1. SLA
    1. All students go to FI & to learn about curating
  2. Loren Brichter (iPhone app boulder) (2)
    1. Smart is specialization. It's what you are passionate about
    2. That teacher is a mentor than a teacher.
  3. Prof. Martha Farah (director of neuroscience center) (5)
    1. Is there a single kind of smart?
      1. Refers to Howard Gardner
      2. What os smart is a semantic issues.
  4. Happy Fernandez (art person) (4)
    1. She, at heart, is an educator.
      1. Was taught that smart was measured academically.
      2. It's a variety of talents
        1. Artistically smart
          1. How to see things that perhaps others don't see
        2. Atheletically smart
          1. We value this (in what they're paid)
        3. Clinical smarts
          1. Measurable smarts
      3. The ability to be a part of a team
  5. Prof. Eddie Glaude (academic) (3)
    1. What kind of smart are we taping about? What is the context?
      1. She's really smart, street smart, smart at some thing.
    2. Follows Dewey
      1. It's about inquirey
      2. It's the way that we orient our selbes with the worldoo
      3. Critical inteligence
        1. This is wrong
        2. This is right
        3. This is elegant
  6. David Shenk (author) (1)
    1. It's not inate IQism.
    2. Today we know that genes interact with the environment
      1. Genes express themselves through the interactions
    3. Intelligence is a process.
  7. Me
    1. Adaptability
    2. Wisedom
    3. Habitually applies what the learn (context)
    4. Means being able to learn, adapt, wisely, and to habitually apply what you learn (context)
  8. Discussion questions
    1. 4) genetically advantaged people are better at drawing in mor leafing resources.
    2. 3) all of us have the capacity to act intelligently when making choices.
      1. We see that everywhere, in school and on the streets.
        1. Dewy talks about democratic intelligent.
    3. 5) are we being too theoretical / 3 rejects that
    4. 2) is it a bad thing to let kids excel in what they are good at. 4) says 'no'
    5. 4) it seems that students should learn through their personal intellegence.
    6. 5) students are too often taught that they are not smart. Stop the negative reinforcement.
    7. 1) research shows that open approach to smarts prompts smart
    8. 5) technology - itals a tool, not the goal.
    9. 3) students now take notes, but they're actuall on facebook
      1. It's good
      2. It's bad
    10. 2) tech is not the point. It's what you are using it to do.
    11. 1) what do we want to do and what's the tool.
    12. 4) says that tech has changed smarts! Memory & basic arithmetic are less important.
    13. 3) give an example of network smart with 13 year old who set up Haiti page on FB
    14. 3) we're teaching to the test or to grades or teaching to a consumers
    15. 1) smart is contextual - survival befor language.
    16. What's the difference between smart & success (educators should carefully define success in my class)
    17. 3) says the formal education seems to make it it's job to squeeze the creative juices out of Learner.
      1. 4) smart is a function of the brain - but is not to the exclusion of environment.
        1. Refers to research that says that even in rats intelligence come from their rearing.
    18. Brilliance can be found or exposed anywhere.