1. DEF
    1. uses
      1. RF radio frequency
        1. 802.11
    2. allows transmission of data OTA
    3. requires
      1. a compliant NIC card
    4. Pros
      1. easy _> set up & configure
      2. Flexible
      3. Cost effective
      4. easy to expand network => Increase productivity
    5. RANGE
      1. constraints
        1. concrete
        2. walls
    1. Wireless Adapter
      1. like NIC card
    2. Bridges
      1. point-to-point wireless connection
      2. among multiple LANs
    3. Switches
      1. Ethernet switches
      2. provide power over Ethernet for Access Points if APs have no power cables
    4. Wireless Concentrators
      1. provide security between connected laptops
      2. central management to APs
      3. support for SSL, Roaming etc
  3. WLAN configuration
    1. AD-HOC
      1. peer to peer
        1. no AP required
      2. require
        1. number of computers, with wireless adapters
      3. features
        1. each computer connect with MESH TOPOLOGY
        2. can share
          1. data
          2. printer
          3. ...
    2. HOTSPOT
      1. a computer / mobile
        1. provide WLAN service for clients to access
      2. must be 'Wi-Fi certified'
    3. Point-to-Point
      1. Point-to-Multipoint
    4. Ethernet to Wireless Bridge
  4. Access Points
    1. look
      1. Hardware access points
      2. Software access points
    2. functions
      1. hub
      2. can access LAN resourecs
    3. eg:
      1. internal wireless AP
    1. DEF
      1. the ability to swap from 1 AP -> another AP
  6. Security
    1. Risks
      1. Insertion attacks
        1. unauthorise device
      2. Installation risk/Misconfguration
        1. configured by default
      3. Jamming
        1. illegitimate traffic overwhelming the frequencies
      4. Client to client attacks
      5. Hardware theft
        1. stolen laptop contains SSID
      6. Passive monitoring
        1. monitored data transmission
          1. eg
          2. the addresses of APs and wireless clients, time etc.
      7. Denial of Service
        1. unauthorized user flood the network with transmission
        2. deny other access to the AP
    2. Minimise risks
      1. Disable 'wireless base station broadcasting'
      2. VPN encryption
      3. Watch for
        1. unauthorised installed wireless APs
      1. security policy
      2. company wireless security olicy
    1. 802.11
      1. 2.4 GHz
      2. 1 or 2 Mbps
    2. 802.11a
      1. 54 Mbps
      2. 5 GHz
    3. 802.11b
      1. 2.4GHz
      2. 11 Mbps
    4. 802.11d
      1. 2.4 GHz 5 GHz
      2. Subtopic 2
    5. 802.11g
      1. 2.4 GHz
      2. 55 Mbps
    6. 802.11 IR
      1. 1 or 2 Mbps
    7. 802.11n
      1. 2ghz and/or 5ghz