1. Reference
    1. What
      1. Getting Things Done
      2. Tips/Lifehacks
      3. Web Clips
      4. Project Support
      5. Culinary
        1. Recipes
        2. Methods
        3. Menus
        4. Certification
      6. Travel Plans
        1. Directions
        2. Flight Info
        3. Area attractions
        4. Travel Tips
        5. Carry Travel category on PDA when traveling
        6. Restaurant research
      7. Entertainment
        1. Books
          1. To Read
        2. Movies
          1. To See
        3. Music
          1. To Get
        4. Computer Games
          1. To Get
      8. Professional
        1. Phone log
        2. Policy archive
        3. Record of student interaction
        4. Documentation
      9. Training from Marc
        1. Grail
        2. Productivity
        3. Mind Mapping
      10. Someday Items
    2. Why
      1. Searchable
      2. Printable
        1. PDF
          1. via (free) CutePDF Writer, or other software
      3. eMail-able
      4. One place for all my notes
      5. HTML output
      6. To recall to memory
      7. For reference
      8. Portable
  2. How I Use EverNote
    1. Three Databases
      1. Personal
        1. on USB
      2. Professional
        1. On office hard drive
      3. Culinary (eGCI)
        1. on USB
    2. Categories
    3. Category Intersection Panel
    4. Automatic Keyword Categories
    5. Auto Image Recognition
    6. Searches
      1. EverNote search engine
      2. Google Desktop Search
  3. Trusted System for all my stuff
    1. Encryption
    2. USB -- always with me
    3. Audio 1
  4. Software Inventory
    1. Serial numbers
    2. Registration codes
    3. Links to support websites/forums