1. System
    1. eyeballs
    2. occiptal lobes
      1. cerebral hemisphere
    3. retina
    4. visual pathways
      1. long
        1. suspectible to
          1. head injuries
          2. vascular lesions
          3. demyelinating diseases
          4. MS
          5. tumours
    5. cortical areas
      1. higher function
        1. e.g. shape recognition
  2. Central Visual Pathway
    1. conscious sight
      1. main pathway
    2. 3 neurons
      1. in synaptic contact
    3. light enters cornea
      1. through pupil
      2. aqueous humor
      3. lens
      4. blood vessels
    4. nerves
      1. retina
        1. only 10%
        2. discharge of
          1. photoreceptors
          2. retinal neurons
          3. optic nerve
      2. optic nerve
        1. optic canal
        2. middle cranial fossa
      3. optic chiasma
        1. nasal halves
          1. cross to contralateral...
      4. optic tract
        1. sweep around cerebral peduncles
        2. 90% synapse at
          1. Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
          2. of the Thalamus
          3. 6 cellular laminae
          4. 3
          5. crossed
          6. uncrossed
          7. 2
          8. deepest laminae
          9. crossed
          10. uncrossed
          11. are Magnocellular
          12. receive axons from
          13. retinal 'M' ganglion cells
          14. detection of
          15. movement
          16. 4
          17. parvocellular
          18. receive axons of
          19. P cells
          20. partiuculars
          21. visual detail
          22. colour
        3. 10% synapse at
          1. superior brachium
          2. superior colliculus (of midbrain)
          3. 4 functional types
          4. mediate pupillary light reflex
          5. pretectal nucules
          6. superior colliculus
          7. receive magnocullar cells
          8. automatic scanning movements
          9. to pulvinar of Thalamus
          10. extrageniculat visual pathway
          11. reticular formation of brainstem
          12. wake up cortex
          13. dsync of EEG; alpha to beta
          14. when visual information incoming
      5. optic radiation 3rd order neurons
        1. from LGN
          1. pass to Visual Cortex
      6. Visual Cortex
        1. medial surface of occiptal lobe
        2. 5mm above and below calcarine sulcus
        3. 10mm area on lateral surface of lobe
        4. extend as far as lunate sulcus
  3. Pupillary Light Reflex
  4. Reading Alound Pathway
  5. Accommodation/Convergence Reflex