1. Medieval Dublin
    1. Vikings
      1. Founded
        1. Dublin
        2. 10th century
      2. Landing site
        1. Black Pool
        2. Poddle
          1. Liffy
      3. Christ Church
    2. Normons
      1. 1170
        1. Captured
        2. Viking City
      2. Dublin Castle
      3. People came to live
        1. Security reasons
          1. Town Wall
        2. City expanded
  2. Georgian Dublin
    1. 18th Century
      1. ruled by Britain
      2. Parliament in Dublin City
    2. Wealthy people
      1. Mansions
      2. City
        1. Merrian Square
        2. Stephen's Green
    3. Dublin's famous bulidings
      1. GPO
      2. Leinster House
      3. Four Courts
  3. 19th Century
    1. 1800
      1. Act of Union
      2. Parlament moved
        1. London
    2. Dublin in decline
      1. The Liberties
      2. MountJoy Square
    3. Dev in transportation
      1. Move to Suburbs
        1. by
          1. Trains
          2. Railway
        2. Such as
          1. Clontarf
          2. Rathgar
          3. Blackrock
      2. First railway
        1. Dublin
        2. Dun Laoghaire
  4. 20th Century
    1. New housing schemes
      1. rehouse
        1. city tenements
      2. Drimnagh
      3. Ballymon
    2. Population doubled
      1. 1960
      2. 2000
      3. due to
        1. in-migration
      4. Overspill towns
        1. Tallagh