1. 1. More reader friendly
    2. 2. Better for sharing on mobile
    3. 4. Better for social media sharing
    4. 3. Easy to print and save
  1. WHY?
  2. Vertical Mind Map
  3. Create Blank Boundary 1. For any topics + sub-topics 2. Select both and click ⌘+⇧+B 3. Delete both structure 4. Adjust boundary width 5. Press Shift+Enter adjust height
  4. Tip 8
  5. S
  6. P
  7. I
  8. T
  9. Font Reccomendation 1. Lobster Two 2. Marker Felt 3. Omotion Classi
  10. Tip 2
  11. Tip 7
  12. Free Decals Vector Download 1. Vecteezy 2. Freepik 3. Freevector
  13. Quickly draw relationship 1. Select the topic 2. Shortcut ⌘+⇧+R 3. Connect with another floating topic
  14. Tip 3
  15. Tip 4
  16. Drag images freely 1. Place your mouse over the image 2. Outermost blue checkbox appears 3. Click and drag
  17. Tip 6
  18. Floating Topic Align: 1. Select all the floating topics 2. Right click & select align floating topic 3. Choose the preferred alignment
  19. Tip 5
  20. Quickly Copy Topic: 1. Select the topic 2. Shortcut ⌘+D
  21. Select following in Advanced Layout: 1. Branch Free-Positioning 2. Flexible Floating Topic 3. Topic Overlap
  22. Tip 1
  23. Shortcut Keys
    1. ⌘+N
      1. Create New Map
    2. Tab
      1. Sub-topics
    3. Enter
      1. Topics(After)
    4. Shift+Enter
      1. Topics(Before)
    5. ⌘+ ⇧+R
      1. Connections
    6. ⌘+⇧+B
      1. Insert Boundary
    7. ⌘+⇧+N
      1. Insert Notes
    8. ⌘+⇧+L
      1. Insert Labels
    9. ⌘+K
      1. Insert Web Links
    10. ⌘+⌥+N
      1. Create New Sheet
    11. ⌘+=
      1. Zoom Out
    12. ⌘+-
      1. Zoom In
    13. ⌘+D
      1. Copy & Paste Topic
    14. ⌘+⌥+C
      1. Copy Topic Structure
    15. ⌘+⌥+V
      1. Paste Topic Structure
    16. Shift+Enter
      1. Line Break within Topic
    17. ⌘+⇧+P
      1. Map Shot
    18. ⌘+T
      1. Create New Tab
  24. Designed By Productivify