1. Demographics
    1. Common
      1. Full/Legal Name
        1. First Name
        2. Middle Name
        3. Last Name
      2. Stree Address
      3. City, State, Postal Code
      4. Phone Number(s)
      5. Tax ID
        1. Person
          1. SSN
          2. Alien Registration Number
        2. Company
    2. Person
      1. Previous 18 mo. employment
    3. Company
      1. Website Address
  2. Unem- ploy- ment Claims
    1. Contact
      1. 866-832-2363
      2. PO Box 1358 Richmond 23218
      3. [action assertion] Near Calendar Year End, must send to you (and IRS)
    2. Virginia Employment Commission
    3. Voice Response System
      1. 1 English
        1. 1 Legal
          1. 2 File Weekly Claim
    4. Tax ID
      1. Person
      2. Business
    5. 1. File New Claim
      1. File Claim
        1. file by Internet
        2. File by Telephone
      2. Read Instructions
      3. Provide Data in Form
        1. Demographics
          1. Employment Time Duration
        2. Eligibility
        3. Preferred Payment Method
          1. Debit Card
          2. Direct Deposit
    6. 2. Register to File Claims
      1. Ptrovide Data in Form
        1. User Name
        2. Password
    7. 3. Receive in Postal Mail
      1. PIN
      2. Monetrary Determination
        1. 3.a During first 4 of last 5 years
        2. 3.b Highest income during any 2 FQs
        3. Benefit Max. $378
    8. 4. Add Claim Job Search Records
      1. Report and Maintain Records of all Filings
        1. Two (2) contacts
          1. Date
          2. Company
          3. Person
          4. Role applied for
          5. Result
      2. File for each Claim week
        1. File by Telephone
        2. File by Internet
          1. <SSN>
          2. <PIN>
    9. 5. Receive Payment
      1. Opt whether to have Federal Taxes (10% of Gross Payment) withheld
        1. Removed pre-payment
        2. Owe to the IRS at Tax Year End
      2. Non-payable weeks
        1. First Week after File New Claim
        2. When Pension or PTO or both pay received
      3. Payable weeks
  3. Continued Claims
    1. Website
    2. VRS
      1. 1 English
        1. 1 Legal
          1. 1 Acct status
          2. 1 Most recent week claimed
          3. 2 Balance and Benfit YE date
          4. 2 File Job Search Claim
          5. 3 Payment options
          6. 4 Appeal info
          7. 5 Local office address
        2. 2 Employer & Tax info
      2. Common
        1. # Repeat options
        2. * Back up one level
  4. Contact
    1. 866-832-2363
      1. 1 English
    2. PO Box 1358, Richmond 23218