1. Asking children about the effectiveness of their teacher is more reliable than observational ratings of teachers, specially because the children see their teachers every single day, not just for an observational lesson.
  2. working together
  3. Both SOLO and Blooms taxonomies are important. Each one has a different focus and both can and should be used in the classroom. Both develop high thinking skills and critical thinking and provide active learning in the classroom.
  4. Taxonomies
    1. Bloom
      1. assessment of and for learning
      2. reflection about learning outcomes
      3. demains
        1. cognitive
          1. Lower thinking
          2. 1. Knowledge
          3. 2. Comprehension
          4. recall information form memory
          5. simple understanding
          6. Higher thinking
          7. 3. Analysis
          8. 4. Application
          9. 5. Synthesis
          10. 6. Evaluation
          11. use general knowledge in concrete and new situations
          12. explicate the relationship between parts and overall organizational structure
          13. combine two or more parts into a new form
          14. judge information using appropriate criteria
        2. psychomotor
        3. affective
    2. SOLO
      1. complex understanding
        1. Surface learning
          1. 1. Pre-structural
          2. 2. Unistrutural
          3. 3. Multistrutural
          4. understand the subject just at a word level
          5. understand just one relevant aspect of the subject
          6. understand several relevant aspects, but as independent concepts
        2. Depth learning
          1. 4. Relational
          2. 5. Extended abstract
          3. understand several relevant aspects as integrated concepts
          4. use the knowledge to create something new
      2. assessment as learning
  5. Learning thinking skills
    1. Compare/contrast
      1. similarities
      2. differences
    2. Predict
      1. guessing
      2. related to the future
    3. Inference
      1. connections
        1. text
        2. background informations
      2. related to the past
      3. conclusions not explicit
    4. Self-regulation
      1. teach
        1. reasons
          1. confidence
          2. lead with frustration
          3. life skill
        2. how
          1. ZDP
          2. stages
          3. 1. Modeling
          4. 2. Hints/cues
          5. 3. Withdraw adult suport
          6. scaffolding
          7. teacher's interaction
          8. everyday experiences
          9. intencional teaching practices
          10. teacher's own self-regulation
  6. Resources
    1. Rubrics
      1. Assessment tool
        1. teachers
          1. visible learning
          2. students progress
          3. time reduce with corrections
        2. students
          1. visible teaching
          2. self-assessment
          3. own learning responsability
          4. learning ownership
      2. Criteria
        1. clear
          1. language
          2. levels
          3. expectations
        2. components
          1. challenge
          2. commitment
          3. confidence
          4. high expectations
          5. conceptual understanding
      3. Process
    2. Mind Map
      1. objective
        1. summarizing ideas
        2. make connections
        3. improve learning
      2. benefits
        1. identify and understand the structure of a subject
        2. pieces of information fitting together
        3. recall and remember
        4. generate new ideas
        5. improves imagination
      3. applications
        1. essay
        2. introduce a new topic
        3. discuss studied topics
        4. brainstorm ideas
        5. setting rules to a game
    3. Examplars
    4. Procedural writing
      1. steps
        1. 1. Planning and Reseaching
        2. 2. Drafting
        3. 3. Revising
        4. 4. Editing
        5. 5. Sharing and publishing
      2. teacher modelling
      3. anchor chart
    5. 7 C's of effective teaching
      1. 7 C's
        1. caring
        2. controlling
        3. clarifying
        4. challenging
        5. captiving
        6. consolidating
        7. conferring
      2. assessment tool
        1. students assessing the teachers
        2. experiences
        3. expectations
      3. benefits
        1. more effective teaching
        2. predict learning outcomes
        3. student controlling own behavior
        4. teachers improvement
  7. Definition
    1. impact on students learning
    2. challenging and explicit learning goal
    3. for
      1. parents
        1. how
          1. workshops
          2. videos
          3. photos
          4. students works
          5. talking
          6. parents-teacher meetings
        2. why
          1. know what is been teaching at school
          2. know how their kids are learning
      2. teacher
        1. knows if learning is occuring or not
        2. listen to students talk
        3. self-assessment
          1. Best way to teach a subject
          2. Create a good climate
          3. Monitor learning
          4. Provide feedback
          5. Believe in all students
          6. Influence students in many ways
      3. student
        1. know what to do and how to do it
        2. become their own teachers
          1. self-monitoring
          2. self-assessment
        3. life long learners