1. Bob Manekshaw
  2. Bob Manekshaw
  3. Pressure
    1. Measurement
      1. Bar
      2. Newtons
    2. Force
      1. Direction
      2. Magnitude
    3. Pushes the water molecules
      1. Gravity
      2. Pump
  4. Voltage
    1. Pushes the charge carriers
      1. Battery
      2. Power Supply
    2. Force
      1. +ve or -ve
      2. Magnitude
    3. Measurement
      1. Volts
      2. mV
      3. kV
      4. MV
  5. Flow
    1. Measurement
      1. Litres per hour
      2. L/s
    2. Cycle
      1. Continuous path
      2. High pressure to low pressure
      3. Pipework
    3. Speed
      1. Water Molecules
      2. per second
  6. Current
    1. Speed
      1. Charge Carriers
      2. Electrons
    2. Circuit
      1. Continuous Path
      2. High Voltage to Low Voltage
      3. Wires
    3. Measurement
      1. Electrons/second
      2. Amps
      3. mA
      4. uA
  7. Restriction
    1. Restricts flow of water
      1. narrow Pipe
      2. Lock Gate
      3. Weir
    2. Resists
      1. Pressure of Water
      2. Opposing Force
    3. Proportional to
      1. Cross sectional Area
      2. Length of restriction
  8. Resistance
    1. Restricts Flow of Charge Carriers
      1. Resistors
      2. Transistors
    2. Resists
      1. Voltage
      2. Opposing Force
    3. Measurement
      1. Ohms
      2. Kilo Ohms
      3. Mega Ohms
  9. Making Water Work
    1. Machines
      1. Water Wheel
      2. Turbine
    2. Work?
      1. Force
      2. Discplacement
      3. work=force x distance
    3. Power?
      1. Rate at which work is done
      2. Work Done / time
      3. Quicker work done
        1. More Power
        2. Same Energy
  10. Rules
    1. Ohms Law
      1. V=IR
    2. Kirchhoff
      1. Voltage Law
        1. Loop
        2. Add Voltages
        3. Sum must be 0
      2. Current Law
        1. Node
        2. Current in
        3. Current Out
        4. Must be equal
    3. Power
      1. P=VI
      2. Watts
  11. Analogy
    1. Water = Electrons
    2. Pressure = Voltage
    3. Flow = Current
    4. Restriction = Resistance
    5. Rate Work Done = Power