problems defined by communities
          7. Join communities
          8. Get the credintial with you
        3. Richer academic life
      4. Perceived benefits
    2. Barriers
      1. Regulations
        1. IPR and GDPR
          1. Laws
          2. Local interpretations
        2. Push for a change
        3. Calendar
          1. Flexibility
          2. Micro credentials
          3. Flexibility
          4. Major award
        4. Bologna
          1. Lack of understanding
          2. Facilitate academic collaboration
          3. Translate the benefits to the student
        5. Contradiction
          1. EU flexibility
          2. ECTS
          3. Joint programs
          4. Local rigidity
          5. Details
          6. National
          7. Regional
          8. Local
          9. Burden
      2. Size of the initiative
        1. Unbalance
          1. Macro approach
          2. Additional activities
          3. Existing funding
          4. Lack
          5. Goals
        2. Human capacity
          1. Busy people
          2. more work?
      3. Institutional background
        1. Cultural shocks
          1. Tradition
          2. Historical lock-in
          3. Old universities
          4. Young unviersities
        2. Existing institutional problems
          1. Multidisciplinarity
          2. Clarification of concepts
        3. University size
          1. Small
          2. Big
        4. Previous collaborations
          1. Increase existing collaboration
        5. Trapped in our own history
      4. Language
        1. Teaching in non-local language
          1. Local courses
          2. International
        2. Teaching for the language
        3. Balance
          1. English lingua franca
          2. Local cultural aspects
      5. Heterogenity
        1. Educational needs
        2. Calendar
          1. Different academic years
          2. Not syncronised
        3. Curricula
        4. Interpretations
      6. Bureaucracy
        1. Adminsitrative staff
        2. Retraining
      7. Lack of agility
      8. Need for harmonisation
  5. Governance
    1. Growing level of integration
      1. Levels
        1. International
          1. Global partnership
          2. Beyond EU
        2. Local
        3. National
      2. Connecting
        1. Students
        2. Teachers
        3. Staff
      3. Scaling up
        1. Champions
        2. Students ivolvement
        3. Prototyping
        4. proof of concept
    2. Planning
      1. Short term
        1. Strategic partnerships
        2. Knowlege alliances
      2. Long term
        1. Ambitious
        2. Erasmus Mundus
        3. Erupoean Universities
    3. Quadruple Helix
      1. Universities
      2. Public Administration
      3. Industry
      4. Citizens
    4. Project management
      1. Set priorities
        1. There is something for everyone
        2. What comes first?
        3. Balance
          1. Long term
          2. Short term
        4. Societal challenges oriented
        5. Keep the project going on
      2. Power dynamics
        1. Decission making
          1. Bottom up
          2. Top down
        2. Project can be challenged
        3. Interpersonal clashes
          1. Project management
          2. Lack of consensus
      3. Future challenges
        1. Teaching
          1. Innovation
          2. Recognition of non academic activities
        2. Joint academic programs
          1. Bachelor
          2. Master
          3. PhD
        3. Bottom up collaboration
        4. Societal impact
          1. Strong engagement
          2. Industry
          3. Civil society
          4. Attract problem owners
          5. Companies
          6. Administrations
        5. Be more open
          1. International
          2. Richer
          3. Diverse
      4. Sustainability
        1. Beyond the project
        2. Beyond EU funds
    5. Integrated campus management system
  6. Strategies
    1. Education
      1. Shared courses
        1. Mutually accept
          1. Automatic recognition
          2. Super country harmonization
          3. Curriculum adaptation
        2. Micro-credential
          1. Offer micro-modules
          2. Wallet
        3. On-line education
        4. Multi-country
          1. Bologna
      2. Innovation
        1. Collaborative teaching process
        2. Challenge based learning
          1. Challenges
          2. Collaborative solution
          3. Process
          4. Engage
          5. Ivnestigate
          6. Act
          7. Share
          8. Document
          9. Reflect
          10. Different stakeholders
          11. Students
          12. Researchers
          13. Public administration
        3. Transform
          1. Learning to do
          2. Learning to know
          3. Learning to be
          4. Learning to live together
        4. Learning outcomes
          1. Connected
          2. Real problems
          3. Innovative learning problems
    2. Develop tailor made activities
      1. Faculties
        1. Mobility
        2. Language skills
        3. Community
      2. EUROTEQ Collider
        1. Call for ideas
          1. Brought by the students
          2. Sustainble Development Goals
          3. Topics
          4. Clustering the ideas
        2. Projects
          1. Project based learning
          2. Challenge based projects
          3. Accompanied by small projects
      3. Staff
        1. English courses
        2. Improve language skills
    3. Change management
      1. Promoting change
        1. Co-creatin and societal cohesion
        2. How Europe works
        3. Common European valuees
        4. The same tocpis at every location
        5. Big cultureal differences
        6. Joint values
        7. Scientific accompanied
          1. Ducational researchers
          2. Social sciences
          3. problem consciousness
          4. YOung generation
      2. Systemic change
        1. Cliamte change
        2. Societla impact
        3. Skills gap
        4. On-demand access
        5. Ad-hoc learning
        6. Sustainble Development Goals
        7. Stnadard Degree is no tenough
        8. Turlly institutional and interdisciplinary education
      3. Resilient societies
    4. Communities
      1. Students
      2. Faculty
      3. Researchers
      4. Non-university partners
        1. Industry
        2. NGOs
        3. Administration
    5. Mobility programs
      1. Language support
      2. Admin staff
    6. Student initiatives
      1. Own choices
      2. Goals
      3. Impact
    7. Manyfold solutions
  7. European Higher Education Area
  8. Sense of ownership