1. a/w Increased Abd. pressure
    1. Dx. Stress incontinence
      1. Inv. Q tip steress test
        1. Rx. I. Exercise II. Surgery
  2. Hx. of birth or instrumentation
    1. S/S Chronic dysuria( Recurrent UTI) & Dispareunia
      1. Dx. Urethral Diverticulum
        1. Inv. Cysto-urethro-scopy
          1. Rx. I.underlaying cause with surgery or stone removal
  3. NOT a/w worning before passing urine ( pudondal n.)
    1. little amount of urine
      1. Dx. Hypotonic incontinence
        1. Inv. Cystometry--> Increase Resedual volume
          1. Rx. CHOLinergic= sti. para.sym= make you go to the BATHroom=BeTHanechol
    2. Large amount of urine
      1. Dx. Hyperactive incontinence
        1. Inv. cytometry--> Increase detrus Muscle activity even w/ little urine volume in the bladder
          1. Rx. Oxybutynin is an anticholinergic= anti-parasym=sympathetic like an angry ox!