1. Relationship to Nature
    1. Ace of Spades: Belonging to Nature
    2. King of Spades: Ethical Globalization
    3. 3 of Spades: The Consumerist
    4. 2 of Spades: Anthropocentrism
  2. Relationship to Community and Society
    1. Ace of Clubs: Ethical Orientation
    2. King of Clubs: Global Citizen
    3. 3 of Clubs: Elitism
    4. 2 of Clubs: Authoritarianism
  3. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Relationships
    1. Ace of Hearts: Focused Vision
    2. King of Hearts: Golden Rule, Mutual Help Ethic
    3. 3 of Hearts: Bitterness & Vengeance
    4. 2 of Hearts: The Threatening Person
  4. Understandings about Knowledge
    1. Ace of Diamonds: Free Will
    2. King of Diamonds: Humbly Unsure
    3. 3 of Diamonds: Monotheism
    4. 2 of Diamonds: Religious Fundamentalism