1. God's Plan
    1. Key Definitions
    2. The Biblical Teaching
    3. The Nature of the Divine Plan
      1. The Terminology
      2. The Old Testament Teaching
      3. The New Testament Teaching
    4. Logical Priority: God's Plan or Human Action?
    5. A Moderately Calvinistic Model
    6. Various Understandings of History
  2. God's Originating Work: Creation
    1. Reasons for Studying the Doctrine of Creation
    2. Elements of the Biblical Teaching on Creation
      1. Creation out of Nothing
      2. Its All-inclusive Nature
      3. Rejection of Dualism
      4. The Work of the Triune God
      5. Its Purpose: God's Glory
    3. God's Later Creative Work
    4. The Theological Meaning of the Doctrine
    5. The Creation Doctrine and its Relation to Science
      1. The Age of Creation
      2. Development Within the Creation
    6. The Uniqueness of God's Creative Work
    7. Implications of the Doctrine of Creation
  3. God's Continuing Work: Providence
    1. Providence as Preservation
    2. Providence as Government
      1. The Extent of God's Governing Activity
      2. The Relationship Between God's Governing Activity and Sin
      3. The Major Features of God's Governing Activity
    3. Providence and Prayer
    4. Providence and Miracles
  4. Evil and God's World: A Special Problem
    1. The Nature of the Problem
    2. Types of Solutions
      1. Finitism: Rejection of Omnipotence
      2. Modification of the Concept of God's Goodness
      3. Denial of Evil
    3. Themes for Dealing with the Problem of Evil
      1. Evil as a Necessary Accompaniment of the Creation of Man
      2. A Reevaluation of What Constitutes Good and Evil
      3. Evil in General as the Result of Sin in General
      4. Specific Evil as the Result of Specific Sins
      5. God as the Victim of Evil
      6. The Life Hearafter
  5. God's Special Agents: Angels
    1. History of the Doctrine
    2. Good Angels
      1. Terminology
      2. Their Origin, Nature, and Status
      3. Their Appearance
      4. Their Capacities and Powers
      5. Organization
      6. Difficult Terms
      7. Their Activities
    3. Evil Angels
      1. The Status of Demonology Today
      2. The Origin of Demons
      3. The Chief of the Demons
      4. Activities of Demons
      5. Demon Possession
      6. The Destiny of Satan and the Demons
    4. The Role of the Doctrine of Angels