1. Counselling
    1. ARC
    2. LGBT
      1. Support U (LGBT)
        1. R-Trans group (Reading)
    3. Bereavement
      1. Cruse
      2. Woodley Lighthouse (Reading)
    4. Miscarriage/Baby Loss
      1. Reading Lifeline
      2. The Willows Support group (Reading)
    5. Young people
      1. No. 5 (10-25)
      2. Time to Talk (14-21)
      3. Woodley Lighthouse (Reading)
    6. BME
      1. Mothertongue
    7. Relationships
      1. Relate
      2. Woodley Lighthouse (Reading)
      3. Newbury Aquila
      4. Psychosexual counselling - GP referrals only
    8. Parenting
      1. Newbury Family Counselling
    9. The Philippi Trust
  2. Social
    1. SPICE
    2. Meet ups
    3. Loneliness support
    4. Volunteering
    5. Reading Your Way
    6. Friends in Need (Depression Alliance)
      1. West Berks contact
    7. Befriending
    8. Depression Xpression (Reading support group)
    9. The Rising Sun Arts Centre (Reading)
    10. Exercise
      1. Sports in Mind
      2. Walking for health
  3. Drug & Alcohol Support
    1. Reading CJIT
    2. SMART drug & alcohol service (Wokingham)
    3. Hello Sunday Morning
    4. IRiS (Reading)
      1. Referral form
    5. NHS Choices - Drug addiction: getting help
    6. Families/friends
      1. Al-Anon (for families and friends of alcoholics)
      2. DrugFAM
    7. Swanswell Drug & Alcohol Recovery Service (Newbury)
  4. BME
    1. Mothertongue
    2. Mothertongue knitting group (Reading)
    3. Translated materials
  5. Older adults
    1. Age UK
      1. Befriending
      2. Men in Sheds (supporting older men)
    2. Firtree Retirement Group (Reading)
    3. University of the Third Age
    4. The Silver Line (free confidential helpline)
    5. Woodley Lighthouse adult groups (Reading)
    6. Engage befriending (Reading)
      1. Referral Form
      2. Referral leaflet
  6. Parents/Carers
    1. Carers UK
    2. Berkshire Carers
    3. Dementia UK
    4. Berkshire Autistic Society
      1. Upcoming events
      2. Support group meetings for parents/carers (Reading & Bracknell)
    5. Counselling
      1. Newbury Family Counselling
    6. Relative support
    7. Newbury & District Cancer Care Trust
    8. MIND - how to cope as a carer
    9. Parent helpline (Young Minds)
    10. Support groups
      1. Rethink
        1. Friends & Family Empowerment group (Henley)
    11. Rethink
      1. Siblings Network
      2. Information for parents
      3. Caring for Yourself
    12. Young carers
      1. Support for young carers (Rethink)
  7. Abuse
    1. Domestic Abuse
      1. Berkshire Women's Aid
      2. Reducing the risk
      3. Support U (LGBT)
      4. Mankind Initiative
      5. Male Survivors Berkshire
      6. Perpetrators
        1. Respect phoneline (for male DV perpertrators)
    2. Rape/Sexual abuse
      1. Trust House (Reading)
        1. Trust House
      2. Rape Crisis
    3. Sexual exploitation
      1. The Rahab Project (Reading)
  8. Employment
    1. ACAS
    2. Earley Crescent
    3. National Career Service
    4. Shaw Trust
  9. Housing
    1. Shelter
    2. Transform (Wokingham)
      1. Drop-in at Earley Crescent Centre
      2. Drop-in at Ambleside Centre
      3. Drop-in at Anvil Court
    3. Launchpad (Reading)
  10. Anger
    1. Get self-help
    2. Mood Juice
    3. Everyman Project
    4. Private counselling
    5. British Association of Anger Management
    6. Mental Health Foundation - Cool Down
    7. Online Anger Management courses
  11. Family/parent support
    1. Adoption Support
    2. Single Parent friendship group (Hungerford)
    3. Parenting Special Children
    4. Meet-a-mum-association
    5. Family Lives (Parentline Plus)
    6. The Dad Network
    7. PACT
    8. Red Kite Children's Centre (Wokingham)
    9. Parentline
    10. Counselling
      1. Newbury Family Counselling
    11. West Berkshire Mums
    12. Children's Centres
      1. Reading Children's Centres
      2. Hungerford Children's Centre
        1. BOOST self-esteem course for mums
        2. Preparing for helping in school course
      3. Starlings Children Centre PND group (Twyford)
      4. Sure Start Children's Centres
      5. Home Start
        1. Edinburgh PND Scale
  12. LGBT
    1. Be You
    2. Safe Network
    3. Stonewall
    4. Support U
  13. LTC
    1. MS Society
    2. Cancer
      1. Maggie's Centres (online/Oxford/London)
      2. Macmillan
        1. Macmillan cancer support.pdf
    3. CFS service (Erleigh Road - Dr Rachael Brastock)
      1. GP screening form
      2. Referral form
      3. Referral criteria
    4. Pain Management Clinic (Erleigh Road)
    5. Activities for adults with LTC
    6. Fibromyalgia
      1. Support groups
        1. Meetup group (Reading)
        2. UK Fibromyalgia (Reading/Wokingham)
        3. FMA UK
    7. Physical disabilites
      1. ENRYNCH Berkshire
      2. Sportsable (disability sport)
  14. Learning Disabilities
