1. http://www.readingrockets.org/article/352/
  2. multifaceted process
    1. word recognition
      1. phonemic awareness
        1. How to break apart and manipulate the sounds in words
          1. feet has three sounds: /f/, /e/, and /t/
      2. alphabetic principle
        1. Certain letters are used to represent certain sounds
          1. s and h make the /sh/ sound
      3. decoding
        1. How to apply their knowledge of letter-sound relationships to sound out words that are new to them
      4. word study
        1. How to analyze words and spelling patterns in order to become more efficient at reading words
          1. Bookworm has two words I know: book and worm.
      5. sight vocabulary
        1. To expand the number of words they can identify automatically
    2. comprehension
      1. Background knowledge
        1. about many topics
      2. oral and print vocabularies
      3. how the English language works
      4. how print works
      5. various kinds of texts
      6. Various purposes for reading
      7. Strategies for constructing meaning
    3. fluency
      1. accuracy
        1. word recognition
      2. rate of reading
      3. phrasing and expression
      4. automatic skills
    4. motivation
      1. to read
        1. pleasures
        2. social act
        3. explore interests
        4. purposes
        5. forms and genres
  3. making meaning from print
    1. Identify the words in print
      1. word recognition
    2. Construct an understanding from them
      1. comprehension
    3. Coordinate identifying words and making
      1. fluency