1. Author
    1. Melinda French Gates
      1. Aspiration
        1. Mother
        2. Child
    2. Foundation
      1. Bill
      2. Miranda
      3. Help
        1. Third World
        2. Health
        3. Vaccines
    3. Wife
      1. Bill Gates
    4. US
    5. Travel
      1. Poverty
  2. Topic
    1. Global
      1. Corporation
      2. Everywhere
      3. 1.5 billion
    2. Realtime
      1. Data
      2. Measure
      3. Information
    3. Aspiration
      1. Happines
        1. Localize
        2. Family
        3. Freedom
        4. Respect
      2. Unity
    4. Marketing
      1. Entrepreneurs
        1. Local
        2. Training
      2. Great
      3. Music
        1. Hit
        2. Football
  3. Non profits
    1. Problems
      1. Data
        1. Usage
        2. Not real time
      2. No
        1. Local
          1. Entrepreneurs
      3. Marketing
        1. Avoid
        2. Example
          1. Toilet
    2. Solution
      1. Train
        1. Locals
        2. Community
      2. Inovative
        1. Sex
          1. Toilet
          2. Circumside
      3. Local
    3. Results
      1. Ilness
        1. Polio
        2. Cured
          1. 98%
  4. .............
    1. Problematic
      1. Dissapointed
    2. Coke
      1. Devastated
        1. Locals
    3. Coke has succeeded in ways we haven't, Why?
    4. much to be learned from Coke
    5. Trolling
      1. Coke
        1. Bad
        2. Slaves
        3. Health
      2. Examples
        1. Bad