    1. Parenting Special Children
    2. Breakthrough Supported Employment
    3. Easy read guide about looking after your mental health
  15. Self-harming
    1. Self-help guide
    2. Distractions
    3. Self-injury leaflets
    4. National self-harm network
    5. Self-injury guidance and support
  16. Pregnancy/baby loss
    1. Miscarriage Association
    2. Reading Lifeline
  17. Refugees
    1. Refugee Council
    2. Reading Refugee Support Group
  18. Mindfulness
    1. Be Mindful
    2. Mental Health Foundation
    3. Audio clips
    4. Headspace
    5. The Mindful way through Anxiety
  19. Autism
    1. Berkshire Autistic Society
      1. Upcoming events
      2. Support group meetings for parents/carers (Reading)
      3. 197 Club (Reading) - social activities for adults with ASD
    2. Autism Spectrum Quotient
    3. National Autistic Society
      1. Social care and support services
      2. Social support groups
    4. CATSYPP Reading
  20. Diabetes
    1. X-Pert
    2. Diabetes care in West Berks
    3. People who: live with diabetes
  21. Financial/debt advice
    1. CAB
    2. Money Advice Service
    3. Money Saving Expert
      1. Budgeting
    4. StepChange Debt Advice
    5. Money Help - Woodley Lighthouse (Reading)
  22. Weight/eating difficulties
    1. B-eat (Emotional overeating online support groups)
    2. CCI Disordered Eating
    3. Live Well NHS Choices
    4. Eat 4 Health
  23. Self-help
    1. Self-help resources
      1. Northumberland leaflets
      2. Cedar workbooks
      3. CCI
      4. Mood Juice
      5. Get self-help
      6. Living life to the full
      7. 7 cups of tea self-help guides
      8. 'Overcoming' series
    2. Listening services
      1. Support Line
      2. Life Coaching (Reading)
    3. Online communities
      1. Anxiety United - Mental Health Network
      2. Big White Wall
      3. SANE - the black dog tribe
      4. 7 cups of tea
    4. Mental health apps
      1. Moodscope (free mood monitor app)
      2. Companion Apps (for stress & anxiety)
      3. Black Rainbow app
    5. Mental health charities
      1. SANE
      2. Rethink
        1. Wokingham community support
        2. Mental health information line
        3. Caring for Yourself
        4. Factsheets
  24. Dementia/Alzheimer's
    1. Dementia UK
    2. Alzheimer's Society
      1. Singing for the brain
    3. Dementia Friends
    4. People who: live with Alzheimer's
  25. Medication
    1. Medication Information Helpline (BHFT patients based at PPH)
  26. Veterans
    1. Big White Wall
  27. Young people
    1. Counselling
      1. No. 5 (10-25)
      2. Time to Talk (14-21)
      3. Woodley Lighthouse (Reading)
    2. Brook - Sexual Health Charity for under 25s
    3. Starting Point Reading
    4. Papyrus - prevention of young suicide
    5. YouthNet
    6. FRANK - friendly, confidential drugs advice
    7. The Site - 'your guide to the real world'
    8. Mentor - protecting children from drugs and alcohol
    9. Online communities
      1. Young SANE
    10. Medication support
      1. Head Meds (Young Minds)
    11. YoungMinds
  28. Bereavement
    1. Bereavement by suicide (sobs)
    2. Cruse
    3. Widowed and Young
    4. WAY-UP
    5. Miscarriage/Baby Loss
      1. Reading Lifeline
      2. The Willows Support group (Reading)
  29. Criminal offenders
    1. Reading Divert Criminal Justice Liaison Team
  30. Personality Disorders
    1. Emergence
    2. BPD World
  31. Personal stories
    1. Depression Xpression (blog about anxiety/depression/PTSD/panic)
    2. The black dog (depression)
    3. Animated Minds (short animated documentaries)
    4. Recovery Letters (Depression)
      1. Podcast from founder
    5. Ball of nerves (helping to explain anxiety for adults/children)
    6. The Colour Thief
  32. Gambling support
    1. NHS Choices - Gambling addiction
    2. GamCare
      1. National Gambling Helpline
    3. Gamble Aware
    4. Gamblers Anonymous
    5. Rethink Gambling
  33. Suicidal ideation
    1. MIND - Supporting someone who feels suicidal
    2. Bereavement by suicide (sobs)
    3. Papyrus - prevention of young suicide
  34. Relationship difficulties
    1. Divorce Recovery Workshop (Reading)
    2. Counselling
      1. Relate
      2. Woodley Lighthouse (Reading)
      3. Newbury Aquila
      4. Psychosexual counselling - GP referrals only
  35. Bipolar
    1. Bipolar UK
      1. Support groups
      2. Online community
      3. Information
    2. People who: live with bipolar disorder
  36. PNDA
    1. PANDAS
    2. Trauma
      1. Birth Trauma Association
    3. TAMBA (Twins & Multiple Birth Association)
      1. Twinline (free helpline)
      2. Translation services
      3. Breastfeeding peer support
      4. Courses (Practical preparing, antenatal, second timers, breastfeeding)
      5. Support groups (triplets, bereavement, single parent families, special needs)