Current version
Capacity supply
- Grouped by Macola departments
- Workcetres are created in VP but could be mapped to existing in macola
- Do not use Macola capacity
- Do not have SFC workers or machines assigned; qty of empl specified for POP only
- finite (one job at a time) and infinite (multiple jobs at a time) types
- Created in visual planner
- Do not synchronized with Macola calendars
- Cover one week (7 days for 24 hours)
- One workcentre is covered by one calendar with possibility to be edited by Cal.Day rules
Capacity supply meaning
- Capacity means working hours time value specified by calendar on workcetre it is assigned to in specified time interval
- finite type:if job covers some capacity time interval that means capacity is fully used in it
- Infinite type: Capacity time interval has infinite hours
Resource demand
- POP demand maintenance created in VP, no influence from Macola
- POP demand is calculated and as relation of qty of items to produce to productivity of an item on WC
- Productivity of item may dynamically change depending from qty of empl specified on WC cal.day rule.
- Productivity is specified as relation of Items qty that may be produced in specified WC in one hour of capacity. Productivity is maintained in VP
- SFC demand means demand of SFC operation(s) in hours
- SFC demand value is presented as nos of hours needed to fulfill operation on WC. Hours aren't distinguished between workers and machines
- SFC demand data is fully taken from Macola SFO operation routing (Item primary routing in case of MRP or W-IFF)
- SFC Demand Value is calculated based on Routing values: WC load code, standard qty of empl and machines; std empl hours , std machines hours
- SFC demand value is presented in hours per operation execution
Scheduler logic
- SFC demand does not depend from Macola Workcentre level. Macola WC values like efficiency or labor factor do not take place. Macola capacity isnt influence as well
- SFC demand is placed against VP macola capacity, demand hour covers capacity hour in finite type and infinirte hours available in infinite type
- VP alternative WC may be used instead of original WC specified in operation. Demand still remains as it was on original wc
Proposed version
Capacity supply
- Workcentres
- Calendars
Resource demand
- Scheduler logic