1. Double Click blank place to create floating topic
  2. Press these keys while moving one topic
  3. How to Map?
    1. Press
      1. To create Topic at the same level
      2. To create Subtopic
    2. Input
      1. Double click / Press "Space" key
    3. Enrich
      1. Drag your document/pic directly to this topic
    4. Structure
      1. 12 different kinds of structures to choose
        1. @ Properties View
    5. Beautify
      1. @ Properties View
        1. Wallpaper
        2. Font
        3. Shape
        4. Color
        5. Line
    6. Try these two keys while selecting a topic
  4. Useful Shortcut
    1. Shift
      1. Keep it as a floating topic
    2. Command
      1. Move Main Topic to the place you want
      2. valid while the structure is "Map"
    3. Option
      1. Duplicate
    4. Try "/" & "*"
      1. Extend all / Collapse all
  5. Basic Toolbox
    1. Summary
      1. a brief description and is used to highlight the major points
      2. help quickly grasp the purpose of the map topics
      3. Summary
        1. Subtopic 1
        2. Subtopic 2
    2. Relationship
      1. customized line between two topics or boundaries
      2. to show they have relationships to each other
    3. Boundary
      1. to emphasize some content
      2. double click the boundary to add direct word description
    4. Label
      1. used for simple annotation and categorization
    5. Drill Down
      1. Press this little green icon
        1. Make you can Focus on only one topic
        2. Enable viewers to see the topic's details without being distracted by the rest of the map
        3. When you drill down, the focused branch will be displayed as the central branch on the map.
    6. Marker
      1. Spice up your maps
        1. Priority
        2. Smiley
        3. Task Complete
        4. Stars
        5. …………
    7. You can easily find the icons on the tool bar
  6. Import/Export
    1. Export
      1. Microsoft Office
        1. MS Word
        2. MS Excel
        3. MS PPT
        4. MS Project
      2. Open Office
        1. OpenDocument Text
        2. OpenDocument Presentation
        3. OpenDocument Spreadsheet
      3. Document
        1. PDF
        2. RTF
        3. TEXT
      4. Image
        1. Image
        2. PDF Map
        3. SVG
      5. CSV
      6. Other Mind Map Fromat
        1. Freemind
        2. Mindjet MindManager
        3. XMind 2008 Workbook
    2. Import
      1. Freemind
      2. Mindjet MindManager
      3. Word files exported by XMind
  7. Little but powerful Feature
    1. Multi Branch Colors
      1. Click blank place on the map
      2. Select "Multi Branch Colors" in the properties view
    2. Gradient Color
    3. Alignment
      1. Select the topics you want to align
      2. Choose from menu "Modify → Alignment/Sort"
    4. Map Shot
      1. Press "F7" to start
  8. Upgrade to XMind Pro to enjoy all features
    1. Brainstorming
    2. Presentation
    3. Gantt Chart
    4. Task info
    5. Index View
    6. Advanced Filter
    7. Custom styles
    8. Custom themes
    9. Local Network Sharing
    10. What's More?