God's Plan
- Key Definitions
- The Biblical Teaching
The Nature of the Divine Plan
- The Terminology
- The Old Testament Teaching
- The New Testament Teaching
- Logical Priority: God's Plan or Human Action?
- A Moderately Calvinistic Model
- Various Understandings of History
God's Originating Work: Creation
- Reasons for Studying the Doctrine of Creation
Elements of the Biblical Teaching on Creation
- Creation out of Nothing
- Its All-inclusive Nature
- Rejection of Dualism
- The Work of the Triune God
- Its Purpose: God's Glory
- God's Later Creative Work
- The Theological Meaning of the Doctrine
The Creation Doctrine and its Relation to Science
- The Age of Creation
- Development Within the Creation
- The Uniqueness of God's Creative Work
- Implications of the Doctrine of Creation
God's Continuing Work: Providence
- Providence as Preservation
Providence as Government
- The Extent of God's Governing Activity
- The Relationship Between God's Governing Activity and Sin
- The Major Features of God's Governing Activity
- Providence and Prayer
- Providence and Miracles
Evil and God's World: A Special Problem
- The Nature of the Problem
Types of Solutions
- Finitism: Rejection of Omnipotence
- Modification of the Concept of God's Goodness
- Denial of Evil
Themes for Dealing with the Problem of Evil
- Evil as a Necessary Accompaniment of the Creation of Man
- A Reevaluation of What Constitutes Good and Evil
- Evil in General as the Result of Sin in General
- Specific Evil as the Result of Specific Sins
- God as the Victim of Evil
- The Life Hearafter
God's Special Agents: Angels
- History of the Doctrine
Good Angels
- Terminology
- Their Origin, Nature, and Status
- Their Appearance
- Their Capacities and Powers
- Organization
- Difficult Terms
- Their Activities
Evil Angels
- The Status of Demonology Today
- The Origin of Demons
- The Chief of the Demons
- Activities of Demons
- Demon Possession
- The Destiny of Satan and the Demons
- The Role of the Doctrine of Angels