1. Technology
    1. LED
    2. Incandescent
    3. Solar energy
    4. Energy efficient
  2. Environment
    1. Resist rain - sun - wind
    2. Vandalism
    3. People vs built environment
  3. Enhance space
  4. Safety
    1. walking at night
    2. Lighting dark spaces
    3. light = safe feeling
  5. Interaction
    1. with people
    2. automatic on /off
    3. with environment
  6. Events
    1. Permanent
    2. Seasonal
    3. Temporary
  7. Related to specific space
    1. Street - Commercial
    2. Street - Residential
    3. Monuments
    4. Buildings
    5. Parking
    6. Plaza
    7. Park
  8. Form
    1. Should Follow function?
    2. Be related to the physical space?
    3. Be in contrast to surrounding environment?