1. Presentation
    1. layout
      1. list view
      2. tab view
      3. column view
      4. grouping
      5. separators
    2. screen dimension
      1. spacing
    3. window layering
      1. inactive windows
    4. alerts
      1. size
      2. position
    5. text
      1. insert text
      2. delete text
      3. cut/copy/paste
      4. entry of password
      5. capitalization
      6. abreviations
      7. acronyms
      8. colon character
      9. font
        1. size
        2. style
        3. spacing
        4. color
    6. icons
      1. toolbar icons
      2. plugin/ 3rd party
      3. utility icons
      4. user / screen icons
    7. title bar
    8. bottom bar
    9. color wells
    10. image wells
    11. date pickers
    12. labels
    13. resolution
  2. controls
    1. window frame controls
      1. moving windows
      2. resizing windows
      3. minimize and expand
      4. close
      5. scrollbars
    2. application toolbar
    3. text controls
      1. search fields
      2. static text
      3. input fields
      4. scrolling lists
    4. indicators
      1. progress
    5. buttons
      1. push button
      2. help button
      3. radio buttons
      4. checkboxes
    6. menus
      1. key mapping
      2. contextual (right click)
      3. application menu
        1. about
        2. preferences
        3. quit
      4. file
        1. new(x)
        2. open
        3. open recent
        4. close
        5. save
        6. print
      5. edit
        1. undo
        2. redo
        3. cut
        4. copy
        5. paste
        6. delete
        7. select all
      6. preferences
        1. style
        2. alignment
        3. fonts
        4. colors
      7. help
        1. search
        2. support
        3. index
    7. browser controls
  3. mouse
    1. clicking
    2. double clicking
    3. dragging
    4. press and hold
    5. right click
      1. contextual menu
    6. selection
    7. cursors
      1. wait
      2. ibeam
      3. pointer
  4. keyboard
    1. character keys
      1. space
      2. tab
      3. enter
      4. return
      5. delete
      6. backspace
      7. escape
    2. modifier keys
      1. shift
      2. caps lock
      3. control
      4. cut/copy/paste
    3. arrow keys
      1. text selection
    4. function keys
      1. home
      2. end
      3. page up
      4. page down
      5. F keys
    5. keyboard shorcuts
  5. reports
  6. accessibility
    1. AT compliance
  7. navigation
    1. within screen
    2. between screens
    3. between tabs
  8. Interaction
    1. Contribution
      1. Ratings
      2. Reviews
      3. favorites
      4. Flag
      5. wikis
      6. calendars
      7. comment
      8. tags
      9. discussion boards
      10. inline chat
    2. Sharing
      1. email
      2. save to list
      3. subscribe
      4. invite
    3. incentive
      1. 'you have mail'